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Sport Royal, and Other Stories

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“I see you like coming to business directly,” she answered, her neatly gloved hands busy unpinning her veil. She seemed to find the task a little difficult.

“You see, it’s rather late,” said Middleton.

“Not at all. I am only just up. Well, then, to business. I hear you want a model for an Earthly Love.”

“Exactly. May I ask if you – ”

“If I am a model? Oh, now and then – not habitually.”

“You know my requirements are somewhat hard to fulfill?”

“I can fulfill them,” and she raised her veil. She certainly could. She realized his wildest dreams – the wildest dream of poets and painters since the world began. Middleton stood half-stupefied before her.

“Well, shall I do?” she asked, turning her smile on him.

Middleton felt as if it were a battery of guns, as he answered that he would be the happiest painter in the world if she would honor him.

“Head only, of course,” she continued.

“Of course,” said he hastily; “unless, that is, you will give me hands and arms too.”

“I think not. My hands are not so good.” And she glanced at her kid gauntlets with a smile.

“And – er – as to terms?” he stammered.

“Oh, the usual terms,” she answered briskly.

Middleton hinted at pre-payment.

“I’m not allowed to take that,” she said. “Come, I will ask for what I want when the time comes. You won’t refuse me?”

“It’s a little vague,” he said, with an uneasy laugh.

“Oh, I can go away.” And she turned toward the door.

“Whatever you like,” he cried hastily.

“Ah, that’s better. I shall not take anything of great value.”

She gave him her hand. He ventured on a slight pressure. The lady did not seem to notice it, and her hand lay quite motionless in his.

“To-morrow, then?” he said.

“Yes. I won’t trouble you to call a cab. I shall walk.”

“Have you far to go?”

“Oh, some little way; but it’s an easy road.”

“Can’t I escort you?”

“Not to-night. Some day, I hope” – and she stepped into the street and disappeared round the corner.

Punctually the next day she reappeared. Apart from her incomparable beauty – and every time she came, Middleton was more convinced that it was incomparable – she was a charming companion. She was very well read, and her knowledge of the world was wonderful.

“I wish it wasn’t rude to ask your age!” he exclaimed one day.

“Ah, I am older than I look. My work keeps me young.”

“Are you very busy, then?”

“I am always busy. But I don’t grudge the time I give to you. No, don’t thank me. I am to be paid, you know.” And she laughed merrily. If there were a flaw in her, it was her laugh. Middleton thought it rather a cruel laugh.

“Do you know,” he resumed, “you have never told me your name yet.”

“I am here incognita.”

“You will tell me some day?”

“Yes, you shall know some day.”

“Before we part forever?”

“Perhaps we shall not part – forever.”

Middleton said he hoped not; but what would Angela say?

“My name is not so pretty a one as your fiancée’s,” the lady continued.

“How do you know I am engaged?”

“I always know that sort of thing. It’s so useful. Angela Dove, isn’t it?”

“Yes; I hope you like it?”

“To be candid, not very much. It happens to have unpleasant associations.”

It was fortunate that Angela was staying out of town. Middleton felt that the two ladies would not have got on well together; and – He checked himself in shame; for his thought had been that not even for Angela could he send the stranger away. Middleton struggled against the treacherous passion that grew upon him; but he struggled in vain. He was guilty of postponing the finishing of his panel as long as he could. At last the lady grew impatient.

“I shall not come after to-day,” she announced. “You can finish it to-day.”

“Oh, hardly!” he protested.

“I’ll stay late; but I can’t come again.”

Middleton worked hard, and by evening the panel was finished.

“A thousand thanks,” he said. “And now you’ll have something to eat, won’t you?”

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