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Five secrets of a healthy life

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It is so easy! It this way you will notice about coming changes before another person will notice them (as it happens usually). Do not wait the question from your friend: “What is going on with you, dear? You look bad/depressed/fat/unhealthy/different”. Be your own reflector! Be your own coach! Be your own expert!

As Socrates told once: Know who you are!

In order to be your own expert you need to build your expertise procedure. It is very individual, but the elements as was mentioned before approximately the same: 7 areas of existence give us 7 directions of life excellence!

Why it is important?

Growth is natural for life. Question is: in what direction of your life you would like to travel and with what speed? Stagnation (absence of movement) in any of these 7 areas is sign of misbalance and death at the end. When the fruit is not growing it becomes rotten. It is important to watch and observe yourself in order to se first sign of stagnation. It is life saving procedure for YOUR self.

Nobody can help you except yourself. Others can motivate you, share their experience, show some possibilities, inspire, but you are the captain. Your team (body/mind/spirit) is eager to serve you in your life traveling adventure. But you need to be a good team leader.

Rule2: Know yourself!

It is fun to know who you are. We have learned some basic information at school and at college about biology, sociology, psychology, but let be curious: internet is the biggest information net with all blogs, chat rooms, specialists’ panels and it is all available nowadays for about everybody. Why penis has no bone inside (it could solve a lot of problems)? Why babies can breathe under water? Can you leave only on canned food? Or what about life without food? Stimulate your intellect by asking at least 10 new question everyday! Be the child again (children are growing, old people who “know all” are dying)! One of my friends is 94 years old Danish scientist, engineer and businessman. He is still going strong because he is curious every day: he invents every day something new, he is a child inside – it is his secret!

And we will help you in your first step to know yourself: we will teach you about your pulse and respiration. Did you notice that you breathe? How many times per day do you remember to breath deep and slow? What the pattern of your breath just now: Fast or shallow? Be curious! Observe!

Rule N. 2 (Index finger): Invest every day a little time to learn the basic knowledge about body, mind and intellect! It is investment in your future (10 minuets are ok? Sounds as not too much)

Step 1: Close your eyes and just observe your breath. For 1 minute. Do not change anything. Just observe. And after 1 minute you will experience the feeling of calmness, relief, rest. It is easy. Make a new habit: observe your breath 3 times a day, and you will witnesses a lot of miracles which will start happening in your life. You will be calmer. Concentrations will come back. You can experience more vitality, joy, creativity. After 14 days of breath observation (3 minutes per day) you are ready to enter Step 2.

Step 2: Your pulse. Find your pulse on your wrist and start to observe. Is it deep, shallow, fast, chaotic? You observe your heart! How many times a day you remember that you have a heart? Only if it is bothering you! We are not aware of harmony, we are aware of dysfunction! We know if something hurts, but not aware when we are healthy. Try to listen to your heart beating 1 minute per day. Close your eyes and observe! Be in intimate relation with your own breath and heart beating. Just one short minute. The consequences will be tremendous! Observe you pulse and you breath in the next 14 days. When you are done go to Step 3. Do not rush! You have time!

Step 3: We will teach you how to harmonise your breath and the heart beating. After 14 days of observation (1 min breath and 1 min pulse observation, 3 times a day, 14 days, and if you make the break, start to count from the beginning 14 days and proceed without break) you may approach the next stage: do not be in a hurry: you have the time! Be the master of breath and pulse observation first!

Now you are ready. Find you pulse, close your eyes and start to breathe counting your pulse: you can choose 7 heart beats for inhalation and 7 hearts beats for exhalation, repeat 7 times – it is traditional way. After a while you can start to experiment with yourself: you may enjoy making the break between inhalation end exhalation (start with 3, later make it up to 7 pulses beating to keep the breath). You may keep the breath after inhalation and after exhalation, or after both processes.

Important is that you enjoy to work with yourself and learn something new about yourself every time. Results will shows as a better concentration, less tiredness, better sleep or more. You will be amazed how good works this small technique!

Rule 3: Do not overdo!

You have the limited capacities in your life. It is the same as when you buy an electric bulb, it will last 20.000 hours, and then – break! Capacity is used and gone. Bulb is “dead”. The same is valid for electrical battery. You can buy a rechargeable battery. But it can be recharged maybe only 1000 times – no more. Capacity is used. Battery is dead. The same is your body: it is build to serve you about 120—130 (max 140) years as statistic shows – no more. Capacity to “re-establish” the energy witch is used for maintenance, re-building and cleansing processes is limited for this age. We do not know people who lived more than this limited period. Bible has reported about several cases of life 130—140 years long. Chinese books also describe several cases. It is very few who live so long. And the question of the meaning also: what is meaning of life for you now? Write down, put in your personal case and reflect your thoughts one year later. It is fun to see how you will be changed for one year! I advise you to make such reflection during the Christmas Holidays or on your birthday. Do it when you are alone and undisturbed. Put 20 minutes aside for this. Save your results till next years. Read your reflection after one year and write again.

Now we proceed.

Your main energy production system (motor) is in your stomach: you eat, drink and breathe to produce life energy. Using the mixture of these 3 elements (air, water and food stuff) your stomach is capable to produce the energy to be used later for rebuilding of internal elements of your body, cleansing processes, and maintenance of energy for external activities. The first sign of declining of life energy is the limitation of amount of energy for external usage. This is the question of priority. The body is always using most optimal solution. It is more important for the body to produce enough energy for rebuilding the blood cells than to use it for external physical activities, for example jumping. Elderly people have do not have any (or very little) desire to jump compared to the children up to 10 years old. Why? Elderly people use their energy capacity mainly to rebuild and maintain internal health of the body (and fight against the increasing disorders in different body systems) and there is not enough energy for extraordinary activities, like jumping on one leg. Once I witnessed a child behaviour at the metro station: when I was waiting for my train to town, a small, about 8 years old, boy was jumping on one leg up and down the stairs – about 40 steps down and up again for 5 minutes without any sign of tiredness – such an energy!

Rule N.3 (Long finger): Less is more: What you eat today you will be tomorrow, how much you move today will affect you tomorrow, what you learn today you will become tomorrow. We will add “what and how much”. Build your unique “just and now” life strategy.

When you start to observe yourself and notice that you have no natural desire for jumping any more (or perform any physical activities including dancing, run, sex for example) remember: It is the first sign for declining of your internal energy level. Sigh N. 2 is that you do not want to learn something new about the world and about yourself. Intellectual activities (including also: meeting new people, new social activities, new travel destinations, new experiences which can involve your senses, as for example new smells, new food, and new books) all are energy demanding. If you notice that you have no desire to start something new in your life – the level of your life energy is declining.

Law of energy

Energy means life. Without energy, there is no life. Everything in our world is based on energy. And it means that all around us is living, but have different shapes, structures and lifetimes (or disintegration times). Stones are alive (a stone has a lifetime too). Sun, wind, rain, temperature and time will disintegrate stones and it means that a stone will be dead and gone in some time.

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