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Ingenti ægritudine cor parvulum perculsus,
Non multa quidem profero, sed omnia relinquo;
Et quicquid nobis deerit petemus a propinquo.

The little man thus spoke;
His heart was almost broke;
And all for the sake of her charms charms charms.
So the little maid relented,
And softened she consented
The little man to take to her arms arms arms.

Sic fatur ille lacrymans ex corde desolato,
Et propter pulchritudinem ad mortem vulnerato.
Mollitur tum puellula, amorem et agnovit,
Beatumque homunculum amplexu suo fovit.


Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep,
And couldn’t tell where to find ’em.
Let ’em alone, and they’ll come home,
And bring their tails behind ’em.

Parvula Bopipias amissos quæritat agnos,
Nec reperire locum quo latuêre potest.
Desine, Bopipias, redeuntes nocte videbis,
Caudasque incolumes post sua crura ferent.


Hark, hark, the dogs do bark,
The beggars have come to town;
Some in rags and some in jags,
And some in velvet gowns.

En! cum canum latratu,
Et multo ululatu;
Veniunt mendici repentes,
Egeni, pannosi,
Squalentes, exosi,
Vel sericas togas gerentes.


The man in the moon came down at noon,
Inquiring the way to Norwich.
The man of the South has burnt his mouth,
Eating cold milk porridge.

Lunicola, meridie, ad terram descendebat,
Et viam ad Norvicum assidue quærebat.
Australis vir ineptus est et os excoriavit,
Dum lacteum perfrigidum incontinens voravit.


Three wise men of Gotham
Went to sea in a bowl.
If the bowl had been stronger,
My song had been longer.

Tres magi Gothamenses
In scypho mare tranant
Si cymba secura,
Canenda sint plura.

Cives tres docti Gothamenses æquora verrunt,
Crater et fragilis corpora obesa vehit.
Mox en tempestas, surguntque ad sidera fluctus.
Musa dolens casum nunc memorare nequit.


Jack and Jill
Went up the hill,
To draw a pail of water;
Jack fell down
And broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.

Jackus cum Jillâ
Formosâ ancillâ,
Aquam hauriturus collem ascendebat;
Prolabitur Jackus,
Caput miserè fractus,
Et Jilla desperata in fatum ruebat.


Heigh diddle diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed
To see such a craft,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.

In fidibus felis,
Super lunam vacca saltavit.
Tum risit canicula,
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