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Idealogy 4109. When knowledge changed humanity

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– I will do this.


– Good girl.

Igor unfastened himself from the chair and flew up to the bag with the inscription FilPC. He took the device from the case and launched an operating system on it. The computer booted up and the intelligent assistant appeared on the screen.


– Hello, Igor. How can I help you?


– Hi, FilPC, I need you to light my way to the power unit of our shuttle.


– Have you got any problems?


– Yes, our shuttle is de-energized, it is rotating around its axis and, according to my calculations, if we don’t establish energy supply, we will crash into one of the planets with great speed.

The furry animal immediately changed into a military uniform.


– If our shuttle is de-energized, I think the fuses of our reactor have tripped, and perhaps, we should start by checking the power unit.


– Yes, I thought about that too, so make a track.


– Right.

A shuttle map appeared on the screen of the monoblock, indicating the location of the power unit. Igor drew attention to Anastasi. She was moving the unconscious commander of the ship. His body was floating in zero gravity.


– Anastasia, we are gone.


– Good.


– You will succeed.

He winked at Anastasia, she answered him with a smile. Nastya didn’t hesitate. She put Terry in her specialist chair and fastened him with straps. After making sure that he was securely fastened, she secured herself with belts on the second pilot’s place and was waiting for Igor Vladimirovich. In the frontal panoramic porthole, she was watching the alternating appearance of the star «Alpha Centauri S» and the multicolored planet, getting larger and larger with each turn.

Together with FilPC, illuminating the corridors and decks of the shuttle, Igor moved to the power unit. They flew into the dark transition between levels and moved down all the way. Having flown to the first level, they continued to move through the corridors until FilPC lit a massive door with a painted sign of radiative chemical hazard.


– Well done, FilPC!


– I'm happy to help you. I was created for this.

Igor examined the de-energized door control panel and tried to open it manually. He pulled the handle, but the door didn’t give in.


– I can’t open it manually, FilPC. Can you do anything?

Having flown up to the door control panel, FilPC pulled wires from its housing and connected them to the panel.


– Let's see.

In less than a minute the astronaut and the intellectual assistant opened the door and flew into a small room. In the foreground they saw an inactive control panel, which had to monitor the state of an atomic reactor. An atomic reactor was in the background. It was in a protected radiative capsule filled with coolant. Thick insulating wires came from the capsule and they were connected to the control panel. Igor put his hand onto the dashboard scanner, but the scanner didn’t respond.


– Everything seems to be out of order. To be honest, I'm confused. So how do we start the reactor now? Any suggestions, FilPC?


– It’s good that you’ve got me.

The furry animal instantly changed its military overalls to jeans and a plaid shirt. A small suitcase appeared in its hands. An intelligent assistant flew up to the control panel. Wires came out of its case and it easily connected to the panel.


– Let's see what happened to our shuttle.

He directed part of his energy to the panel, went into its system files and ran diagnostics in order to troubleshoot.


– Yes, indeed, the fuses in the reactor and throughout the ship tripped. After starting all the systems, I will carry out a complete diagnosis and can tell you exactly why the fuses tripped.
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