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A Puppy Called Hugo

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‘You say that, Daddy, but I’m not sure. I think the smell might have damaged my little lungs. I feel ever so weak.’

With that he gave a little cough, before turning it into a full-on choking fit.

It was no good I had to turn away from him. There were times being a dad and setting a good example was the hardest job in the world, especially when all I wanted to do was join in the joke or smother Hugo with kisses. Even though I knew he was trying to do all he could to get out of going to the vet’s, his performance was so good, I was almost tempted to let him off.

Almost but not quite. I managed to get myself under control and, without looking at Jenny, who I knew would set me off, cocked my head to one side and regarded him carefully.

I barked seriously. ‘I’m sorry to hear that.’

Hugo met my eyes. ‘That’s OK, Daddy. It’s not your fault.’

I licked his ear. ‘That’s sweet of you to yap. But I’m worried about you if you’re feeling this poorly.’

Hugo nuzzled my nose. ‘I’ll be OK, Dad. You taught me to be a big strong boy so that’s what I’ll be.’

‘I know,’ I barked thoughtfully. ‘But I think if you’re ill, then it’s even more important we take you to the vet’s.’

As Hugo looked at me in alarm, I could almost see the cogs of his little brain cells working overtime as he tried to work out how his plan had backfired.

‘You know,’ Hugo ventured, ‘I think I’m feeling better now and I don’t want to waste Gemma’s time.’

I glanced at him, pretending to give it some serious consideration before I shook my head.

‘Sorry, think we’d better let Gemma check you out even though you have made a miraculous recovery.’

Growling under his breath, Hugo knew better than to argue and instead padded slowly out of the bathroom.

‘What was all that about?’ Jenny asked me as we followed Hugo downstairs.

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