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Ответы для самопроверки. К учебно-методическим пособиям линии «English Time»

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1. Oleg MET his sister.

2. His sister’s name WAS Ann.

3. She GOT up at 6 o’clock.

4. She WENT to the University in the morning.

5. We BOUGHT an interesting book yesterday.

6. They WERE fond of sports.

7. She DID her morning exercises yesterday.

8. For breakfast he HAD a sandwich and a cup of tea.



Упражнение 1.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect.

1. «Zenit» HAS SCORED ten points in the match.

2. She HAS RUN three kilometres this morning!

3. He HAS BOUGHT a beautiful suit!

4. Oh, no! I HAVE LOST my money!

5. My mum HAS WRITTEN shopping list. It’s on the kitchen table.

6. Oh no! Sue HAS DROPPED the plate!

7. The garden is very green. It HAS RAINED a lot this month.

8. We HAVE KNOWN him since 1991.

Упражнение 2.Образовать предложения, используя Present Perfect.

1. We HAVE ALREADY WASHED the dishes.

2. I HAVE JUST CLEENED my teeth.

3.They HAVE SEEN this film RECENTLY.

4. Marat HAS ALREADY DRUNK his coffee.

5.My classmate HAS TRANSLATED the text about Kazan.

6. My Granny HAS JUST BAKED the apple pie.

7. You HAVE ALREADY WRITTEN a letter to Santa Claus.

8. The kitten HAS JUST DRUNK milk.

Упражнение 3. Составить предложения.

1. He has found his keys recently.

2. We have written letters to our friends.

3. I have already read the book.

4. His mother has just cooked a very tasty dinner.

5. The puppy has played with a ball.

6. They have already translated the English text.

7. The film has already started.

8. Kate has travelled a lot recently.

Упражнение 4. Complete the pairs of sentences. Use Present Perfect and Past Simple.

1. I HAVE KNOWN her for six years.

I KNEW him when I was at school.

2. Where’s Martin? I HAVEN’T SEEN him for ages.

I DIDN’T SEE Martin last night.

3. We HAVE BEEN in Paris many times.

We WERE in Paris last month.

Упражнение 5.Choose the correct option.

1. We took / have taken a taxi to town yesterday morning.

2. We played / have played volleyball last night.

3. They invite / have invited us to their party already.

4. They visited/ have visited Moscow last summer.

5. My mother cooked / has cooked dinner already.
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