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The Chosen Ones

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‘Okay. Thanks for letting us know so quickly. Can you be more precise with time of death?’

‘Sorry. Putrefaction was too advanced for a vitreous potassium measurement.’

Ed sighed. ‘So … we’re stuck with six to ten days?’

‘That’s what my report will say, but from the temperature in the flat and the extent of decomposition, I’d bet on eight or nine.’

‘There’s a possibility she was alive last Thursday.’

‘That would fit my best guess of eight or nine days.’

‘Thanks, I’ll not quote you.’

Ed switched off her phone and turned to Nat. ‘What do you make of the pathologist’s findings?’

‘Kinky sex gone wrong? That would fit with the guy putting concealer over the ligature marks and cleaning the place so thoroughly.’

‘I agree, but remember there was no semen.’

‘He could have worn a condom,’ said Nat.

‘Unlikely, there were no traces of lubricant.’ Ed paused. ‘Of course, sadomasochistic sex might not have involved penetrative intercourse and …’ Ed paused. ‘Nor does it preclude the possibility Kayleigh’s partner was a woman. Let’s check the bed to see if the ligatures have left cord marks.’

Both Ed and Nat were certain there were marks in the white paint, which were more prominent at the foot of the bed.

‘That’s consistent with her exerting more force with her legs than her arms,’ said Ed. ‘Legs are stronger and the cords were probably more painful at the wrists than the ankles.’

‘The fact that there are marks suggests it wasn’t passive restraint, which Kayleigh accepted; she fought against it.’

‘Good point, Nat, and fighting her bonds could have sparked the stress that triggered the cardiac arrest.’

‘Right …’

‘Even so, I don’t think that confirms she was held against her will. Maybe yes, maybe no. For people into S&M, struggling against the bonds can be a turn-on.’

‘One thing’s puzzling me,’ said Nat. ‘The pathologist mentioned make-up. What were her clothes like? You said they were clean.’

‘I also checked her other clothes,’ said Ed. ‘The ones she was wearing were the best from her small choice.’

‘It’s looking like she got herself ready to meet someone for kinky sex. You said there were no signs of forced entry.’

‘Right. Jenny and I checked and forensics confirmed.’

‘In that case, whoever was with her was probably someone she knew?’

‘Most likely,’ Ed agreed. ‘She lived alone and there’s nobody else in the rest of the building. I can’t see her letting a stranger into her flat.’

‘What about social media?’

‘She doesn’t appear to have a computer and, as you know, her mobile’s missing.’

‘Just like the clean-up,’ said Nat. ‘The missing mobile suggests someone covering their tracks. What about phone records?’

‘Come on, Nat!’ Ed gave the young DC another disapproving look. ‘Remember? We’re onto it. Mike and Jenny are with the parents in Strood. They’ll get Kayleigh’s number and details of the mobile contract from her mother.’

In the car back to Canterbury, Ed drafted a press release specifying a heart attack and death by natural causes. She would press the Super to hold back other details. Whoever was with Kayleigh when she died, Ed needed them to be kept in the dark. The last thing she wanted at this stage was to release a tip-off that the police were treating the death as suspicious.

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It was late morning when Gina woke aching from her enforced position on the bed. She tried moving and cried out from the stiffness in her muscles.

‘Hey! Are you there? These cords are biting into my wrists. I’m stiff. In pain. Come and loosen them. Please.’

‘Good morning. I hope you slept well.’

Apart from a different shirt he looked the same as yesterday. His blond fringe seemed to be permanently fixed at an angle across his forehead.

‘I’m aching all over. I can’t move with these cords and I’m sore where they’re tight around my wrists and ankles.’

‘That’s because you struggled.’

‘The cords are hurting me, please loosen them.’

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Gina was uncomfortable with the idea of him coming closer to her, close enough to loosen the cords. She felt sickened by the thought that he might touch her. She forced the revulsion from her mind, determined to suppress those feelings in exchange for immediate comfort and the possibility of escape.

Colin stood at the foot of the bed, apparently unaware of what she’d said or might be thinking.

‘You must be hungry. I’ll get us some breakfast – orange juice and toast.’

He left the bedroom without waiting for a reply. Gina heard him busy in the kitchen and then he returned with a tray, which he placed well away from the bed.

‘First a little exercise and then we’ll have breakfast. I’m going to untie one cord at a time so that you can move your arms and legs in turn. I’ll hold on to the end of the cord and, if you try any tricks, I’ll tie you down and leave you alone until this evening. Do you understand?’


‘And you promise not to try anything stupid?’


They began with her left leg and, after a few minutes, moved on to her right leg and then her left arm. Before releasing her right arm, he moved the breakfast tray closer so that he could reach it while still holding the cord attached to her wrist.

‘What can I pass you first, orange juice or toast?’

‘Thank you. I’d like juice first and then the toast.’

As they ate, Gina steeled herself and began her campaign.

‘How did you arrange all of this? You seem to know so much about me.’
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