Ay! that delights me now, that you yourself
Bear witness for me that I never said so.
And you renounce the duke then?
If he's planning
Treason – why, treason breaks all bonds asunder.
And are determined, too, to fight against him?
He has done me service – but if he's a villain,
Perdition seize him! All scores are rubbed off.
I am rejoiced that you are so well disposed.
This night break off in the utmost secrecy
With all the light-armed troops – it must appear
As came the order from the duke himself.
At Frauenberg's the place of rendezvous;
There will Count Gallas give you further orders.
It shall be done. But you'll remember me
With the emperor – how well disposed you found me.
I will not fail to mention it honorably.
[Exit ISOLANI. A SERVANT enters.
What, Colonel Butler! Show him up.
ISOLANI (returning)
Forgive me too my bearish ways, old father!
Lord God! how should I know, then, what a great
Person I had before me.
No excuses!
I am a merry lad, and if at time
A rash word might escape me 'gainst the court
Amidst my wine, – you know no harm was meant.