‘Oh, oh,’ went he, happily reassured; but, reflecting, added: ‘A bout of it?’
I dropped him a penitent nod.
‘That’s bad, though,’ said he.
‘Then why did you tip me a bottle of rum, Captain William?’
‘By George, Harry, you’ve had a crack o’ the sconce,’ he exclaimed, more sagaciously than he was aware of.
My grandfather wanted to keep me by his side in London until we two should start for the island next day; but his business was in the city, mine toward the West. We appointed to meet two hours after reaching the terminus.
He turned to me while giving directions to his man.
‘You ‘ve got him down there, I suppose?’
‘My father’s in town, sir. He shall keep away,’ I said.
‘Humph! I mayn’t object to see him.’
This set me thinking.
Captain Bulsted—previously asking me in a very earnest manner whether I was really all right and sound—favoured me with a hint:
‘The squire has plunged into speculations of his own, or else he is peeping at somebody else’s. No danger of the dad being mixed up with Companies? Let’s hope not. Julia pledged her word to Janet that I would look after the old squire. I suppose I can go home this evening? My girl hates to be alone.’
‘By all means,’ said I; and the captain proposed to leave the squire at his hotel, in the event of my failing to join him in the city.
‘But don’t fail, if you can help it,’ he urged me; ‘for things somehow, my dear Harry, appear to me to look like the compass when the needle gives signs of atmospheric disturbance. My only reason for saying so is common observation. You can judge for yourself that he is glad to have you with him.’
I told the captain I was equally glad; for, in fact, my grandfather’s quietness and apparently friendly disposition tempted me to petition for a dower for the princess at once, so that I might be in the position to offer Prince Ernest on his arrival a distinct alternative; supposing—it was still but a supposition—Ottilia should empower me. Incessant dialogues of perpetually shifting tendencies passed between Ottilia and me in my brain—now dark, now mildly fair, now very wild, on one side at least. Never, except by downright force of will, could I draw from the phantom of her one purely irrational outcry, so deeply-rooted was the knowledge of her nature and mind; and when I did force it, I was no gainer: a puppet stood in her place—the vision of Ottilia melted out in threads of vapour.
‘And yet she has come to me; she has braved everything to come.’ I might say that, to liken her to the women who break rules and read duties by their own light, but I could not cheat my knowledge of her. Mrs. Waddy met me in the hall of my father’s house, as usual, pressing, I regretted to see, one hand to her side. ‘Her heart,’ she said, ‘was easily set pitty-pat now.’ She had been, by her master’s orders, examined by two of the chief physicians of the kingdom, ‘baronets both.’ They advised total rest. As far as I could apprehend, their baronetcies and doings in high regions had been of more comfort than their prescriptions.
‘What I am I must be,’ she said, meekly; ‘and I cannot quit his service till he’s abroad again, or I drop. He has promised me a monument. I don’t want it; but it shows his kindness.’
A letter from Heriot informed me that the affair between Edbury and me was settled: he could not comprehend how.
‘What is this new Jury of Honour? Who are the jurymen?’ he asked, and affected wit.
I thanked him for a thrashing in a curt reply.
My father had left the house early in the morning. Mrs. Waddy believed that he meant to dine that evening at the season’s farewell dinner of the Trump-Trick Club: ‘Leastways, Tollingby has orders to lay out his gentlemen’s-dinners’ evening-suit. Yesterday afternoon he flew down to Chippenden, and was home late. To-day he’s in the City, or one of the squares. Lady Edbury’s—ah! detained in town with the jaundice or toothache. He said he was sending to France for a dentist: or was it Germany, for some lady’s eyes? I am sure I don’t know. Well or ill, so long as you’re anything to him, he will abound. Pocket and purse! You know him by this time, Mr. Harry. Oh, my heart!’
A loud knock at the door had brought on the poor creature’s palpitations.
This visitor was no other than Prince Ernest. The name on his card was Graf von Delzenburg, and it set my heart leaping to as swift a measure as Mrs. Waddy’s.
Hearing that I was in the house, he desired to see me.
We met, with a formal bow.
‘I congratulate you right heartily upon being out of the list of the nekron,’ he said, civilly. ‘I am on my way to one of your watering-places, whither my family should have preceded me. Do you publish the names and addresses of visitors daily, as it is the custom with us?’
I relieved his apprehensions on that head: ‘Here and there, rarely; and only at the hotels, I believe.’ The excuse was furnished for offering the princess’s address.
‘Possibly, in a year or two, we may have the pleasure of welcoming you at Sarkeld,’ said the prince, extending his hand. ‘Then, you have seen the Countess of Delzenburg?’
‘On the day of her arrival, your Highness. Ladies of my family are staying on the island.’
He paused, and invited me to bow to him. We bowed thus in the room, in the hall, and at the street-door.
For what purpose could he have called on my father? To hear the worst at once? That seemed likely, supposing him to have lost his peculiar confidence in the princess, of which the courtly paces he had put me through precluded me from judging.
But I guessed acutely that it was not his intention to permit of my meeting Ottilia a second time. The blow was hard: I felt it as if it had been struck already, and thought I had gained resignation, until, like a man reprieved on his road to execution, the narrowed circle of my heart opened out to the breadth of the world in a minute. Returning from the city, I hurried to my father’s house, late in the afternoon, and heard that he had started to overtake the prince, leaving word that the prince was to be found at his address in the island. No doubt could exist regarding the course I was bound to take. I drove to my grandfather, stated my case to him, and by sheer vehemence took the wind out of his sails; so that when I said, ‘I am the only one alive who can control my father,’ he answered mildly, ‘Seems t’ other way,’ and chose a small snort for the indulgence of his private opinion.
‘What! this princess came over alone, and is down driving out with my girl under an alias?’ he said, showing sour aversion at the prospect of a collision with the foreign species, as expressive as the ridge of a cat’s back.
Temple came to dine with us, so I did not leave him quite to himself, and Temple promised to accompany him down to the island.
‘Oh, go, if you like,’ the fretted old man dismissed me:
‘I’ve got enough to think over. Hold him fast to stand up to me within forty-eight hours, present time; you know who I mean; I’ve got a question or two for him. How he treats his foreign princes and princesses don’t concern me. I’d say, like the Prevention-Cruelty-Animal’s man to the keeper of the menagerie, “Lecture ‘em, wound their dignity, hurt their feelings, only don’t wop ‘em.” I don’t wish any harm to them, but what the deuce they do here nosing after my grandson!… There, go; we shall be having it out ha’ done with to-morrow or next day. I’ve run the badger to earth, else I’m not fit to follow a scent.’
He grumbled at having to consume other than his Riversley bread, butter, beef, and ale for probably another fortnight. One of the boasts of Riversley was, that while the rest of the world ate and drank poison, the Grange lived on its own solid substance, defying malefactory Radical tricksters.
Temple was left to hear the rest. He had the sweetest of modest wishes for a re-introduction to Ottilia.
Journeying down by the mail-train in the face of a great sunken sunset broken with cloud, I chanced to ask myself what it was that I seriously desired to have. My purpose to curb my father was sincere and good; but concerning my heart’s desires, whitherward did they point? I thought of Janet—she made me gasp for air; of Ottilia, and she made me long for earth. Sharp, as I write it, the distinction smote me. I might have been divided by an electrical shot into two halves, with such an equal force was I drawn this way and that, pointing nowhither. To strangle the thought of either one of them was like the pang of death; yet it did not strike me that I loved the two: they were apart in my mind, actually as if I had been divided. I passed the Riversley station under sombre sunset fires, saddened by the fancy that my old home and vivacious Janet were ashes, past hope. I came on the smell of salt air, and had that other spirit of woman around me, of whom the controlled seadeeps were an image, who spoke to my soul like starlight. Much wise counsel, and impatience of the wisdom, went on within me. I walked like a man with a yawning wound, and had to whip the sense of passion for a drug. Toward which one it strove I know not; it was blind and stormy as the night.
Not a boatman would take me across. The lights of the island lay like a crown on the water. I paced the ramparts, eyeing them, breathing the keen salt of thundering waves, until they were robbed of their magic by the coloured Fast.
It is, I have learnt, out of the conflict of sensations such as I then underwent that a young man’s brain and morality, supposing him not to lean overmuch to sickly sentiment, becomes gradually enriched and strengthened, and himself shaped for capable manhood. I was partly conscious of a better condition in the morning; and a sober morning it was to me after my long sentinel’s step to and fro. I found myself possessed of one key—whether the right one or not—wherewith to read the princess, which was never possible to me when I was under stress of passion, or of hope or despair; my perplexities over what she said, how she looked, ceased to trouble me. I read her by this strange light: that she was a woman who could only love intelligently—love, that is, in the sense of giving herself. She had the power of passion, and it could be stirred; but he who kindled it wrecked his chance if he could not stand clear in her intellect’s unsparing gaze. Twice already she must have felt herself disillusioned by me. This third time, possibly, she blamed her own fatally credulous tenderness, not me; but it was her third awakening, and could affection and warmth of heart combat it? Her child’s enthusiasm for my country had prepared her for the impression which the waxen mind of the dreamy invalid received deeply; and so, aided by the emotional blood of youth, she gave me place in her imagination, probing me still curiously, as I remembered, at a season when her sedate mind was attaining to joint deliberations with the impulsive overgenerous heart.
Then ensued for her the successive shocks of discernment. She knew the to have some of the vices, many follies, all the intemperateness of men who carve a way for themselves in the common roads, if barely they do that. And resembling common men (men, in a judgement elective as hers, common, however able), I was not assuredly to be separated by her from my associations; from the thought of my father, for example. Her look at him in the lake-palace library, and her manner in unfolding and folding his recent letter to her, and in one or two necessitated allusions, embraced a kind of grave, pitiful humour, beyond smiles or any outward expression, as if the acknowledgement that it was so quite obliterated the wonder that it should be so—that one such as he could exercise influence upon her destiny. Or she may have made her reckoning generally, not personally, upon our human destinies: it is the more likely, if, as I divine, the calm oval of her lifted eyelids contemplated him in the fulness of the recognition that this world, of which we hope unuttered things, can be shifted and swayed by an ignis-fatuus. The father of one now seen through, could hardly fail of being transfixed himself. It was horrible to think of. I would rather have added a vice to my faults than that she should have penetrated him.
Nearing the island, I was reminded of the early morning when I landed on the Flemish flats. I did not expect a similar surprise, but before my rowers had pulled in, the tall beaconhead of old Schwartz notified that his mistress might be abroad. Janet walked with her. I ran up the steps to salute them, and had Ottilia’s hand in mine.
‘Prince Ernest has arrived?’
‘My father came yesterday evening.’
‘Do you leave to-day?’
‘I cannot tell; he will decide.’