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She smiled at their rivalry. “Since you both are birthday girls, how about we do this at the same time,” she said and held out a plate to each.

The two glanced at each other, then back at the plates Sabrina offered. “Okay,” they chorused.

Gabe leaned toward her, his voice low, teasing. “You handled that well. If you ever decide to give up psychology, I see a brilliant future for you as a diplomat.”

“Thank you, but I don’t intend to give up psychology anytime soon.”

No, he doubted that she would. In Gabe’s opinion Sabrina Moore was a very aloof lady who believed in her research theories. He’d bet his last dollar that work came first with her.

Did she always hold her feelings in? Let anyone get close to her? What about a social life? He had to admit he was curious.

Did she kick up her heels once in a while? Or bury her nose in some boring data? Did she have a lover, a man who held her in his arms and nibbled on her neck the way he’d been tempted to do all evening?

He’d caught his gaze straying toward her more than it should, taking in her slender waist, the curve of her derriére in the skinny black skirt she wore, the creamy expanse of her throat that her green, open-necked blouse didn’t hide. But what trapped his attention and held it was the shape of her pretty mouth. No woman should have a mouth like that without declaring it a lethal weapon. How could a man fight against the temptation of its slightly pouty shape? Resist its lure? He had no doubt that he’d see it in his restless sleep tonight—and probably for a few nights to come.

Gabe glanced up to see a little boy of about three peering over the edge of the table, awaiting his piece of cake. Behind him were four more kids of varying sizes. Sabrina was eyeing him, too.

“You’re slowing up the show,” she said, a gleam of humor in her sultry green eyes.

“Uh, sorry.” He cut the little shaver an extralarge piece.

“Small kid, small amount,” Sabrina whispered in rebuke.

“The kid has an appetite.”

“Yeah, right.” She added a scoop of ice cream to the plate Gabe handed her, a more…manageable scoop for the boy.

When the last child was served, and a few second helpings given out, Gabe and Sabrina got their chance to try the dessert.

“Mmm. This is good,” she said, sampling a bite of the cake. “I don’t even taste the sunken center.”

“I wasn’t aware sunken centers had a distinctive flavor,” he countered.

He’d arched one eyebrow, but a smile played at his lips. For one studious moment Sabrina wondered what it would be like to feel his mouth on hers— hard, persuasive, totally distracting. Gabe was a dynamic man, one any woman would have difficulty resisting.

Herself included?

She glanced away, back to the party plate in front of her. “Actually I think it’s nice you did this for your daughters,” she said softly.

“Yeah, well…I hope you don’t mind I roped you into this evening.”

“I’ll work hard to forgive you.” She smiled. “Besides, I’m enjoying myself. And the twins. Very much.”

His gaze swept her face. “Personally speaking or professionally?” he asked.

For a quick moment she didn’t know how to answer. A blush crept up her neck. She’d just been fantasizing about the feel of his lips, their taste and what his kiss would do to her. But that was not the reason she was here. Gabe Lawrence had challenged her theories, her work…and just possibly who and what she was.

And she needed to remember that.

She lifted her chin. “Professionally,” she answered.

Gabe was still considering her matter-of-fact response as the party wound down. It was still on his mind as he sent the last child home, birthday balloon and party favor in hand. The lady was keeping this evening in cool perspective.

But what about his reasons for inviting her in the first place? Had it been merely a challenge? Or a misguided desire to know more about the woman who fascinated him just a little too much? How pure had his intentions really been?

And how pure were they now?

He found Sabrina in the kitchen, her silken brown hair falling forward over one shoulder as she leaned close to the twins. Hannah held her captivated, showing her one of her birthday gifts—a new Barbie doll.

Gabe wondered what she would think about the last doll’s demise.

“Sorry to break up this little discussion, but I know two girls who should be ready for dreamland.”

Hannah and Heather were quick to voice their objections.

“But, Dad, we’re showing Dr. S’brina what we got for our birthday,” Heather announced.

“We’ll go to bed later,” Hannah said as if she were the one to make that decision.

Gabe hid a smile. He hated being tough on the girls, but it would take them forever to wind down after their day’s excitement.

And he very much wanted to spend some time with Sabrina.

“No way,” he said to his little princesses. “It’s off to bed with you. Hands and faces washed, then into your pj’s,” he ordered. “Think you can handle that?”

Heather gave a long-suffering sigh. “Dad—we’re not babies.”

“Of course not.”

He met Sabrina’s gaze. She’d been observing his interplay with the twins with a keen-eyed psychologist’s interest, but there was a smile on her face. For one dangerous moment he wondered how hard it would be to separate the woman from the intellectual.

He cursed the part of himself that wanted to try.

Sabrina was tempting, but she’d have to remain just that—a temptation. His little girls were his first priority these days.

“Will you stay and say g’night to us, Dr. S’brina?” Heather asked.

“Please,” echoed Hannah.

Sabrina glanced down into the faces of the two little angels, then up at their handsome father. She’d stayed far too long as it was, far longer than she’d intended. Longer than she should.

Gabe wore a glint of a smile. Was he asking her to stay, as well?

“Say yes! Say yes!” The girls tugged on her sleeve and Sabrina laughed softly.

How could she refuse the two little look-alikes?

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll stay until you’re ready for bed. Then I do have to go.”
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