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Fragments of Earth Lore: Sketches & Addresses Geological and Geographical

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I need hardly remind geologists that some of the so-called “Archæan schists” may really be the highly altered accumulations of later geological periods.


See footnote p. 341.


See Island Life.


It may be objected that the conglomerates were probably not marine, but deposited in lakes, the beds of which may have been much above sea-level. But from all that we know of the Old Red Sandstone of Scotland it would appear that the lakes of the period now and again communicated with the sea, and were probably never much above its level.


From The Scottish Geographical Magazine, 1891.


Presidential Address to the Geographical Section of the British Association, Edinburgh, 1892.


Professor Suess thinks it is probable that the Caribbean Sea and the Mediterranean are portions of one and the same primitive depression which traversed the Atlantic area in early Cretaceous times. He further suggests that it may have been through the gradual widening of the central Mediterranean that the Atlantic in later times came into existence.

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