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What Gunpowder Plot Was

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Degli Effetti to Del Bufalo, June 16/26. —Roman Transcripts, R.O.


Degli Effetti to Del Bufalo, July 21/31. —Roman Transcripts, R.O.


See p. 142.


Hist. of England, 1603-1642, i. 81.


S. P. Scotland, lxix. 20.


James I. to Sir T. Parry, Nov., 1603. – Tierney’s Dodd, iv.; App. p. 66.


Degli Effetti to Del Bufalo, June 30/July 10 (Roman Transcripts, R.O.). There is a plain-spoken marginal note in the Pope’s hand, ‘Non sarà vero, nè noi gli habbiamo dato quest’ ordine.’ In the instructions by the Nuncio at Brussels to Dr. Gifford, July 22/August 1 (Tierney’s Dodd, iv.; App. lxvi.), nothing is said about this mission, but a definite promise is given ‘eosque omnes e regno evocare quos sua Majestas rationabiliter judicaverit regno et statui suo noxios fore.’


‘Salute.’ Does this mean safety or salvation, or is it left doubtful?


I.e. to James and to Henry IV. Del Bufalo to Cardinal Aldobrandino, July 11/21. —Roman Transcripts, R.O.


Del Bufalo to Cardinal Aldobrandino, July 20/30. —Roman Transcripts, R.O.


Barneby to Del Bufalo, Aug. 8/18. —Roman Transcripts, R.O. (The original is in Latin.)


Afterwards Duke of Sully.


Parry to Cecil, Aug. 20, 1603. —S. P. France.


See p. 151, note 2.


Del Bufalo to James I. Sept. 19/29; compare Del Bufalo to Cardinal Aldobrandino, Sept. 21/Oct. 1. —Roman Transcripts, R.O.


We have two copies of James’s letter to Parry translated into Latin, but undated (S. P. France.) Cecil’s covering letter (ib.) is in draft and dated Nov. 6. It must, however, have been held back, as both Parry’s and Del Bufalo’s despatches show that it did not reach Paris till early in December.


Del Bufalo to Cardinal Aldobrandino, December 4/14. —Roman Transcripts, R.O.


January 11/21.


Information given to Del Bufalo.


He wrote on the margin of Del Bufalo’s letter: “Quanto alla facoltà di chiamare sotto pena di scomunica i torbolenti, non ci par da darla per adesso, perchè trattiamo con heretici, e corriamo pericolo di perdere i sicuri, si come non ci par che il Nuntio debba premere nella cosa di mandar noi personaggio, perchè dubitiamo che essendo tanta gelosia tra Francia e Spagna non intrassimo in grandissima difficoltà. E meglio aspettare la conclusione della Pace secondo noi, perchè non sapiamo che chi mandassimo fosse per usar la prudentia necessaria.”


He told the Spanish Ambassador, ‘che quelli del Consiglio gli havevano fatto tanta forza che no haveva potuto far altro, ma che no si sarebbe eseguito con rigore alcuno.’ (Del Bufalo to Aldobrandino, March 27/April 6.) —Roman Transcripts, R.O.


Precisely the course he had recommended in his letter written to Cecil whilst he was still in Scotland, see p. 144.


See p. 33.


A news-letter gives an account of the Council meeting, from which it appears that James began by haranguing against the Puritans, but Cranborne – Cecil was now known by this title – and others asked why the Catholics were not put on the same footing, on which the King got angry, and finally directed that the Catholics should also suffer. (Advices from London, Feb. 19/March 1). —Roman Transcripts, R.O.


In those days liberty of conscience meant what we should call liberty of worship.

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