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Клара поражена огромным водоемом, потому что

1) она не может увидеть другого берега.

2) это море.

3) таким большим может быть только море.

The cat-and-mouse game

A cat may look at a king. Не заносись, я не хуже тебя.

Sara is playing with a doll on the bench. Someone is purring next to her. The girl turns around and sees her favourite female cat Lulu. Lulu is Sara’s deftest cat. She likes catching mice and birds.

Right now she is holding something in her mouth. Suddenly the cat lets this something drop onto the ground, and the girl sees a little grey mouse. Sara has got some mice among her toys. But this mouse is different. It is alive and very nice. The mouse stands up on its legs unsteadily. It is afraid of the cat and is trembling.

The cat Lulu behaves as if she isn’t looking at the mouse. The mouse runs away. But the cat reaches it in no time and treads with her paw on its tail. Then she lets the mouse run again.

Sara feels envious. She has never played with a live mouse. «Lulu, let me play with the mouse too», says the girl to the cat.

But the cat can’t be bothered. Lulu hisses and scratches Sara.

Well, Lulu, that’s enough!

Sara calls her grandfather.

«Grandpa, I’d like to play with the mouse too» asks the granddaugther.

«No, darling. The mouse is alive. It’s scared of you» answers the girl’s grandfather.

«Poor little mouse. We’ll help you. We’ll take you home to your family now», he adds.

They take the mouse to the field and let it go. The mouse starts running away but suddenly stops and looks back at its rescuers. Perhaps it does that just out of curiosity. But Sara understands that in her own way:

«Grandpa, the mouse knows that we’ve saved its life».

«That’s quite possible, mice are not silly», Sara’s grandfather agrees with his granddaugther.

«I think the mouse wants to thank us for saving it. But it can’t speak, and that’s why it’s looking at us».

The mouse is waiting for a little bit, and then… Shoo! … It hides in the grass.

Sara is worried:

«Grandpa, what will happen if the mouse doesn’t find its home? Will the cat catch it again?»

«Don’t worry, Sara. The mouse doesn’t live alone. All its family is somewhere here. No doubt it’ll find its house».

Now Sara likes going to the field. Maybe, she will meet this mouse again and play with it. After all, Sara isn’t a cat!

What is the correct answer?

The cat is purring because

1) it loves the girl.

2) it likes catching mice.

3) it has caught a mouse.

Lulu behaves as if she isn’t looking at the mouse because

1) she is playing with the mouse.

2) the mouse is afraid of the cat.

3) she lets the mouse run.

Sara calls her grandfather because

1) the mouse is alive and very nice.

2) the mouse is scared of the cat.

3) she’d like to play with the mouse too.

Sara and her grandfather take the mouse to the field and let it go because

1) the mouse is poor.

2) the mouse isn’t silly.

3) they want to take the mouse to its family.

Игра в кошки-мышки

Сара играет с куклой на скамейке. Кто-то мурлычет рядом с ней. Сара оглядывается и видит Лулу. Лулу – самая ловкая кошка Сары. Она любит ловить мышей и птиц.

Вот и сейчас Лулу что-то держит в зубах. Вдруг кошка роняет это что-то на землю, и Сара видит маленькую серую мышку. В игрушках Сары есть мышки. Но эта мышка другая. Она живая и очень славная. Мышка неуверенно встает на свои лапки. Она боится кошки и дрожит.

Лулу делает вид, что не смотрит на мышку. Мышка бежит. Но кошка мгновенно настигает ее и наступает ей лапой на хвост. Затем она снова отпускает мышку.

Саре становится завидно. Она еще никогда не играла с живой мышкой.

«Лулу, дай мне тоже поиграть с мышкой», – говорит девочка кошке.

Но кошке нельзя мешать. Лулу шипит и царапает Сару.

«Ну, хватит, Лулу!»
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