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The Silent Battle

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“He has gone, Jane. He does not trouble me and will not, I know. It was a long battle, a silent battle between us, but I’ve won. And I’m ready to take you, Jane.”

“Take me, then.”

Her lips were already his.

“You could have had me before, Phil,” she murmured. “I would have fought the Enemy with you he was my Enemy, too, but you would not have me.”

He shook his head.

“Not then. It was my own fight—not yours. And yet if it hadn’t been for you, perhaps I shouldn’t have fought at all.”

She drew away from him a little.

“No—I didn’t help you. I only made it harder. I’ll regret that always. It was your own victory—against odds.”

He smiled.

“What does it matter now. I had to win—not that battle alone—but others.”

“Yes, I know,” she smiled. “Father is mad about you.”

Gallatin threw up his chin and laughed to the sky.

“He ought to be. I’d be mad, too, in his place.”

His joy was infectious, and she smiled at him fondly.

“You’re a very wonderful person, aren’t you?”

“How could a demigod be anything else but wonderful? You created me. Aren’t you pleased with your handiwork?”


He paused a moment and then whispered into her ear.

“You’ll marry me—soon?”



“Whenever you want me, Phil.”

“This summer! They shall leave us here!” he said.

She colored divinely.


“It can be managed.”

“A wedding in the woods! Oh, Phil!”

“Why not? I’ll see–”

But she put her fingers over his lips and would not listen to him.

“Yes, dear,” he insisted, capturing her hands, “it shall be here. All this is ours—our forest, our stream, our sunlight, yours and mine, our kingdom. Would you change a kingdom for a villa or a fashionable hotel?”

“No, no,” she whispered.

“We will begin life together here—where love began—alone. You shall cook and I shall kill for you, and build with my own hands another shack, a larger one with two windows and a door—a wonderful shack with chairs, a table–”

“And a porcelain bathtub?”

“No—the bath is down the corridor—to the right.”

She had used it.

“It will do,” she smiled. “May I have a mirror?”

“The pool–”

Her lips twisted.

“I tried it once, and fell in. A mirror, please,” she insisted.

“Yes—a mirror—then.”

“And a—a small, a very tiny steamer trunk?”

He laughed.

“Oh, yes, and a French maid, smelling salts and a motor–”

“Phil! What shall I cook with?”

“A frying pan and a tin coffeepot.”

“But I can make such beautiful muffins.”

“I’ll build an oven.”

“And cake–”

“We’ll live like gods–”
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