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Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience at a Glance

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Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience at a Glance provides a user-friendly introduction to the anatomy, biochemistry, physiology and pharmacology of the human nervous system within one, succinct, highly-illustrated volume. The double page spreads begin by summarising the anatomical structure and function of the different components of the central nervous system, followed by a section on applied neurobiology which outlines how to approach the patient with neurological and psychiatric problems and provides an overview of treatment and management options. Key features of this fourth edition include: A manageable overview of the structure and function of the central nervous system Full guidance on how to approach the patient with neurological problems and the investigations used in the most common scenarios Cases highlighting the clinical relevance of the basic neuroscience New chapters on the major neurotransmitters of the CNS and their functions, the enteric nervous system and stroke A fully updated companion website with interactive self-assessment questions and case studies, flashcards and revision notes at www.ataglanceseries.com/neuroscience Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience at a Glance is the ideal companion for anyone about to start a basic neuroanatomy or neuroscience course, or can be used as a refresher for those in clinical training.
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