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The Marriage Campaign

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‘How is Madeline?’ Her stepmother was hardly the wicked kind, but Madeline viewed Francesca as a contestant for Rick’s affections, and waged a subtle war to test her husband’s priorities whenever Francesca was in town.

‘Fine.’ The warmth in his voice was unmistakable, and as long as Francesca continued to hear it she was prepared to forgive Madeline almost anything.

‘And Katherine and John?’ They were close, and Francesca regarded them as sister and brother rather than step-siblings. ‘We must get together.’

‘Is tonight too soon?’ her father queried with a degree of wry humour. ‘Katherine has, she assures me, an outfit to die for, and John seems convinced a new suit will elevate him in years to the enviable position of escorting his famed stepsister to an élite restaurant, where, God willing, some super-vigilant photographer will take a photo which will appear in tomorrow’s newspaper, whereupon he’ll be the most sought-after beau of the student ball.’

Francesca laughed. A glorious, warm, husky sound. ‘I take it I should wear something incredibly glamorous?’

Rick Cardelli’s smile held philosophical humour. ‘Obscenely so, I imagine,’ he said drily.

Concern clouded her features. ‘I don’t want to overshadow Katherine.’ Or Madeline.

His dark eyes gleamed, and the edges of his mouth curved upward. ‘My dear Francesca, Katherine wants you to shine—vividly.’

‘Done.’ Francesca lifted her glass and touched it to the rim of her father’s wine glass. ‘Salute, Papà,’ she said solemnly.

‘Ecco. Health and happiness,’ he added gently.

She picked up her cutlery and speared a succulent prawn from its bed of cos lettuce decorated with slices of avocado and mango. The dressing was divine, and she savoured every mouthful.

They were halfway through the main course when Francesca became aware of a strange prickling sensation at the back of her neck.

Almost as if she was being watched.

Recognition was an aspect of her profession that she had come to terms with several years ago, and she dealt with it with practised charm.

But this was different. Mild interest in her presence didn’t usually elicit this heightened sense of awareness, an acute alertness, as if something deep inside was forcing her attention.

She turned slowly, allowing her gaze to idly skim the room. And came to a sudden halt as she caught sight of Dominic Andrea sharing a table with two men a few metres from her own.

At that moment he glanced up, and her eyes collided with his dark, piercing gaze. He offered a slow, musing smile, which merely earned him a brief nod before she returned her attention to the contents on her plate.

Her appetite diminished so as to be almost nonexistent, and she declined dessert, choosing to settle for coffee.


She looked up at the sound of her name and realised she hadn’t taken in a word her father had said. ‘I’m sorry, what did you say?’

‘Is there a reason for your distraction?’ Rick queried, and she wrinkled her nose in wry humour.

‘An unwanted one.’

Her father chuckled. ‘Now that I have your attention... Madeline would like you to join us at home for dinner. Does Wednesday suit?’

‘I’ll look forward to it.’

The waiter cleared their table and brought coffee.

Francesca was conscious of every movement she made, aware as she had never been before of one man’s veiled scrutiny.

No one would have guessed to what degree Dominic’s presence bothered her, or how much she longed to escape.

‘A refill?’

‘No, thanks.’ She cast her father a warm smile. ‘This has been lovely.’ She watched as he summoned the waiter to bring the bill.

‘Rick. How are you?’

Even if the faint aroma of exclusive male cologne hadn’t warned her, the slow curl in the pit of her stomach did.

Dominic Andrea. Dark eyes, inscrutable expression behind the warm smile.

‘Francesca.’ The intimate inflexion he gave her name made the hairs at her nape rise in protest. Something that irritated the hell out of her and lent a very polite edge to her voice as she acknowledged his presence.

Dominic leaned down and brushed his lips against her temple. The contact was brief, his touch light. But something ignited and flared through her veins, potent, alive—electric.

She wanted to kill him. In fact, she definitely would kill him the next time she saw him. If she saw him again. How dare he imply an intimacy that didn’t exist? Would never exist.

‘You know each other?’ Rick queried, interested in the expressive play of emotions that chased fleetingly across his daughter’s features.

‘We dined together earlier in the week,’ Dominic enlightened smoothly.

Damning. Francesca cursed, all too aware of his intended implication.

‘Really?’ Rick absorbed the information and wondered whether anything was to be made of it. ‘You’ll join us for coffee?’

‘I’m with two colleagues. Another time, perhaps?’ His eyes shifted to Francesca, who met his steady gaze with equanimity. ‘If you’ll excuse me?’

He reminded her of a sleeping tiger. All leashed power beneath the guise of relaxed ease.

Francesca watched as he turned and threaded his way back to his table.

‘I didn’t realise you were on such close terms with Dominic Andrea. I have one of his paintings.’

She couldn’t imagine her father coveting anything resembling the colourful abstract resting in Leon’s gallery. A mental run-through of the artwork gracing Rick and Madeline’s walls brought a mental blank.

‘The vase of roses in the dining room,’ Rick enlightened. ‘Madeline assures me it is perfect for the room.’

Francesca had to agree. She’d silently admired it numerous times. Such painstaking brushwork, a delicate blending of colours. Velvet curling petals, the perfection of leaf foliage, the drops of fresh dew. Displayed in a glazed ceramic bowl against a shadowy background. The work of a man, she conceded, who possessed infinite patience and skill. Did those same qualities extend to pleasuring a woman? Somehow she imagined that they did.

Sensation feathered the surface of her skin, and she consciously banked down the acute ache deep within. She experienced guilt, and mentally attempted to justify it.

‘Shall we leave?’ Rick suggested as he settled the bill. Together they threaded their way towards the exit and parted with an affectionate kiss as they reached the pavement.

Shopping, a visit to the hairdresser and the beautician took care of the afternoon, then she drove home and dressed for the evening ahead.

Obscenely glamorous. Well, the gown was certainly that! Indigo lace over raw silk, form-fitting. A lace bolero, high-heeled pumps and evening purse. Her favourite perfume added a finishing touch.
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