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The Missing Prince

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Of a serpent of the sea,
Which the sailors all declare
They have often seen disporting,
As they sailed in foreign parts,
Here and there and everywhere.

“And when editors of papers
Have no other news than this,
They will always find a space
For the story of a Captain,
A Lieutenant, or a Mate,
How this Monster they did face.

“And these stories vary strangely,
As such stories ofttimes do,
And they none of them agree
As to length, or the appearance,
Or in details such as these,
Of this Creature of the Sea.

“Some declare it’s ‘very lengthy,’
Others say it’s ‘rather short,’
And a Captain from the South
Says he saw it quite distinctly
With a schooner fully rigged
Disappearing down its mouth.

“Oh! it’s ‘somewhat like a Camel,’
Or it’s 1 very like a Whale;’
But the truth I now will sing:
It’s like that Mrs. Harris
Mr. Dickens wrote about,
There ‘was never no sich thing.’”

Great applause followed the singing and presently some one called out, “Sing the Alphabet song.”

“Yes, yes,” cried several fishes at once, “Alphabet song, Alphabet song.”

So the two Soles bowed and commenced as follows: —


“ One day A Cockney, who shall B

The hero of our song,
Went out an Irish friend to C

And said he’d not be long.

“This friend lived by the River D.

Although an Irishman,
He laughed with glee his friend to see,

And thus their converse ran:

“‘Bedad, how are ye?’ with a bow,

Said Paddy, quite a swell;
The Cockney said, l’E’oped as’ow

The Irishman wus well.’

‘Quite well, and F ye’ll come wid me

I’d think it kind; for why?
I’m going to Town 011 my G-gee

A large H bone to buy.’

“‘My friend, I will, upon my word’

The Cockney then did say,
‘I’ll come with you just like a bird —

A bird they call a J.’

“‘Come, thin,’ said Pat, ‘no longer waitr

We’re losing half the day;
And sure thin since we may be late

We’d better take the K.’

“And as they to the town did go,

’Twas thus the Cockney spake:
I’ll buy an L of calico

Some handkerchiefs to make.’

My wife can M them, them you know

I’ll buy such things as these —
An old brown N, and perhaps an O,

To hoe our beans and P’s.

“‘And if we pass a Barber’s there,

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