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The Times Great Quotations: Famous quotes to inform, motivate and inspire

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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1689)

John Locke, English philosopher (1632–1704)

God and the doctor we alike adore

But only when in danger, not before;

The danger o’er, both are alike requited,

God is forgotten and the doctor slighted.

Epigrams (1677)

John Owen, Welsh epigrammist (1564–1622)

Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than when they are convinced beyond doubt that they are right.

The Lost World of the Kalahari (1958)

Laurens van der Post, South African writer and political adviser (1906–1996)

I see it as an elderly lady, who mutters away to herself in a corner, ignored most of the time.

[In Reader’s Digest, 1991, about the Church of England]

Lord Carey of Clifton, Archbishop of Canterbury (1935–)

To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

The Bible

Luke 1:79

Man is quite insane. He wouldn’t know how to create a maggot, and he creates gods by the dozens.

Essais (1580)

Michel de Montaigne, French philosopher (1533–1592)

He who gains an indulgence is not, strictly speaking, absolved from the debt of punishment, but is given the means whereby he may pay it.

Summa Theologica (1485)

Saint Thomas Aquinas, Italian Catholic priest (1225–1274)

If the sun and moon should doubt, they’d immediately go out.

Auguries of Innocence (1863)

William Blake, English poet (1757–1827)

Both read the Bible day and night,

But thou read’st black where I read white.

The Everlasting Gospel (c. 1818)

William Blake, English poet (1757–1827)

It is a mistake to suppose that God is only, or even chiefly, concerned with religion.

William Temple, British theologian and Archbishop of Canterbury (1881–1944)

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.

Sir Winston Churchill, prime minister of the UK, historian and Nobel Prize winner (1874–1965)

Even God is deprived of this one thing only: the power to undo what has been done.

Agathon, Greek poet (448–400 BC)

God does not play dice.

The Born-Einstein Letters (1926)
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