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“I move, he take gun.”

“He won’t move now,” Cindy said. “We have three guns pointed at his face.”

“I no move, I no move,” Luis said frantically.

But Estella was also agitated. “I no move de gun. Why you no do what you say, Missy Redhead? You say you put hancuffs and arress him. Why you no do that?”

Tropper said, “Keep telling her that he’s not going to try anything, that we’ve got the guns pointed at him!”

Cindy hesitated. “She sounds upset, sir. Why don’t I just placate her, and do what I said I was going to do?”

“Because, Decker, if you walk around to cuff Luis, you’re in line with her shotgun barrel.”

Oh. Good point!

“Go get the gun,” Tropper ordered. “Go on! Start talking!”

Cindy wiped her face with her sleeve. “I’d like to do what you want, Estella, but if I handcuff him, I’m right in front of your shotgun. That’s not going to work.”

“Why? I no shoot you, jus’ Luis.”

“You could shoot me accidentally. I know you wouldn’t mean it, but it’s just not going to work.”

“You lie to me!” Estella hissed. “You es liar jus’ like him!”

“Estella, we have three revolvers aimed at Luis’s face. He’s not going to move—”

“I no move,” Luis concurred.

“Well, I no move, too,” Estella said. “Luis estrong. I move, he take de gun and shoot me.”

Cindy blurted out, “How about if I come next to you, and I take the gun?” Immediately, she heard Tropper swear, but didn’t dare turn to face him. “If you just stay still and don’t move, I can do that. I’ll take the gun—”

“Then Luis take gun from you.”

“I’m a very big woman, Estella. I could take Luis down in a minute.”

Luis said, “She es bery beeeg, Estella! You give her de gun.”

Shut up, Luis! Cindy was thinking. Anything you say, she’ll do the opposite. Time moving in slo-mo, she waited for a response.

Estella said, “Luis is bery estrong—”

“So am I!” Cindy said. “Look, I’ll talk so you can hear me, so you know I’m not sneaking up on you. Then I’ll tap your shoulder when I’m right behind you—”

“I no sure …” Estella said. “I no thin’—”

“I’ll talk you through it.”

Tropper was growling! “This isn’t what I ordered!”

“But she’s going to go for it, Sarge!” Cindy persisted. “This way I’m not facing the barrel of her gun, and you three will be right behind me.”

One second passed, then two …

“Please, Sergeant Tropper,” Cindy whispered forcefully. “I can disarm her—”

Estella said, “I no hear you. Wha’ you sayin’? I getting mad.”

She looked at Tropper’s furious face, knowing he was trapped. If he didn’t respond soon, the situation would escalate. His voice snapped like a leather whip. “Do it! But tell her we’re right behind you!”

Cindy said, “Okay, Estella, I’m coming in. My buddies are going to be right behind me, so Luis can see them. I’m starting now. I’m taking a couple of steps forward. You hear me, don’t you—”

“Sí, I hear you! Wha’ you thin’? I no have ears?”

“Now I’m taking a couple more steps. Luis is looking right at my buddies … at their guns. Is my voice getting closer?”

“Sí, I hear you.”

“Okay, I’m right behind you now. I’m going to tap your shoulder. Don’t move—”

“I no move.”

“Luis, you don’t move, either—”

“I no move.”

“That’s good. No one is going to move except me,” Cindy said. “Now I’m putting my hand on your shoulder …” She touched the woman’s bony joint. Estella remained motionless. “That’s my hand—”


“Estella, listen carefully, okay?”


“I am going to bend down and put my arms around your waist, okay? Don’t move—”

“I no move!”

Slowly, Cindy bent over, her chest touching the woman’s back, her head peering over Estella’s red-clad shoulder. She slipped her arms around a trim middle and wiggled her fingers. “You see my hands?”

“I see.”

“You see my fingers?”


“Okay, I’m going to take the gun from you now.”
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