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Mistress By Arrangement

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Then she froze.

The underground car park was similar to a multitude of beneath street-level concrete caverns. Except it wasn’t her apartment car park.


‘WHERE the hell are we?’

‘My apartment building,’ Nikos drawled. ‘It happens to be in a block a short distance from your own.’ He opened his door and slid out from behind the wheel.

Michelle copied his actions, and stood glaring at him across the roof of the BMW, then she turned and walked to the sweeping upgrade leading to the main entrance.

‘The security gate is activated by a personally coded remote.’ He paused a beat, then added with killing softness, ‘Likewise, the lift is security coded.’

She swung back to face him, anger etched on every line of her body. ‘Kidnapping is a criminal offense. If you don’t want me to lay charges, I suggest you allow me free passage out of here. Now,’ she added with deadly intent. If she’d been standing close enough, she’d have lashed out and hit him.

Nikos regarded her steadily, assessing her slim frame, the darkness of her eyes. There was no fear apparent, and the thought momentarily intrigued him. Self-defence skills? His own had been acquired and honed to a lethal degree.

‘All I want is fifteen, maybe twenty minutes of your time.’

Her heartbeat thudded painfully against her ribs. The car park was well-lit, there were a number of cars lining marked bays, but it was eerily quiet. There was no one to whom she could appeal for help.

Michelle extracted her mobile phone and prepared to punch in the requisite digit that would connect her with Emergency Services and alert the police.

‘You have nothing to fear from me.’

His voice was even, and controlled. Too controlled. He emanated an indefinable leashed quality, a watchfulness that only a fool would disregard. And she didn’t consider herself a fool.

‘I don’t find this—’ she swept an arm in silent indication of her surroundings ‘—in the least amusing.’

‘You were averse to joining me in more comfortable surroundings,’ he posed silkily.

Anger meshed with indignation, colouring her features and lending her eyes a fiery sparkle. ‘Forgive me.’ Her voice dripped icy sarcasm. ‘For declining your invitation.’

Her passion intrigued him. Dammit, she intrigued him. Most women of his acquaintance, aware of his social and financial status, would have willingly followed wherever he chose to lead.

Yet for all that Michelle Gerard felt like an angel in his arms and responded with uninhibited fervour, instinct relayed that it wasn’t part of an act.

‘By your own admission,’ Michelle vented with restrained anger. ‘You brought me here to talk.’

She needed to shift the balance of control. Fear wasn’t an option. Although the word in itself was a misnomer. Nikos Alessandros didn’t mean her any harm. at least not in the physical sense. Yet when it came to her emotions... Now that was an entirely different ball game, something which irked her unbearably, for how could she be emotionally spellbound by a man who, in a short few hours, had broken every conventional social nicety?

‘I suggest you do so, now,’ she continued forcefully. ‘And condense whatever you have to say into two minutes.’ She indicated the mobile phone. ‘One wrong move and I’ll summon the police.’

He leaned one hip against the smooth bonnet of his car, and regarded her thoughtfully.

‘I want you to be my social companion for a few weeks,’ he stated without preamble.

Michelle drew in a deep breath and released it slowly. Whatever she’d expected, it hadn’t been this. He had only to beckon and women would beat a path to his side. ‘Surely you jest?’

His attention didn’t falter. ‘I’m quite serious.’


‘For much the same reason it would suit you.’

She didn’t pretend to misunderstand. ‘What makes you so sure?’

‘Body language,’ Nikos drawled.

Her eyes flashed golden fire. ‘I can handle Jeremy.’

‘I don’t doubt you can.’ One eyebrow lifted. ‘The question is, do you want to?’

‘I don’t need anyone to fight my battles,’ she said dryly. ‘Any more than you do. So why don’t you cut to the chase?’

‘I thought I already had.’

Her head tilted to one side. ‘You expect me to believe there’s a female you can’t handle?’ The prospect was almost laughable.

‘The widow of a very close friend of mine,’ Nikos enlightened her slowly. ‘Her husband was killed several months ago in a skiing accident.’

‘She is emotionally fragile, and genuinely misinterprets the friendship?’ Michelle posed. ‘Or has she become a calculating vixen intent on snaring another rich husband?’

His expression imperceptibly hardened, a subtle shifting of muscle over bone that reassembled his features into a compelling mask.

‘You presume too much.’

So she’d struck a tender nerve. Interesting that he didn’t answer her question.

‘You feel honour-bound to spare—’ She paused deliberately.


‘Saska,’ she continued. ‘Any embarrassment during what is a transitional grieving period?’

‘Yes,’ he declared succinctly.

‘I see.’ She regarded him thoughtfully. ‘And on the basis of one meeting, an appraisal of body language , you virtually kidnap me and suggest I have nothing better to do with my time than act out a part for your benefit.’

‘There would be a few advantages.’

Topaz flecks shone in the depths of her green eyes, a silent evidence of her anger. ‘Name one.’

‘All of the pleasure and none of the strings.’

‘And a bonus, I imagine, if I’m sufficiently convincing?’ The flippant query slipped from her lips, and she glimpsed the faint edge of humour tilt the corner of his mouth.

‘I’m sure we can come to an amicable arrangement.’
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