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The Million-Dollar Marriage

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Because of the outside lights? Because he didn’t want to?

She felt like she had been kissed. So alive, tingling as in after a night of passionate lovemaking.

Was it because he had asked when he could see her again? Hell, every man she ever dated asked that. Why was Tony Costello different? Why had she wanted to shout... “Tomorrow, the next day, and the next. Anytime! Anywhere!” She wanted to pin down a time. She had told him not to call the house because she wasn’t sure what kind of signal Mrs. Cook would give off. She had thought of confiding in her. The housekeeper went a long way back and had always been warm and friendly toward her, but she was also loyal to Dad. During the Dirk episode, Mel had never known which side she was on. Best not to confide.

Confide? Good Lord, this wasn’t a conspiracy or anything like that! She was going to tell Tony all about herself, wasn’t she?



How soon?

When we get to know each other...well, better. When it won’t matter.

It matters now?

To me, it does. Because Tony likes me. Me. Not who I am. At least he doesn’t know who I am, and I think he likes me.

Anyway, I like him. So much that I can’t stand to see him leave without knowing when I’ll see him again.

So it was she who had said, “What are you doing tomorrow evening?” Then wanted to bite her tongue because he looked so surprised. She was surprised herself. Usually it was her escort, not she, who was eager.

“I have school,” he said. “I missed tonight. Can’t afford to miss too much. What about Sunday?”

“Good,” she said, disappointed. Four days away. “We can go on a picnic. I’ll fix us a lunch.”

He looked embarrassed. “I meant Sunday night. You see, Sunday is my only day off and the only time I get to work at the farm.”

“You weren’t kidding, were you?”


“You really don’t have time to date.”

“Not until you,” he said with such emphasis that her breath caught. He did like her! “Sunday night? We could take in a movie or go dancing. Whatever you like.”

“You said you work at the farm,” she said, absorbed in his eyes. They seemed to promise...something. “Why...I mean, what do you do out there all day?”

“Lots of things. And...well, right now I’ve got a few lilies ready for the Easter market. Got to fix them for delivery on Monday.”

“Need some help?”

“Now you’re kidding.”

“No, I’m not. I could help you plant or hand you things...whatever.” Anything. Just so she could be with him. “Anyway, I want to see your grandma’s rock garden.”

He was silent for a moment and she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. She breathed a sigh of relief when he finally said, “You don’t know what you’re in for. But...okay, it’s a deal!”

And now she was so excited she couldn’t sleep. She got out of bed, walked to the window and looked out at the night. How could she wait till Sunday?

And she’d have to confide in Cook. No way could she explain being picked up in a truck early Sunday morning.

“Damn it! You got the car, didn’t you! You said you’d turn the soil and...”

Tony held the phone away from his ear, but Pedro’s tirade came through loud and clear. “I didn’t say this weekend.”

“You said when I was ready. I’m ready.”

“Ah, come on, Pedro. I got a date...sorta.”

“What do you mean...sorta?”

“Another date, Tony?” Rosalie broke in.

“Oh, hi, Rosie. Didn’t know you were on the line.”

“Hi. Just picked up to call Mom and heard you and Pedro squabbling. Gee, Tony, you had a date the other night. Again today? That’s good. You haven’t had a date in months. Same girl or—”

“Will you get off the phone, Rosie! This jerk’s trying to wiggle out. You heard him! He said—”

“Okay, okay! Tomorrow. Early.” Tony slammed down the phone. Wouldn’t take more than half an hour to do Pedro’s little plot, but he was already going to lose three hours at the farm. Couldn’t expect Mel to get up at the crack of dawn, could he? Mel...beside him all day. Hell and damnation, he’d lose more than three hours. He grimaced, but could not shake thrill of anticipation. Neither could he shake the feeling that she didn’t belong in a truck.

She was dressed for it when he stopped for her the next morning. Even if those jeans did look as if she had been poured into them. Her loafers were scuffed, the yellow pullover faded, and that gorgeous hair was tied back with a yellow scarf. Suddenly the sun was brighter, the air more refreshing, the day crisp and rich with promise.

He laughed as he lifted her into the truck. “You’re worth three hours,” he said. Just the sight of her was worth a whole darn day.

“What are you talking about? I’m ready, at eight, just like you said, aren’t I?”

“Right. Don’t mind me. I’m mad because Pedro’s cutting into my prime time, and I’m taking it out on you.”

“Pedro? The owner of the Mustang?”

“Who’s demanding payment pronto!”

“Oh, yes. The...er...landscaping. I take it his yard is bigger than your other brother’s. What’s his name?”

“Frank. Yeah, Pedro bought one of those old houses in Richmond. East End.”

An alarm bell sounded. Mel gasped. Wasn’t that the section where Jake’s wife’s company was doing a lot of business? If she ran into Judy...

Oh, for goodness’ sake, Judy might be a dedicated architect/contractor, but was surely at home now, very much occupied with their two-week-old son. Oh, hell, Judy wouldn’t be hobnobbing with the residents, would she? Not even anywhere in the area on a Sunday, and...

And I’m getting paranoid. This is ridiculous. I should just tell Tony who I am.

“Used to be a pretty bad section.” Tony, who seemed not to notice her reaction, was still talking. “They’re upgrading it now, and Pedro got a real bargain. Not bad. Big yard, trees.”

“That’s good.”
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