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A Little Angel Love: Spread Happiness and Inspiration, with Help from the Angels

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‘My daughter Denise walked away with a broken hand from a hundred-mile-an-hour-impact road accident in December last year.

For days before her accident, her 5-year-old daughter Victoria was obsessed with drawing butterflies and even asked her granddad to draw some.

A week before her accident Denise had seen a Red Admiral butterfly in her daughter’s bedroom. She put it out of the window. On the day of her accident she collected her jeans from the washing line and was about to iron them when a Red Admiral flew out of them.

After the accident, her husband Tim picked up her belongings from the police compound—she opened her shopping bag and found Victoria’s drawing of a butterfly inside it. Denise had not realized the drawing was in her bag until that moment.

Talking it over with her husband after the accident, Victoria, who was listening, said, “Mummy, there wasn’t one butterfly, there were a hundred.” Victoria put her hands together as if in prayer and said that one butterfly flew out and said, “We must pray for her and save her,” and they all lifted her up.’

This beautiful story just touched my heart. Could it possibly be true? Why would it not be?

One of the more common ways our guardian angels show themselves is by leaving gifts of ‘angel feathers’. Do the feathers actually come from the wings of an angel? Who knows, but humankind has believed for many thousands of years that angels have wings and the angels know this! Those perfect little curled white feathers are the most common. Feathers are light and easy for angels to manifest for us—what a perfect sign—so maybe that is why they are among the commonest angel signs.

Barbara was finding life a little stressful. Was her feather a message from her angels? She did wonder!


‘I walked along my hallway and saw a white speck on the carpet. Each time I passed over it I was aware of it. It really stood out. I thought I should vacuum it up but after I vacuumed, I realized it was still there! I felt annoyed and bent down to remove it and imagine my surprise when I found my white speck was really a feather! It was perfect. A small, fluffy and creamy white feather! I decided to keep it and put it in a little box on my dressing table. My answer had come.’

This next story is also subtle, but might this be the angels? This lady did ask for her sign after all.


‘First, let me tell you that I do believe in angels and once when things where not going well in my life I called out to them for a sign. I was walking along a local beach when I noticed that the sand was full of little white feathers. They were small and delicate, and at first I thought they were from a sea bird that had been washed up…but there were no other remains.’

Another lady watched a television programme about angels and although she was sceptical she decided to ask her angels to give her evidence of their existence by producing feathers as they had suggested on the programme. Not really thinking that anything would happen, she went for a walk and was amazed when she turned a corner to find pure white fluffy feathers every few yards along the whole stretch of the road.

Later on that day she went out for a second walk and this time she picked up one of the feathers and clutched it in her hand with the intention of taking it home—but when she opened her palm it had vanished.

One writer, Eileen, watched me on ITV’s television programme This Morning and she was prompted to write to me about her own experience.


Eileen and her husband had tragically lost their son in a car accident and, in their grief, had been to visit a highly respected psychic medium in the hope of making contact with him.

The medium said she felt that she had got in touch with him. She explained to the grieving parents that their son was going to leave them a feather as a sign and that as soon as he had done so they were to give her a telephone call to confirm it. Kenny, Eileen’s husband, was a bit of a sceptic and hadn’t really expected anything at all.

A short time later Kenny had been working in the garage and everything he touched seemed to go wrong. He decided to stop for a break and stood on the porch, but as he stood there daydreaming, a little white feather came floating down from nowhere. Kenny just put out his hand as it gently fell and then looked all around to see if he could see a bird that might have dropped it. He also checked the garden to see if other feathers were blowing around outside but he found nothing which would explain the feather appearing from nowhere.

The couple firmly believe that their son had made contact in the way that the medium suggested that he would, and that he chose his father to receive the ‘message’ personally because he was the one who needed the contact and the proof the most.

How quickly can they respond? Sometimes very fast indeed, as Sue discovered.


‘Someone messaged me on my mobile phone to say that if I believed in angels I should ask for a sign. They mentioned that white feathers are sometimes shown so I decided to give it a go.

On my way back from town today, with the message on my mind, I got stuck in a traffic jam and said, ‘Ok, go ahead. I do believe in angels so show me, prove it to me, show me a white feather, a definite white feather—and do it soon!’

I started moving away in the traffic, and there, about 200 yards in front of me, stuck in the ground on the roadside was a HUGE white feather! Needless to say, I swore quite a lot with the shock of it.

I’m still not sure what to make of it. But if it was a coincidence, then it was an odd one!’

Bronwen was naturally distressed when her dog passed over but she was comforted by the sign she received.


‘I lost my dog yesterday and was very distressed as he was a large part of my family’s life and I shall be lost without him. But that evening I was watching a man who was walking in front of me when I spotted a white feather stuck to his clothes. And then this morning on my desk at work, and goodness knows where it came from, was a purple feather!

I really believe that this is a sign that he is still with me or that an Angel is aware of my sadness and is trying to help.’

Jayne believes that this baby was being looked over by her own guardian angel as another feather appeared.


‘One of the mums at the school where I work gave birth to a little girl who almost immediately had to travel to another hospital, without mum, for a heart operation.

A few weeks later mum brought her elder daughter to collect her baby sister from hospital. There was a complication though. The doctors were very concerned because there appeared to be a bowel problem and the family were told their precious daughter would have to face another operation.

We were all worried but I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to hold the little girl. I believe in angels and whilst I was holding the baby I noticed how small and frail she was. But I knew she was being looked after when a single downy white feather floated down a few feet away and landed on the ground. I realized the angels were with us. I’m pleased to announce that the little girl has since started gaining weight and is very healthy…oh, and the bowel complication was a false alarm!’

Feathers are well known as angel calling cards. Everywhere I go people love to tell me about their angel feather stories. One surprised lady found a feather in her saucer under her coffee cup and another lady found an angel feather in the freezer at work. One feather turned up in a previously unopened plastic shopping bag at the supermarket. It seems the more unlikely locations feel more like real angel encounters. You would be surprised at how many people carry their feathers around with them. I’ve been shown feathers in purses and wallets, in little pouches and stuck to pieces of cardboard and carried around in handbags!

Are all feathers angel feathers?

Angel feathers are a powerful reminder of angelic presence and people hold their own ‘messages’ close to their hearts. One lady has an angel feather jar and collects these little treasures everywhere she goes. Another contact told me about her feather box which she keeps by the bed and feathers are often stored in people’s jewellery boxes and hat boxes! I often wonder why some people have quite so many feathers. Do you think that by keeping these angelic mementos it encourages more signs to come their way? I feel sure it does.

Recently, I have been teaching a regular angel class in my local town. The group had been together for many weeks and with Christmas fast approaching I promised them that we would do an angel related Christmas craft on the final night.

I had the idea to create some laminated bookmarks and collected a few bits and pieces together. I placed the felt pens, sparkly paper and angel confetti together in envelopes and placed everything in a single box. It was then that I decided to collect a few feathers together so that people could laminate them directly into their bookmarks.

It was too late for me to contact people to bring their own angel feathers so I decided to drive to a local village where swans frequented the banks of a little stream. Just as I had hoped, the banks were covered in white feathers but sadly they were all wet and muddy from the recent rain. I was determined to collect some though and reached far down the sides of the bank to collect the best ones that I could—nearly falling in a couple of times in the process, I might add.

As I was collecting them I had the strange thought that all my hard work would be wasted and the feathers would be forgotten or something. I decided to put the thought far from my mind and carry on regardless, so I collected plenty of these soggy feathers.

When I got home I was upset at what I had collected as there was no way these feathers were beautiful enough for the task I had in mind. There was nothing for it but to wash them all! I tipped them all out into the bathroom sink and filled the bowl up with water. What seemed like half a bag of soil immediately fell to the bottom of the sink and I had to refill the sink—and again, two or three more times. Time was moving on and I had to dry these feathers, and quickly.

Grabbing a pair of old tights I carefully piled them into the toe and set about drying them with my hairdryer. Several of them flew out of the tights as I had not pushed them down far enough, and the feathers started flying around the bedroom. Were there going to be enough? It was funny, but I was too busy to laugh.

As I sat on the edge of my bed in despair I noticed a feather stuck on the side of my pillow—perhaps I could pull a few feathers through the side of my pillows and add them to the damp pile of feathers I had besides me? The feathers were a funny selection of shapes and none of them were very pretty. What on earth was I doing? But this was part of my craft, and so I plucked a few more through the side of the pillow and shoved the whole lot into a plastic sandwich bag and put them carefully into the box along with the other craft items.

With only moments to go, I got into the car and drove to my destination. As I carried my box from the car to the door, I silently laughed to myself as a large white, perfectly curled feather sat on the doorstep of the shop, so I picked it up to present to the organizer and owner of the shop as a gift on my way in.

The group were already waiting for me as I rushed through the door and the organizer had kindly brought along some wine and mince pies…very festive. We were set for a fun night. When it was time to begin the craft, I began telling my story of the feathers, and how I had nearly fallen in the stream. Everyone giggled as I told them how I’d had the premonition that I would somehow forget the feathers, but that I was safe in the knowledge that they were tucked at the bottom of my box.

You can image my surprise then, when I lifted out all the craft items and put them onto the table. The feathers were nowhere to be seen! Embarrassed, I went back out to the car to see if I had dropped them on the way or if perhaps they had fallen out, but I didn’t find them.

I must have forgotten the feathers! But no one seemed to mind and carried on with the craft regardless. I contemplated the situation as I watched everyone enjoying their craft and then I realized why the feathers had disappeared. The answer came to me in a blinding flash! These feathers weren’t angel feathers at all, but swan feathers! Real angel feathers appear when we most need them and I’d gone out of my way to create a false situation. My intent was pure but just the same, these were not real angel feathers.
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