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ABC-Book. Букварь

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With a pair of bagpipes under her arm.

She could sing nothing but fiddle dee, dee,

The mouse has married the bumblebee.

Pipe, cat; dance, mouse;

We’ll have a wedding at our good house.

Christmas is Coming

Christmas is coming,

the goose is getting fat

Please put a penny in the old man’s hat

If you haven’t got a penny,

a ha’penny will do

If you haven’t got a ha’penny,

a farthing will do

If you haven’t got a farthing then

God bless you!

fiddle – играть на cкрипке
barn – сарай
bagpipe – волынка
fiddle dee, dee – играть дии дии
married (marry) – женился
bumblebee – шмель
pipe – пищать, играть на свирелu
dance – танцевать
mouse (mice) – мышь (мышки)
wedding – свадьба
getting fat – толстеть
penny – пенни (монета в Англии)
ha’penny – пол пенни
farthing – четверть пенни
God bless you! – бог с тобой! (будь здоров!)

Dd [di: ]

What is the text about?

A: Whatis the text about?

B: Is it about animals.

A: Is it a swan?

B: No, it isnot a swan. It is a duck.

A: Are these dogs or wolves?

B: They are dogs.

A: What are there on the other page? Are they deer?

B: Yes they are. They are deer.

A: Are they deer or moose? I am not sure about them.

B: I am not sure about them either. Let’s ask a teacher.


what – что

about – о, об

swan – лебедь

wolves – волки

moose – лось, лоси

not sure – cомневаться

either – тоже

let’s ask – давай спросим

Tongue twister:

If one doctor doctors another doctor,

Then which doctor is doctoring the doctored doctor?

Does the doctor who doctors the doctor, doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors? Or does he doctor

the doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?

Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling.
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