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The Soldier's Legacy

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JADE HAD BEEN PREPARED for some chaos Wednesday morning as she made sure the kids were fed, dressed and had everything they needed for school. Fortunately, it was less stressful than she’d expected, partially because she’d been so well organized the night before, but also because of the luxury of having breakfast prepared for them by the so-efficient Mary Pat. The housekeeper had even helped pack lunches, having sandwiches, fresh raw veggies and homemade cookies ready to stash in the insulated bags. Jade told herself she shouldn’t get spoiled by this type of household help...but she couldn’t deny it was nice today.

Possibly to allay nerves and amuse the children, Trevor made a point of conducting an “inspection” before they headed out to the car. Grinning, Caleb and Erin submitted themselves for review.

“Backpacks packed?” Trevor barked in a fake-stern tone.

“Aye, aye, Cap’n.” Erin turned to show off the Wonder-Woman-themed pack dangling from her shoulders. Caleb presented his solid blue pack, and Bella turned more slowly to display her pink-and-white Hello Kitty backpack.

“Teeth brushed?”

Caleb and Erin dutifully flashed theirs. Watching indulgently from nearby, Jade noted that Bella’s smile was notably less genuine, though the nervous child tried to play along.

“Homework done?” Trevor inquired.

“Aye, aye, Cap—hey! We don’t have any homework,” Erin protested, planting her hands on her hips. “We haven’t even had a class yet.”

“My mistake.” Trevor grinned and chucked her lightly under the chin. “You’re going to take that school by storm, Erin.”

Erin’s brows knit with a slight frown. “Is that a good thing?”

“Yes. Yes, it is.”

Her face lit up. “Then, thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

Trevor turned to extend his right hand to Caleb. “Good luck with your classes, Caleb. I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”

With a pang, Jade realized that her growing son didn’t have to look up very far to meet their six-foot-tall host eye to eye when they shook hands. When had her boy grown so tall? And would he really be a teenager in only a few months? How had the time passed so quickly?

With a slight shake of her head to clear the momentary sadness, she moved forward, rattling the keys in her hand for attention. “It’s time to go, guys. Thank you again for breakfast, Mary Pat.”

“You’re very welcome. Have a wonderful day at school, kids. I’ll have a special treat waiting for you when you get home.”

Jade had to swallow a sigh. She and her children would all be spoiled by the time they moved out of this house.

Trevor turned to Bella. “You’ll have a great day, too, Little Bit. I have no doubt.”

Trying very hard to look as brave as her brother and sister, Bella nodded, though her lower lip quivered. “My teacher is nice,” she whispered as if giving herself an encouraging reminder.

“That’s what your mom said. And I’m sure you’ll make some new friends in your class.”

“I already met a girl named Jovie at the open house.”

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