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The Romance of a Plain Man

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"Full enough of incident to have furnished material for three or four stories… A most interesting and engrossing book. Every page unfolds new possibilities, and the incidents multiply rapidly." —Detroit Free Press.

"We are disposed to rank Marion Darche as the best of Mr. Crawford's American stories." —The Literary World.

Katharine Lauderdale

The Ralstons. A Sequel to "Katharine Lauderdale"

"Mr. Crawford at his best is a great novelist, and in Katharine Lauderdale we have him at his best." —Boston Daily Advertiser.

"A most admirable novel, excellent in style, flashing with humor, and full of the ripest and wisest reflections upon men and women." —The Westminster Gazette.

"It is the first time, we think, in American fiction that any such breadth of view has shown itself in the study of our social framework." —Life.

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