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Delectable Desire

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Her clothes said it, but the bling in her ears and around her wrist practically screamed it.

After less than a minute of observing her, Carter had already sized her up. He could tell the kind of person she was simply by the way she held herself: regal, untouchable. Not his usual type of woman—the exact opposite, in fact. His usual type wore about eighty percent less clothing. But there was something about this one that made him want to ruffle her feathers.

Carter started for the counter, but halted as a mother who’d been picking out pastries with her young son cut him off. The little boy, who was holding a cupcake, walked smack into Ms. Prim and Proper, smearing icing all over the designer jacket she held draped over her arm.

Carter stood back and waited for the fireworks.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” the mother exclaimed, grabbing the mushed cupcake from the boy’s hand.

Prim and Proper lifted the jacket to eye level, regarded the offending stain...and licked it.

Carter’s head jerked back.

“Mmm. That’s pretty good. I see why my jacket wanted a taste,” she said, smiling down at the little boy, who giggled in return. “But it looks as if you need a new cupcake.” She motioned for Drake to give the little boy another one.

Shock rooted Carter where he stood. That wasn’t the reaction he’d been expecting. Neither had he expected a simple smile to transform her from reserved to...approachable. Very approachable.

Carter sidled up to the counter where she’d redirected her attention to Drake and a cake brochure she’d apparently brought in from one of their competitors.

“You made the right choice,” Carter said, motioning to the brochure.

She turned to him. “Excuse me?”

“The cakes here at Lillian’s are a thousand times better than what you’ll get over there.” He extended his hand. “Carter Drayson, one of the head pastry chefs. And you are?”

She hesitated for the merest moment before accepting his outstretched hand. Carter’s initial suspicion was confirmed: she definitely came from money. No way had this smooth palm ever engaged in a millisecond of physical labor.

“Lorraine,” she replied.

“It’s my deepest pleasure to meet you, Lorraine.” He executed a short bow. “Welcome to Lillian’s.”

“You mind, Carter?” This from Drake. “I’m trying to help Lorraine with her order.”

“What’s the occasion?” Carter asked. “Birthday?”

“Wedding shower,” Drake answered.

Disappointment shot through him. Well, that was fun while it lasted.

“My sister’s wedding shower,” Lorraine interjected.

Carter’s radar immediately went on high alert. She had been pretty quick to clarify that bit of information, and wasn’t that interesting as hell?

Deciding to temporarily dismiss the fact that Lorraine wasn’t his usual type, Carter retrieved the sample brochure from his cousin’s hand, earning an annoyed look from Drake.

“Nothing you’ll find at this place will be good enough,” he continued as he examined the brochure. He glanced at Drake, whose stare was downright murderous. As if Carter cared. His morning had suddenly taken an interesting twist. He needed to know whether there was something more lurking underneath Miss Prim and Proper’s stuffy outfit.

Although Carter still wasn’t sure why. She wasn’t his type. Was she? No, she definitely wasn’t his type.

Yet he felt the smile he normally invoked only when he was going in for the kill draw across his face.

“Your sister’s wedding shower deserves something more than a generic cake,” he continued. “Although even the generic cakes at Lillian’s are much better than anything else you’ll find in this city.”

“Carter, don’t you have somewhere else to be?” Drake bit out.

“As a matter of fact, I do. In my office with Lorraine here. I think we need to put our heads together and come up with something extra special for your sister’s wedding shower.” He tossed the brochure in the trash behind the counter and motioned to Lorraine. “Follow me.”

She looked from him to Drake and then back at him.

“Come on.” Carter gestured. “It’ll be painless, I promise.”

Two well-arched eyebrows peaked over her expressive brown eyes. She directed her question to Drake. “Is it safe to follow him back there?”

“Depends on who you ask” was his cousin’s answer before turning his attention to another customer who had just walked through the door.

Carter led her down the hallway and into one of the two offices used for customer consultations. He offered her a seat before retrieving an order form from the cherry filing cabinet.

“So, what’s the theme of the shower?” he started.

“I’m not sure we’ve established a theme, per se. It will be your typical bridal shower.”

“What can you tell me about your sister? What are some of her hobbies?”

Lorraine’s shoulders stiffened defensively. “Why do you need to know about Trina’s hobbies?”

“So we’ll know what kind of cake would work best for her wedding shower.”

“I don’t understand. It is just a cake,” she said.

“Lorraine, Lorraine, Lorraine.” Carter shook his head. “There is no such thing as just a cake. Not here at Lillian’s.”

The smooth skin on her forehead creased in a dubious frown.

Damn, she was cute. Still not his type, but cute.

“Where is the shower being held?” he asked.

“The tearoom at the Drake Hotel.”

“Nice,” Carter said. “Sophisticated.”

She choked out a laugh; it transformed her entire expression.

“What, is your sister not nice?” he asked.

“My sister is one of the nicest people I know. But she is definitely not stuffy and sophisticated. If I were to ask Trina’s opinion, I suspect she would choose a nice Irish pub or even a sports bar to hold her bridal shower. However, stronger forces prevail.”

“So she’s into sports?”
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