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An Angel Treasury: A Celestial Collection of Inspirations, Encounters and Heavenly Lore

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After their present ward’s life has ended, do they become ‘assigned’ to another soul or is their task completed?

Life for the angels continues much as before. Angels are able to be in many places at one time (not being governed by our own laws of space and time), and so are helping many people at any one time.

‘Our Lord is God [alone], and wholeheartedly pursue the right way – upon them do angels descend, saying “fear not and grieve not, but receive the good news…we are your supporters in the present life and in the life to come.”’


Is it true that white feathers are a sign that your angel is near?

Many people believe so. Feathers are free, lightweight and available in most places around the world – which makes them the perfect physical manifestation. Many people associate white feathers with the ‘wings’ of an angel.

When I appeared on Granada TV’s This Morning I answered listeners questions on angels and ‘feathers’ was a topic which came up with several callers and we had a lot of fun in the studio. It’s a question that I also get asked about regularly in my ‘Dear Angel Lady’ column with it’s fate magazine.

Elaine emailed me and asked why she was having so many problems in her life. She found it hard to believe that she had angels around her, although she did feel that maybe she had been led to write to me in some way.

After reading my reply and giving it some thought, she decided to invite angels into her life. On the first day nothing happened, which confirmed, she said, her belief that they had turned their backs on her. She decided to ask them for a sign like a feather as I had suggested, to let her know they were with her.

The next day, Elaine was in the supermarket shopping with her young family. In her own words, she was busy and hassled with the four kids and packing her shopping when she opened up a half packed bag to put in some more shopping. Guess what she found? A feather! She told me it was just laying there, a pink feather of the sort you might find in a feather boa. She couldn’t believe it and said there was no way it could have come from the children or been in the bag to start with. Elaine firmly believes that this was a sign that they are with her!

It was fun to receive her follow-up letter and her big ‘thank you’. But it was her own angels – and I cannot take the credit. The story was another gift of confirmation for me that our angels really are around us.

Can they prevent us from harm? Do they ever try to prevent our deaths?

It seems that they can and do protect people from death and serious accident if it is not part of a person’s life-lessons (the lessons we choose for ourselves before birth). I have received letters from all over the world where people have seen their angels, or an angel has intervened during a near-death experience.

‘He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.’

PSALM 9:11

Are angels around children when they are born, (those with difficult births?)

Certainly. Our angels are always around us during times of difficulty offering healing and support.

Do you think there is any truth to the idea that ancients mistook visitors from other planets as angels?

This is something we just don’t know but cave paintings include images which look a little like a cross between angels and our present-day astronauts – so you never know!

Are angels just energy?

Angels are made of light and love. Their bodies do not exist as solid flesh in our dimension. They have no need of clothes – but appear draped in cloth sometimes (for our own modesty). They do not speak with words as we would speak but transmit thought and feelings as a kind of telepathy.

‘Angels are intelligent reflections of light, that original light which has no beginning. They can illuminate. They do not need tongues or ears, for they can communicate without speech, in thought.’


2 Angel Almanac (#ulink_50b78cf8-9b8e-566b-ac2c-5b79465171a5)

Angel Almanac

The archangels each have their own specialities, talents and roles, although not everyone agrees on what these might be! Some of these roles are traditional and some are more modern interpretations of the archangels’ own skill areas. Each of these angels has their own area of expertise and many people wish to work with the right angel for the right job! You probably wouldn’t call a plumber to lay your carpets or expect a beautician to be the best person to fix your car, so this makes a lot of sense.

Some of the archangels’ roles are more obvious. For example, Raphael is the patron of doctors and therapists (one of the translations of his name is ‘Divine Healer’). Gabriel is well known as a messenger angel, so naturally Gabriel is the patron of messengers and postal workers. This stems back from 1951 when Pope Pius XII declared Gabriel to be the angel over all areas of telecommunications!


Do be assured though that the plumber might actually know a carpet-fitter, even if he can’t do the job personally. So if in doubt, ask. Just call on ‘the best angel for the job’. Imagine your own spirit guides like a directories service – the right angel will be found, even if you don’t know the number. You could call on the angels like this:

’…beloved guides, I ask for your assistance in finding an angel expert in finding lost keys/unblocking my drains/to help me with my schoolwork etc…’

Archangel Michael is well known as an angel who can help with mechanical things. Teresa asked him for help directly, with the back up of other angels, and emailed me to tell me what happened:

‘Recently I found myself in dire straits and needed to sell my car. I had been let down by a few buyers (and it had been on the market for some months). I needed the money to deposit in the bank this very same day so that I could pay my mortgage later that week. There was another problem – the car tax had expired and so I could not drive the car anywhere. I needed not only someone to buy the car, but to also come and pick it up with a truck.

I thought this impossible and so I decided to pray to my Angels for a miracle. I would like to add that up until this day I had been waking up each night at 2:22 a.m. and felt this was somehow relevant, a message from the Angels. I prayed very hard to Archangel Michael and made a shrine dedicated to the Angels, and placed the cards of Archangel Michael, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Gabriel on the shrine along with a fresh purple flower from my garden. I also placed two purple candles, which I lit in honour of the Angels.

Approximately 22 minutes later my phone rang and I dashed to pick up the call only to find a garage some 65 miles away that had seen my car for sale and wanted to purchase it, but alas they could not pick it up so my hopes were dashed. As soon as I put the phone down it rang instantly and I picked it right up, to discover it was another local garage offering to buy my car that very day – and said they could pick my car up and also write me a cheque to deposit in my bank that day.

I was shocked needless to say, but also in awe of my Angels, they really did save me that day!’


If you’re the sort of person that likes to ‘dial direct,’ then this table may help you.


Angels look over all sorts of pursuits. Archangel Gabriel works with all creative endeavours and is mentioned in all hobbies and pastimes on the list below (which is by no means comprehensive!). The more complicated the hobby, the more angels have an interest; activities which involve other people also have the interests of several angels.

Each archangel is responsible for different aspects of the activity. For example fishing involves a variety of angel gifts (patience, water, fish, etc.), with each area having different archangels in charge. To work on these activities, call on any, or all of the archangels listed. If you want to pick one, go with your first instinct – you have your own ability to know which archangel is the right one to call.


Can an archangel help you with your job? You bet! In fact many large corporations and companies have already recognized this fact. Archangel Michael, with his sword of protection, is the patron of soldiers and police officers as well as many other protection and support agencies!

Angels watch over all jobs and duties. Is your position listed here?

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