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Millie Vanilla’s Cupcake Café

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‘Yes, Zoe, we might be able to manage those too.’ Millie grinned at the teenager. ‘What about those fireworks?’

‘I can sort all the paperwork for that, my dear,’ Arthur offered. ‘Consider it done. Dennis at the council owes me a few favours.’

Millie looked at her band of friends with affection. A motley bunch they might be, but none were more loyal. ‘I can’t tell you how much your support means to me.’ Her voice quavered. ‘It’ll be a new beginning for Millie Vanilla’s.’

‘Well, spring’s the right season for new beginnings, isn’t it?’

Millie replaced her hand over the older woman’s. ‘It is, Biddy. It is.’

‘Millie,’ Arthur began and then cleared his throat before continuing. ‘Millie, I don’t think you realise how much affection the town has for you. And for the memory of your dear parents too. I think you’ll find once folk realise what they might be about to lose you’ll have people flocking to the parties. Both of them.’

‘Thank you, Arthur,’ Millie said through her tears. ‘Thank you everybody.’ There was a pause before she pulled herself together. Finding an unused serviette she blew her nose. ‘To a new Millie Vanilla’s!’ she announced, with a raised pink, flowery teacup. ‘To spring beginnings!’

‘To spring beginnings!’ Sean and Zoe chorused.

‘To a new Millie Vanilla’s,’ added Arthur and Biddy in perfect unison. They caught one another’s eyes and there was much blushing and coughing and chinking of pink china.

Millie watched them out of the corner of her eye. Was it possible? Was it just possible there was a romance going on between the bickering pair? How intriguing – and delightful! Then something hammered all matchmaking – and enthusiasm for a re-launch – out of her. She looked around at the café. At the shabby chairs and chipped tables. At the sea-shell mural, which she had once loved and which now looked so tired. At the scuffed lino on the floor.

‘What am I going to do about how this place looks, though?’ she sighed, putting her head in her hands. ‘How on earth am I going to get it looking as good as Blue Elephant?’

Chapter 16 (#ulink_5b7fffa2-f409-543f-bef3-491933344bf5)

The weather continued to improve. Despite it being only February, an early spring had definitely sprung. In celebration and relief, people shed their heavy coats and emerged in butterfly-bright t-shirts. The sunshine and warmth brought out happy smiles and relaxed the hunched shoulders of winter.

In anticipation of the good weather bringing in tourists, the town opened up, like a flower to the sun, for the new season. Nico scrubbed down his ice-cream kiosk and furiously polished the windows. The Plaice Place extended its opening hours, sending waves of hot chips-and-vinegar scent enticingly across the harbour end of town. Those lucky enough to own a beach hut began the annual clean and paint routine and hung bunting across the doors before settling down for a rest with a book and a flask of tea.

Early one morning, before the town had properly woken up, Millie stood on the café’s sun terrace breathing in the mild salty air and raising her head to the sky. She closed her eyes to better enjoy the lull and swell of the sea as its rhythm beat through her. The sun warmed her face and there was a cackle of a gull swooping overhead. Even the bird sounded relieved that the long winter was over. Spring was here. She could smell it. Trevor barked in excitement and she heard his claws scrabbling on the sandy concrete, scampering to greet someone. Opening her eyes, her heart leaped into her throat as she saw Jed watching her.

‘I’m sorry, I disturbed you. I caught you day-dreaming.’ He grinned and pushed his sunglasses onto the top of his head.

He wore skinny chinos and a pink polo shirt, a sweater rolled loosely around his shoulders. He looked just like what he was – privileged and wealthy. He could have stepped straight out of a Boden catalogue. His effect on her was so acute, she said the first thing she could think of, ‘I was wondering if it was time to put some chairs and tables out here.’ She cursed herself. As if he’d be interested.

In this, it seemed, she was wrong. Replacing his glasses, he came forward, nodding. ‘Absolutely, it’s definitely warm enough, or it will be later in the day. You’re always up so early. It’s barely gone eight.’ He bent to fuss Trevor, who was going into ecstasies at seeing him.

Millie laughed. ‘The alarm goes off at five. I’ve already walked Trevor and baked today’s specials.’

‘Oh, how I hate the smug early-riser! More importantly, what are your specials? I’m starving.’

‘As ever! I’ve a red-velvet chocolate and beetroot cake, some coffee and walnut and a batch of savoury scones.’

Pushing Trevor off gently, Jed came even closer. He stared intently at her lips and ran a finger lightly over them. ‘I don’t know how you do it, Millie. They sound so good. Have I ever told you how much I love your cooking? A real taste of home.’

He bent and kissed her, his lips warm from the sun. ‘You taste of home.’

This time Millie lifted her head and surrendered to Jed rather than the early-morning sunshine. And he was far more exhilarating. She let herself open and he deepened the kiss. Holding her around the waist, he pulled her in against his hardness. She thrust her fingers through his silken hair. She wanted to drown in him, in the sensations that were overwhelming her senses.

Jed rested his forehead against hers for a moment. ‘Millie, Millie, Millie, you don’t know what you’re doing to me. I want to eat you up. I want to smother you in some of your famous clotted cream and lick it off.’

Millie stood back, swaying slightly. She felt unhinged by longing. She knew she must look it. ‘Sounds messy,’ she whispered, in an attempt for control.

Jed caught her to him again. ‘Oh, it would be delightfully, sinfully messy.’ He kissed her again. ‘And so much fun.’

It was all threatening to get out of hand. Millie didn’t know whether to be furious when Tessa’s cheery voice interrupted them – or relieved.

‘Morning, kiddo. I’ll just go and put the bread inside then, shall I?’ She went past with a giggle.

Peeling herself off Jed and giving him a regretful glance, Millie followed Tessa into the café.

‘I see you’re finally getting your fun, then, our Mil.’ Tessa slammed the basket of bread onto the nearest table.

‘Well I was.’ Millie pulled a face. ‘Before you so rudely interrupted.’

‘Soz.’ Tessa giggled and peered out to where Jed was playing with Trevor. He was leaning against the low wall that divided the sun terrace from the steps down to the beach and was trying to teach the dog to shake paws. ‘Heard he took you to some swanky-wanky place the other night. Zoe’s right, though, he’s a treat for the eyes. Get a load of those thighs. You could crack walnuts with them. Blimey.’

Millie decided she’d better bring Tessa to order. ‘Invoice?’

‘On top of the bloomers,’ she replied, still staring blatantly at Jed. ‘Gotta love a blonde man, haven’t you?’ She screwed her eyes up to see better. ‘Come to think about it, he looks familiar. Where have I seen him before?’

Millie, shoving the invoice into a folder behind the counter, didn’t reply immediately. ‘You’ve probably seen him about town.’ She looked up, amused to see Tessa still staring. ‘He’s not easy to forget, is he?’

‘You’re right there, bab. Bugger, hope it’s just the weather making me hot and not an early menopause. He’s got hormones I’d forgotten I ever had going bananas.’

Millie giggled. She couldn’t disagree. ‘You got time for a coffee?’

Tessa finally focused. ‘No kiddo, I’m running late this morning. Gotta go.’ She gave an earthy cackle. ‘I’ll leave you to the tender mercies of your hot friend out there.’ Fanning her face comically, she swept out.

Millie heard her trill goodbye, waited until the coast was clear and then dragged a couple of chairs into the sun. ‘Can I get you a coffee, Jed?’

He slid off the wall in such a sinuous way, Millie had a sudden and very intense longing to forget all about the café and drag him up to bed.

‘I’d rather get you.’

He pulled her to him for another kiss. Millie’s insides went to liquid and her legs threatened to give way. She pushed him off. ‘Coffee? Toast?’ she asked on a breathless giggle.

‘Well, I am hungry,’ he replied dangerously, gazing at her lower lip with intent. ‘I have a deep, deep hunger for you.’

‘You’ll have to make do with raisin toast, I’m afraid.’

‘Can’t I have you on toast?’

‘No!’ Millie pushed him away and enjoyed his pout. ‘God, you’re so gorgeous when you sulk.’ She let him kiss her one more time and then escaped to the safety of her kitchen.

Thirty minutes later, Jed sat on the sun terrace on one of her rickety chairs, his feet up on the wall, staring out to sea. He drank the last of his coffee. ‘It’s so bloody gorgeous here. Devon heaven.’

‘There talks a man full of food.’

Jed gave her a wicked look. ‘You’ve satisfied one kind of hunger, certainly.’
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