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The High-Society Wife

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Beautiful models, gorgeous clothes, all shown with professional panache.

One gown in particular took Gianna’s interest, and she made a mental note to visit the designer’s boutique.

‘You’d look fabulous in the black. Franco must buy it for you. I know just the shoes to go with it. Manolo’s, of course.’

Of course. Gianna gave herself a mental slap on the wrist for her facetiousness.

As waitresses delivered dessert, the MC took the podium to introduce the mystery guest.

‘A young woman who has achieved international success as an actress.’

No…it couldn’t be. Yet Gianna found it impossible to dispel a growing premonition.

‘She has made the very generous offer to fund an all-expenses-paid holiday for three children and their families to Disneyland.’

The announcement brought a collective murmur of appreciation from the guests.

‘We have had the medical team select the names of those children fit enough to travel.’ He turned to wards the charity’s chairperson, who had stepped onto the stage with a top hat. ‘I’d like one of our esteemed guests to select three names from this hat.’ He paused for effect. ‘Franco Giancarlo. Would you please come forward?’

A sickening feeling settled in Gianna’s stomach as Franco rose to his feet, and she watched as he crossed the floor and gained the stage.

‘I’d like you all to welcome our mystery guest.’ The MC paused for effect. ‘Famke.’

Gianna didn’t know if she could continue breathing. Tension constricted her throat and momentarily left her speechless.


There she was, making an appearance from backstage, tall, blonde, in her late twenties, and far more beautiful than any woman had a right to be.

An actress who had initially achieved success in foreign-produced films before finding fame and fortune in America.

No one recalled her surname, for it had long been discarded in the rise to stardom.

A stunningly beautiful young woman who took pleasure in seducing wealthy men, and was known to be skilfully adept at gaining extravagant gifts of jewellery from former lovers.

Five years ago Franco had been one of them, during his sojourn in New York, before his parents’ accidental death had brought him back to Melbourne.

Rumour at the time had whispered Famke wanted marriage, and the relationship soured when Franco wasn’t prepared to commit. Whereupon in a fit of pique Famke had seduced an LA billionaire, married him in a blaze of media coverage and produced a child.

Gianna kept her eyes riveted on Franco, desperate to gauge his reaction while a hundred questions hammered at her brain.

What was Famke doing here? Not only Melbourne, but here, tonight? And why go to such elaborate lengths to ensure a public face-to-face encounter with Franco?

‘She’s gorgeous, isn’t she?’ Gianna’s dinner companion observed. ‘I heard she’s recently divorced.’

And hunting.

Not any wealthy man, Gianna concluded with sickening certainty.

Franco Giancarlo.


IT WAS difficult to produce a smile as Franco rose to his feet. Yet Gianna managed it with seemingly effortless ease, and joined the guests in applauding his progress to the podium.

No one could possibly guess at the pain knifing her mid-section, or the effort it took to regulate her breathing as she caught the sexual voltage Famke exuded as Franco joined her on stage.

The actress’s effusive greeting was no doubt seen by most as an orchestrated act…the brush of Famke’s lips to Franco’s left cheek, then the other, as a familiar European gesture.

Famke’s sultry laugh, the lingering trail of scarlet-lacquered nails, were like sharp daggers piercing Gianna’s vulnerable heart.

Get over it, she bade herself silently. Famke is a witch, and Franco isn’t playing into her game.

Not in the public arena, a devilish voice pursued. But privately?

The possibility tore at her composure and reduced it to shreds.

It said much for her social élan that she managed to smile, applaud, even laugh at the on-stage production…for the benefit of the guests, the excitement generated in favour of the three children whose names were chosen, and the television cameras.

How long did it take? With on-screen cameos of each child, the family, with commentary? Fifteen minutes…twenty?

To Gianna it felt like a lifetime as she endured witnessing Famke’s touchy-feely antics on stage, the actress’s sultry smile and provocative laugh as she endeavored to display a picture of remembered intimacy with the man who numbered among her previous lovers.

Was it physically possible to burn with resentment whilst presenting a calm and cool persona?

Body language was an art form, and one she’d studied to her advantage in the business and social sector. Consequently there was no visible evidence, no betraying signals that could be noted by those who might choose to observe the effect Famke’s play might have on Franco Giancarlo’s wife.

Gianna smiled with fellow guests as Franco left the podium and returned to his table. A smile she forced to reach her eyes as he resumed his seat.

‘Well done, darling,’ she complimented lightly, and was totally unprepared for the brush of his lips against her own, the slow sweep of his tongue.

Reassurance? A public declaration of espousal unity?

The latter, she decided as he lifted his head away from her own.

His eyes, so dark and faintly brooding…did he glimpse what she didn’t want him to see? Sense it?

Doubtful. They didn’t share that degree of empathy…did they?

Almost as if he guessed at her train of thought, he threaded his fingers through her own and brought them to his lips.

He was verging on overkill, and she took it to the brink by touching gentle fingers to his cheek…resisting the urge to press the tips of her pale-pink-lacquered nails hard against the smooth olive skin.

To any onlookers it presented a loving gesture, but the brief flaring of those dark eyes revealed he recognised her intent, caught her restraint…and the silent promise she was far from done.

She kept the smile in place and refrained from saying a word as coffee and tea were served.

There wasn’t a question if Famke might circulate among the guests, but when…and if the actress would make a beeline for their table and Franco, or be a little more circumspect.
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