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Why I Preach the Second Coming

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Do you not see it would change this old earth from the swinging cemetery of the dead into the home of deathless men, the home of the eternal and worth-while life?

Oh, listen to me all who hear me!

The hope for this world of daily toil and tears, of graves and unceasing tragedy, of pitiful woe, is not that slow creeping thing called evolution, wallowing on its serpentine belly amid the dust of death and the crime and sin of unchanged and unchangeable human nature – but God Himself – God in Christ, the personal Coming of Him who is the maker of heaven and earth, coming to bring in the new dawn, the new day, the new earth and the new empire of God and man.

Oh, tell me those of you who have been redeemed by blood, regenerated by the Spirit, made partakers of the divine nature, turned heavenward by the power of God, who see cloudless daylight in the Bible, even in the darkness of a spiritual night, hear music in its promises and whose souls are filled with love to God and love to man, tell me would you like Him to come, would you like to see your Lord face to face?

Oh, you who have had the vision of His cross behold it, I beseech you, there!

The head crowned with thorns, the nailed hands, the nailed feet, the pierced side, the blood pouring out of those hands, gliding round His body, weaving itself in its sinuous course over the white flesh into a robe of crimson, and then streaming out into a fringe of intense scarlet as it drops, drop by drop to the thirsty ground, dripping, dripping there. Oh, I can see it and I seem to feel the warm touch of it, the strange, the wonderful cleansing touch of it, the only thing that can make a blackened sinner white; and as it drops each drop seems to say till it turns to very music in the soul:

“Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

Listen to the dropping of that blood out of the heart of God, every drop the price current of the merchant, the half shekel of the sanctuary, the purchase price of your redemption and mine and the seal of infinite love, of measureless grace.

Oh, tell me would you like Him to come, transfigure you into the beauty of His likeness and put the benediction of His peace upon this old sin-smitten, tear-stained earth?

Do you ever pray the last prayer recorded in Holy Scripture, the last prayer of the Holy Apostolic Church?

Listen to it! Listen to it well!

“Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

Is this prayer in your heart?

Does it ever come to your lips?

Do you ever genuinely and openly offer it, wishing with all your heart it might be so, might be answered in your time; or, have you forgotten it like the Church at large?

Do you feel ashamed or afraid to offer it in public?

When you try to offer it in private or public does unbelief smother it?

I once heard a boy say to his mother:

“O mother, don’t do so much for me; love me more.”

I tell you the truth whether you hear or forbear: as preachers and teachers many of you are doing too much for the Lord. You are busy, morning, noon and night in His name, running here and there, tinkering religiously and morally, putting things together and increasingly active; so busy doing for the Lord that like Martha you have no time to sit still at His feet as did Mary and hear His Word, hear what He has to say to you; so busy doing for Him that you are losing sight of Himself. This was the “somewhat” He had against the Ephesian Church.

That Church was full of works and labours. They had tested false doctrines and false teachers. They stood squarely for fundamentals and were theologically sound; but they had left their “first love,” love to Himself, love to His person, devotion to His person, a flaming, outbreaking, overflowing enthusiasm for a personal, a realistic Saviour and Lord. They were taken up with what they were doing for Him rather than with Himself. They had got away from the loving, impelling touch and contact with Himself.

The personal touch with Christ!

That is what He wants from us. Not so much what we are doing for Him, but what He is to us personally. He wants to be the first and the last, the chiefest among ten thousands and the one altogether lovely. This is the definition of true and efficient Christianity – personal devotion to a living and loving Saviour.

Looking down from heaven He is saying to us, no matter how much we may be doing for Him, He is saying this to us:

“Love me more.”

And until there is this flaming, burning, out-flowing enthusiasm for and devotion to a personal Lord, to Him for what He is as well as for what He has done for us, there can be no sweeping, wide, resultant revival and ingathering of the elect of God. You may plan and organize and get together, you will have only a flame that will flare for a time and then go out.

Nay! only when we are on fire for Him can we make the hearts of men to burn with the faith that shall turn them to Him and make them hate and forsake whatever does not honour and glorify Him.

Over all the noise and rush of things, and all the machinery well motived men sometimes set going in His name He is saying:

“Love me more! love me more!”

When some one you love with this intense personal love is absent you are not satisfied till that absent one returns, fills your vision and responds to the touch of your greeting and your love.

If you love the very person of the Son of God; if you have a quivering, all-pervading enthusiasm for Him so that He is, indeed, above all personalities in the universe to you, you will want Him to return where you may look upon Him – not as Thomas did for doubt’s sake and stumbling hope’s sake – but for the very joy of it until the print of the nails in His hand and the print of the nails in His feet shall be to you as the apocalypse of His glory and the illumination of your soul.

Do you really want Him to come – this long absent Redeemer and Lord?

He is listening to hear whether you want Him to come; whether above every plan and scheme you may have been building in His name; above any religious, even spiritual ambition you may have, you want Him to come for – Himself.

He is very still. He is listening to hear whether you will say that one little word that has in it such vibrant meaning, that one word:


The Church as a Church has long ago ceased to say – “Come.”

But the old prayer is still written here in the closing page of Holy Scripture:

“Amen. Even so, Come, Lord Jesus.”

Are you willing to-night to put your faith and your heart into that old prayer and bid Him come?

Have you the faith and sincerity to do it?

You say, “Yes.”

Then rise to your feet as one person and say that prayer as I line it out to you until it shall roll upward like a wave on the infinite shore and break on our Lord’s listening ears with the music of love’s unfailing appeal:

“Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

In response to Dr. Haldeman the great audience filling the building from pit to dome rose to its feet as in a flash and repeated the prayer as he gave it out. It was a moving sight and full of impression as the mighty volume of united voices rose and swelled upward to that throne where our Lord sits as Bridegroom as well as King and yearns in these days to hear His true Bride in all the wonder of her spiritual beauty and the strength of her essential unity say – “Come.”

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