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It Had to Be You

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Maggie sank back into her chair, his words echoing in her mind. He’d said he thought their paths had crossed for a reason. She couldn’t dispute that. It was too odd a coincidence to accept at face value. He’d also said he was glad it had happened. On that point she disagreed. Maggie wasn’t glad at all. Because now that Jake had walked back into her life, she somehow knew it would never be the same again.

Chapter Three (#ulink_eb90dc2b-0247-5ae4-9e1e-f2e338619a85)

“Earth to Maggie, earth to Maggie. Are you with me over there?”

Maggie abruptly returned to reality, blushing as she sent Philip, her lunch partner, an apologetic look. “Sorry about that,” she said sheepishly.

“No problem. So what if you don’t find my company fascinating? Why should I be insulted?”

Maggie grinned at his good-natured teasing. “You’re a good sport, you know that?”

“So I’ve been told. So what gives?”

She shifted uncomfortably. “What do you mean?”

“Maggie, I’ve known you for what…seven, eight years? In all that time I’ve never once seen you distracted. So I figure something’s happened—something pretty dramatic. Therefore, I repeat…what gives?”

Maggie looked down and played with her fork. She should have known she couldn’t hide her inner turmoil from Philip. He was way too perceptive. And maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to tell him about Jake. Philip had been a trusted friend and firm supporter for years. Without his encouragement, she might never have taken up serious painting again. Even now he had several of her pieces displayed in his gallery. He’d been a good sounding board through the years, too. A widower with two grown daughters, he’d offered her valuable advice about the girls on numerous occasions. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to run this situation by him, get his take on it.

“Okay, you win,” she capitulated. “Something pretty…dramatic…did happen today.”

He tilted his head and eyed her quizzically. “Well, I can’t say you look unhappy exactly. It must not be anything too terrible.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” she murmured, shaking her head. She stirred her ice tea and took a deep breath. “You remember I mentioned once that years ago I was engaged?”


“Well…Jake—that was his name—he…he stayed at the inn last night”

Philip frowned. “You mean he came to see you?”

“No, nothing like that,” she said quickly. “He got caught in the fog and just happened to stop at our place. Allison checked him in. I didn’t even know he was there until this morning at breakfast, when the girls kept talking about this…this nice-looking man who’d checked in. It turned out to be Jake.”

Philip stared at her. “That must have been a terrible shock.”

Maggie gave a short, mirthless laugh. “That’s putting it mildly. I’ve been off balance ever since it happened. Which is odd, since my relationship with him was over long ago. I can’t figure out why his reappearance has disturbed me so much.”

Philip studied her for a moment “It does seem strange,” he concurred. “After all, whatever you two shared is obviously history.”


“And it isn’t as if he even means anything to you anymore.”

“Right” This time there was a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

“What was he doing here, anyway?”

“He’s interviewing for a job at the Maritime Academy.”

“You mean he might actually move up here?”

“Yes. And that makes me even more nervous. Which is ridiculous, because we’re really no more than strangers to each other now.”

“It’s probably just the shock of seeing him,” Philip reassured her. “Where has he lived all these years?”

“All over, I guess. He’s been in the navy. I think he still would be if it wasn’t for his father.” Maggie briefly explained the situation to Philip.

“Hmm” was his only cryptic comment when she finished.

Maggie tilted her head and looked at him quizzically. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

He shrugged. “I guess I’m a little surprised. And impressed. Not many people would give up their career, start over, change their whole life to keep a promise basically made under duress. He sounds like a very honorable man.”

Maggie frowned. “Yes, he does,” she admitted. “And it’s so at odds with the image I’ve had of him all these years.”

“Well, people do change.”

“I suppose so,” she admitted reluctantly. “I just wish I didn’t feel so off balance.”

“Things will work out, Maggie,” he told her encouragingly. “They always do. You’ve successfully weathered a lot of storms though the years, and you’ll ride this one out, too. I know. And I’m always here if you need a sympathetic ear. Don’t forget that.” He touched her hand lightly and smiled, then switched gears. “In the meantime…when do I get a preview of the new painting?”

“Will next week be okay?”

“Perfect. I’ll reserve a spot right near the front for it You know, you have a large enough body of work now to consider your own show.”

Maggie grimaced. “I just don’t feel…well…good enough…to have an official show.”

“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that? Besides, you’ll never know till you try. It’s not like you to back off from a challenge.”

“I know. But my painting is so…personal. If I got bad reviews it would be devastating. I’m not sure I’m ready to face that.”

“First of all, they wouldn’t be bad. And second of all, you can face anything, Maggie Fitzgerald. Because you are one of the strongest women I know.”

Maggie wanted to believe him. As recently as yesterday she might have. But a lot had happened since then. And at this particular moment, she didn’t feel very strong at all—thanks to one very unforgettable man named Jake West.

“Jake called twice. Will call again tomorrow.”

Maggie’s heart leapt to her throat as she read the note on the kitchen counter. She should have figured he’d call while she was out She hoped the girls had explained where she was. She didn’t want him to think she was trying to avoid him. It was just that she led a very busy life. Her days—and evenings—were filled. Like tonight. The zoning board meeting had run far later then she expected, because of some heated discussion. And she still had a few breakfast preparations to make, even if it was—she glanced at her watch and groaned—ten-thirty. There always seemed to be too much to do and not enough time.

As Maggie methodically set about assembling the egg and cheese casseroles that were tomorrow’s breakfast entrée, she reflected on the hectic pace of her life. For most people, simply running an inn and raising twins would be a full-time job. But she had made other commitments, as well. Like serving on the church council. And on the zoning board. Not to mention the watercolors she did for the greeting card company and, in recent years, pursuit of more serious art in her limited “spare” time. Why did she take so much on? she wondered with a frown. Could it be that she wanted to keep herself so busy that she had little time to dwell on the one thing that was lacking in her life?

With an impatient shake of her head, Maggie beat the eggs even harder. She didn’t usually waste time trying to analyze her life choices. If some of them were coping mechanisms, so be it. They worked, and that was all that mattered. Or they’d worked up until today, she amended. Jake’s reappearance had changed everything and, much to her surprise, rattled her badly.

But what surprised her even more was the fact that when she looked at him, it wasn’t the hurt she remembered, but the intense, heady joy of being in love. In some ways, it would almost be easier to remember the pain. Because that had no appeal But love—that was a different story. That had a whole lot of appeal. It was just that the opportunity had never come along again. And it wasn’t here now, she reminded herself brusquely as she slid the casseroles into the refrigerator. Jake had had his chance. She wasn’t about to give him another.

Abby looked up from her seat in a wicker chair on the porch and grinned as she saw Jake stride up the path.

“Did you come to see Aunt Maggie?” she asked eagerly, laying her book aside.
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