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The Secrets Of The Shadows

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Annie began to laugh so hard that she slid off the stool. ‘I’m drunk and I don’t think going to the cemetery in this state is going to be too productive. What if someone reports us and we end up getting arrested, there have been loads of metal thefts up there this month. Can you imagine the gossip that would spread around the station if we got caught in there?’ Tears were rolling down her cheeks, smudging her mascara and leaving black trails.

Jake bent down; putting both of his hands under her armpits he dragged her up from the floor. ‘Nah bollocks, we’ll just tell them the truth. That we were ghost hunting.’

‘Your call, but if you insist – who am I to argue?’

He shrugged his huge shoulders and took hold of her hand. ‘What the hell, come on if we get caught we’ll say we were looking for vampires. I want to go now before I chicken out, I’ve always wanted to do this but never had anyone drunk or stupid enough to go with.’

They looked each other in the eye and nodded. Jake helped her into her coat and wrapped her scarf around her neck. His fingers brushed her thick, black curls, which had grown back and now covered the scar that had once been on show. She looked so much happier and healthier now she didn’t have Mike in her life. He bent down and planted a big, wet kiss on her forehead and held her close. Annie wrapped her arms around him and whispered. ‘Don’t you go getting all soft on me Jake, I’m okay now and I’ve never been happier. Everything that happened six months ago is done, life is getting better.’

Jake squeezed his friend even tighter. ‘I’m not; I just hate what happened to you.’ They pulled apart; Jake took hold of her hand and dragged her to the front door. ‘Come on, there’s no time like the present and besides your dream man Will might turn up soon and you know what a spoilsport he is. He’d never let you loose in a cemetery with your track record.’

They left the house holding hands and began the short walk to the cemetery gates.

‘How are we going to get in if they’re locked?’ Annie asked.

‘Sometimes you amaze me, you can climb walls can’t you? I’ll give you a bunk up if you can’t get those short legs up high enough.’

She slapped his hand in a half-hearted gesture; Jake squeezed her’s back, a silent apology. Annie couldn’t walk straight; her legs were wobbling as they approached the tall, black, cast iron gates which loomed in the distance. Behind them was a blanket of pitch black which made her heart beat faster.


Will shivered. He hated cemeteries when the sun was shining and he could see everything around him, but to be here in the dark with no moonlight gave him the creeps. It didn’t help that he was sitting in a car with Twit and Twat, the two specials who were very nice blokes but far too keen to get a piece of the action. They couldn’t sit still and were talking utter crap. Every time a shout came over the radio the one sitting next to him would sit up, his body taut and his fists clenched, raring to get going. Will smiled to himself, at least he was getting a bit of fun out of it by torturing the pair of them; they needed to learn that police work wasn’t all rescuing damsels in distress and blue light jobs. As bored as he was he really hoped that nothing would happen tonight with these two in tow because it was all bound to go tits up in a big way. Two of his best detectives Stu and Laura were hiding behind some mausoleum near to the Crematorium. He would rather have been with one of those two but after the head injury and broken knee cap he got whilst trying to save Annie six months ago and the fact that it was freezing he’d decided to pull rank for once and sit in the car.

He switched off from the two chattering voices and began to think about Annie. He was parked not too far away from her husband Mike’s grave. He looked out of the side window and squinted; he could just make out the hilly mound of soil. Will would have loved to have given him what he deserved, but the town’s first serial killer had beaten him to it. He had to admit that Annie was by far the best thing that had happened to him and he loved her more than he’d loved anyone, but he was still afraid of committing and, to be honest, she was still a mess. He hated the nightmares she had almost every night. She would brush them off as if nothing was wrong but he had seen her pale face and eyes wide in horror as she crept out of the bed and into the bathroom. The first time he’d heard her stifling her sobs it had broken his heart and he had lain there dithering about whether to go and comfort her or give her some space. He opted to stay where he was, feeling useless. When she had finally come back to bed he’d turned and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight and stroking her hair until her breathing slowed and she fell back asleep. Tonight he’d left her at Jake and Alex’s house; if his grave robbers didn’t turn up he might go round for a coffee and see what they were up to.


Jake threaded his arm through Annie’s and the pair of them weaved along the tree-lined road towards the cemetery. The blackness behind the gates looked ominous; she didn’t want to do this. Why did she let Jake talk her into these things? She hadn’t been here since Mike’s funeral.

‘We can’t get in, it’s all locked up.’

Jake looked at her in disbelief, ‘Are you serious? You’re a copper, you should know how to scale a fence.’

‘Of course I know how to scale a fence, just not when I’m drunk. I don’t want to land head first in someone’s grave. I have a bit more respect than you do.’

‘Wimp. Come on, I’ll give you a bunk up.’

Annie ignored his offer of help and wobbled on ahead of him, scaling the gates before Jake could offer her his hand. She jumped off the other side and slipped. Jake bent over laughing.

‘Come on then big man, let’s see if you can do any better.’

Jake took a run for the gate. For his size he was surprisingly nimble and he managed to climb over it and land on his feet next to her. Annie tutted and began to walk away in the opposite direction to Mike’s grave and Jake followed. She let out a loud scream at a statue in the distance and he started to laugh again. Her elbow landed sharply in his side and he stopped. She decided to walk up towards the old chapel, which was now boarded up and fenced off. Annie had been drawn towards it last year when she had come looking for Alice’s grave – she had seen Alice’s ghost in that area of the cemetery so it was the logical place to go. Jake, who had finally stopped laughing, whispered in her ear, ‘Come on, you’re right this is stupid, let’s go and order a Chinese.’

Stubborn as ever she carried on walking. ‘Now who’s the wimp? You were the one who wanted to come here in the first place, I’m not leaving until we see a ghost; I’ll prove to you I’m not full of crap.’

‘I never said you were, but it is kind of hard to believe.’

Annie shook her head, it felt muzzy – too much Tequila. She would pay for it in the morning but maybe tonight when she finally made it to bed she wouldn’t have any of those terrible nightmares about a secret room in a cellar with dead bodies inside.


Stu and Laura huddled together to try to keep warm. They couldn’t really see the chapel from their position but this was the only place where they could keep out of sight yet still be near enough to get there in a hurry. Will’s voice echoed through their earpieces. ‘Two people just climbed over the gate and are heading your way up towards the chapel. It looks like a man and a woman but hard to tell from here.’ Stu crept to the side of the wall; straining his eyes he could make out a tall man and a much shorter woman who were stumbling hand in hand. Laura popped her head around to take a look and rolled her eyes at Stu. ‘I can’t see those two getting up to anything other than a quickie, that’s if he can get it up. Those two are hammered and I’m freezing in a bloody cemetery of all places. How do we get roped into these crappy jobs? Join CID, become a detective, solve serious crime. Yes right, what a load of rubbish.’

They watched as the dark figures finally reached the chapel and then the taller one bent down to give the shorter one a bunk up the fence. Will’s voice echoed in their ears. ‘Go, go, go.’

Jake’s hand pushed Annie and she grabbed hold of the top of the fence just as two figures came hurtling up the path, followed by a car with headlights on full beam, blinding them. Jake landed on the ground with a loud thud as someone rugby tackled him. He landed on his back with some bloke on top of him. Annie, blinded by the light, began to shout, lost her grip on the fence and then slipped to the ground. She landed next to Jake and whispered, ‘We are so fucked.’

The car stopped in front of them and a familiar figure climbed out shouting, ‘Police, don’t move.’ Laura slapped a pair of handcuffs on Annie whilst Stu cuffed Jake. Annie took one look at Jake’s shocked expression and began laughing; Will stepped closer to take a look, pushing Twit and Twat out of the way, who were standing with batons and CS gas drawn, ready for battle. ‘Jesus.’

Jake grinned at him, ‘Alright Will, fancy meeting you here.’

‘Would you like to tell me exactly what you two are doing in here at this time of night?’

Annie was speechless; her laughter getting more hysterical by the second. Composing herself as best as she could she screeched. ‘Sorry officers, whatever it was it was me.’

Will clenched his fists in anger. Annie hiccupped so loud it echoed around the graves. ‘Sorry Will. Jake and I decided to do a spot of ghost hunting.’

Will’s voice shook as he barked at Stu and Laura to uncuff them. His cheeks were flushed red and he leant down to grab Annie’s arm. ‘Jesus Christ, I can’t leave you two alone for five minutes, you are a bloody liability.’

Jake had sobered up remarkably well compared to Annie, who was trying to stifle her laughter and not doing it very well. Jake looked at Will. ‘Sorry, it’s my fault. I begged her to come with me.’

Will shook his head and grabbed Annie’s arm much more roughly than he’d intended, instantly regretting it as her face became a mask of fear. She pulled away from his grip. ‘I can manage on my own.’ Annie sobered instantly; she knew that Will would never mean to harm her, not like Mike used to, but still her feelings were hurt.

‘Sorry to interrupt your little party Sir.’ She spat the words out. ‘Come on Jake, let’s go back to your house and finish that tequila. Oh and Will, don’t bother coming round after you finish whatever it is you’re doing in here. I’ll be far too busy holding a séance.’ She stormed off, making Jake jog to catch up to her. Neither of them spoke until they reached the gates where they looked at each other and started laughing once more. The wind carried the sound up to the chapel where Will was standing shaking his head and trying to figure out what had just happened.

Stu and Laura waited for Will to tell them what to do. ‘Right, since those two have almost certainly messed up any chance of catching our grave robbers tonight, I think we should leave. I can’t see anyone coming in here now after all that racket.’

The two specials looked relieved to be able to escape the boredom; they wanted to be out where the action was, although judging by what jobs had been passed over the radio in the last hour – a group of kids throwing stones at a taxi and a pensioner who had fallen out of bed – they wouldn’t get much excitement working ‘response’ either. Will was just glad to get rid of them; he’d had enough for tonight. He waited for them to get in the car and then muttered, ‘Come on, first round’s on me. If I get drunk I may just find all of this slightly amusing.’

Stu smirked. ‘It was kind of funny Will. What are the odds on those two deciding to give Most Haunted a run for their money while we were on observations in here?’

Laura laughed, she agreed with Stu. They got into the car and Will drove down to the gates where Jake was trying to give Annie a bunk up. Jake turned and saluted them. Will passed the keys to the gate to Stu. ‘Open the gates and let the stupid buggers out and don’t say a word. I’m really not in the mood.’

Stu got out and opened the gates. Will watched as Jake and Annie giggled at something Stu had said to them. It would be all around the station tomorrow but it wouldn’t be his fault; they only had themselves to blame. He waited for Annie to turn and look at him so he could smile but she didn’t, instead she clutched hold of Jake and stumbled off in the direction of his house.

Laura had been watching Will; she had seen the look in his eyes when Annie had marched off. He wouldn’t admit it but he was upset. Laura had never met a woman with so much baggage and even more bad luck. Fingers crossed Stu would be his normal wimpy self and leave them after half a pint of lager to get home to his wife. For all his bravado he was nothing more than a henpecked husband, it would be nice to be alone with Will in the pub. She’d had a thing for him for the past twelve months yet he’d not once looked at her in anything other than a professional capacity. She grinned to herself at the thought of what she could do for him if she was given the chance. Stu looked at her and whispered, ‘Never in a thousand years, he’s in love.’

Laura shook her head, ‘Twenty quid says I at least get a kiss off him.’

Stu growled, ‘For twenty quid I’d want a blow job, not a kiss. Tenner and you’re on.’ Laura smiled sweetly and nodded in agreement.

June 25


Sophie and Sean were playing Hide and Seek upstairs. Sean wasn’t very good at it because he was too small to climb up into any of the cupboards, which meant that Sophie always found him. She had laughed at him last time she found him behind their mum’s bedroom door, hiding underneath her long, fluffy dressing gown. This was his favourite hiding place and he felt safe there because it smelled of coconut shampoo and his mum’s perfume. He buried his head into the soft robe to stifle a giggle when he heard Sophie shouting, ‘Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum I smell the blood of an English man.’

He could hear her footsteps as she ran along the landing, the creak of the bathroom door as she looked inside and the bang as she slammed it shut again and ran to the next bedroom. He was too young to understand that she was making a fuss so as not to make him feel bad about being too little to find a good hiding place – she was kind like that. She could be horrible to him, especially if he had taken one of her Sindy dolls for his A-Team men to rescue but most of the time she was nice. He heard her footsteps as she ran closer to his hiding place. He was staring down at his feet, so he didn’t see the dark shadow that walked past the door but he shivered and felt his teeth begin to chatter. It was so cold; he hugged the robe tighter to him to keep warm. He sniffed and then gagged, there was an awful smell in the room – a bit like when his mum made veg for dinner and they didn’t eat it all because it was horrible. She would forget and leave the pan on the cooker for days. He wondered if his mum was cooking veg for tea and he pulled a face. He didn’t like any of it except for the green peas and he only liked them because they made good ammunition for the A-Team to flick at the bad guys. The light left the room and Sean felt the hairs on the back of his neck begin to prickle. It was sunny outside so he didn’t understand why the room had gone so dark. He wanted to peek out from his hiding place but his Hannibal voice was telling him ‘No’. He had to stay hidden then he would be safe. Sophie had stopped running about and he heard her make a funny, high-pitched noise. It wasn’t very loud at first but then she let out a really loud screech which made him jump with fright. There was a loud thud which was followed by more screaming. Sean was scared but he had to go and see what was wrong with his sister so he ignored Hannibal and ran from the room onto the landing where Sophie was curled into a ball screaming. He didn’t know what to do but then his mum came running up the stairs and bent down to see what was wrong with her. He had never seen anyone with a face as white as Sophie’s and he was afraid for her.
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