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She whom thou lov’st perchance, as I love thee,—
She unto whom thy thoughts and wishes flee;
Those thoughts, in which, alas! I bear no part.
Oh, I have sat and sighed, thinking how fair,
How passing beautiful, thy love must be;
Of mind how high, of modesty how rare;
And then I’ve wept, I’ve wept in agony!
Oh, that I might but once behold those eyes,
That to thy enamour’d gaze alone seem fair;
Once hear that voice, whose music still replies
To the fond vows thy passionate accents swear:
Oh, that I might but know the truth and die,
Nor live in this long dream of misery!


By the pure spring, whose haunted waters flow
Through thy sequester’d dell unto the sea,
At sunny noon, I will appear to thee:
Not troubling the still fount with drops of woe,
As when I last took leave of it and thee,
But gazing up at thee with tranquil brow,
And eyes full of life’s early happiness,
Of strength, of hope, of joy, and tenderness.
Beneath the shadowy tree, where thou and I
Were wont to sit, studying the harmony
Of gentle Shakspeare, and of Milton high,
At sunny noon I will be heard by thee;
Not sobbing forth each oft-repeated sound,
As when I last faultered them o’er to thee,
But uttering them in the air around,
With youth’s clear laughing voice of melody.
On the wild shore of the eternal deep,
Where we have stray’d so oft, and stood so long
Watching the mighty waters conquering sweep,
And listening to their loud triumphant song,
At sunny noon, dearest! I’ll be with thee:
Not as when last I linger’d on the strand,
Tracing our names on the inconstant sand;
But in each bright thing that around shall be:
My voice shall call thee from the ocean’s breast,
Thou’lt see my hair in its bright, showery crest,
In its dark, rocky depths, thou’lt see my eyes,
My form, shall be the light cloud in the skies,
My spirit shall be with thee, warm and bright,
And flood thee o’er with love, and life, and light.


In the dark, lonely night,
When sleep and silence keep their watch o’er men;
False love! in thy despite,
I will be with thee then.
When in the world of dreams thy spirit strays,
Seeking, in vain, the peace it finds not here,
Thou shalt be led back to thine early days
Of life and love, and I will meet thee there.
I’ll come to thee, with the bright, sunny brow,
That was Hope’s throne before I met with thee;
And then I’ll show thee how ’tis furrowed now
By the untimely age of misery.
I’ll speak to thee, in the fond, joyous tone,
That wooed thee still with love’s impassioned spell;
And then I’ll teach thee how I’ve learnt to moan,
Since last upon thine ear its accents fell.
I’ll come to thee in all youth’s brightest power,
As on the day thy faith to mine was plighted,
And then I’ll tell thee weary hour by hour,
How that spring’s early promise has been blighted.
I’ll tell thee of the long, long, dreary years,
That have passed o’er me hopeless, objectless;
My loathsome days, my nights of burning tears,
My wild despair, my utter loneliness,
My heart-sick dreams upon my feverish bed,
My fearful longing to be with the dead;—
In the dark lonely night,
When sleep and silence keep their watch o’er men;
False love! in thy despite,
We two shall meet again!


Spirit of all sweet sounds! who in mid air
Sittest enthroned, vouchsafe to hear my prayer!
Let all those instruments of music sweet,
That in great nature’s hymn bear burthen meet,
Sing round this mossy pillow, where my head
From the bright noontide sky is sheltered.
Thou southern wind! wave, wave thy od’rous wings;
O’er your smooth channels gush, ye crystal springs!
Ye laughing elves! that through the rustling corn
Run chattering; thou tawny-coated bee,
Who at thy honey-work sing’st drowsily;
And ye, oh ye! who greet the dewy morn,
And fragrant eventide, with melody,
Ye wild wood minstrels, sing my lullaby!

TO –

I would I might be with thee, when the year
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