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Australian Bachelors: Masterful Magnates: Purchased: His Perfect Wife

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Mike was an easy person to converse with, and it didn’t seem intrusive to ask how long he’d been in Wolfe’s employ.

‘Five years.’

Maybe she’d ask Wolfe to fill in some of the blanks.

Meantime there were places to go, things to see, and who better to have as a companion than someone who knew the city?

He delivered her to the apartment building just before six, and she showered, changed into jeans and a knit top, then made herself an omelette with mushrooms, tomatoes, shallots and cheese. She ate it in the dining room, tidied up the kitchen, then settled herself comfortably in the media room and surfed the cable channels, viewed a movie, then switched to a comedy special.

At eleven she closed down and went to bed, unsure when Wolfe returned, only that when she woke in the morning the bed showed signs of his occupancy, but yet another note awaited her in the kitchen … followed by a call to her phone as she was eating breakfast.

‘I have back-to-back meetings set up over the next few days,’ Wolfe imparted when she picked up. She offered sweetly, ‘I hardly noticed you weren’t here.’

‘In that case, I’ll wake you tonight.’

His drawled response set all her nerve-ends to vibrant life.

‘I’m sure you’ll be too tired.’

His soft chuckle sounded husky on the line. ‘Enjoy your day.’

‘I shall.’

Exercise was a wonderful stress-reliever, and when Mike called to ascertain her plans for the day she opted for a walk through Central Park.

She sensed his inaudible groan. ‘You wouldn’t prefer to go shopping?’

‘Are you inferring you’re not up to it?’ she parried lightly.

‘Five kilometres, no more.’

‘You’re on. With one condition—we get to do lunch.’ She wrinkled her nose at him. ‘Research.’

‘For your Sydney restaurant.’

‘I have a few ideas.’


Lara listed the names of some top New York restaurants.

Mike winced. ‘I’ll phone ahead for reservations. I can feel my waistband expanding already.’

The sun shone, there was a slight breeze and the temperature was cool.

Ideal for walking, and she said so as they headed out.

‘Isn’t this great?’ she enthused some time later as they passed a man-made lake, and then went on to cross a graceful bridge.

There was time for a brief shower and a change of clothes before she met Mike downstairs, and they went out for lunch. The food was divine, the floral displays dazzling, the service faultless, and people-watching provided an intriguing visual diversion.

It was late afternoon when she entered the apartment, and the thought of facing another lonely evening didn’t appeal. There was a charming little bistro a short walk from Wolfe’s apartment, and it would be fun to sample their food.

An hour tops and she’d be home.

Early night-time New York wasn’t all that different from its Sydney counterpart; the street was well-lit and there were people walking their dogs, and a few elderly men gathered together on the sidewalk conversing in voluble Italian.

The bistro was cosy, busy, and the food surprisingly good. It was pleasant to sit and observe, to be a patron instead of working a kitchen.

It was almost nine when she re-entered the apartment, and after ten when Wolfe arrived home.

Was it her imagination, or were the lines fanning out from the corners of his eyes a little more pronounced than she’d remembered?

‘Tough day?’

He removed his jacket and loosened his tie, discarded both, then he crossed to where she sat reading a magazine. Without a word, he set the magazine aside, caged her body, then he laid his mouth on her own, explored a little, and deepened the kiss with an expertise that sent her heart racing.

‘That was hello?’ Lara queried when she caught her breath, and his eyes gleamed with amusement as he scooped her into his arms and positioned her on his lap as he sank down into the chair.

Her image had taunted him throughout the day … the tilt of her mouth when she smiled; the silky feel of her skin beneath his touch; the way she felt in his arms.

He had a need for her that surprised him. Control was an integral part of who he’d become. Essential in the way he conducted business, and natural that it spilled over into his personal life.

‘I can make coffee,’ she offered, and caught his gleaming gaze.

‘A shower, then I get to take you to bed.’ But for now, it was enough just to hold her. ‘You enjoyed your walk through part of Central Park?’

He was close, so close she caught the faint muskiness of his skin as it vied with the almost undetectable drift of his cologne. ‘Mike told you.’ It wasn’t a query, merely recognized fact.

His hand shaped her breast, lingered, then his fingers slipped the buttons free on her knit top and sought the burgeoning peak beneath the light fabric of her bra.

‘So … how was your day?’

‘Meetings, negotiations, a conference call. Invitations.’


‘A few,’ he drawled as he stood effortlessly and placed her on her feet. He bestowed a brief, hard kiss, and headed towards their bedroom.

Lara met him as he emerged from the en suite, and he crossed to her side, reached for the hem of her nightshirt and drew it over her head as she unhitched the towel at his hips.

Wolfe took his time, rousing her to fever pitch as his need matched her own, and she wrapped her legs round his waist and held on as he took her to the brink, then joined her in a glorious free-fall that left them slick with sensual heat.

In the lingering aftermath he trailed light fingers over her body, exploring the soft swell of her breasts, the dip of her navel, and settled low, seeking the highly sensitized clitoris and stroking it until the breath caught in her throat and she shattered, so caught up in an exquisite climax she cried out with the intensity of it.

Lunch the next day was everything Lara expected it to be, and afterwards with Mike at her side she explored the contemporary galleries, entered one of many shops displaying crafts and exclusive gifts, and made a few purchases to take back to Sydney for Sally, Shontelle and the wait staff, as well as something quirky for Tony.

Wolfe hadn’t indicated he’d be late, and she took pleasure in preparing a delicious salad, coq au vin with gourmet vegetables, followed by crème brûlée and fresh fruit for dessert.
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