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Colton 911: Family Under Fire

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As she released the medicine, Kennedy regarded her with wide, hurt eyes. Clearly, the little girl was questioning the reason behind this breach of baby etiquette. Once she had taken all the painkiller, Alyssa removed the syringe and, as she had anticipated, Kennedy started to cry. Holding the baby close, she rocked her back and forth while crooning an old lullaby her own mom used to sing.

After a few minutes of tearful protest, Kennedy’s eyelids began to droop and she was soon asleep.

“Poor little girl.” Alyssa pressed a kiss onto one soft cheek. She looked up, meeting Everett’s gaze with a smile. “Let’s hope she gets a good night’s sleep now.”

He followed her as she carried the baby to the bedroom and placed her in the crib. She pulled the quilt over Kennedy and Everett leaned closer.

“It’s hard to believe she’s only been with us a few hours.” There was a husky note in his voice that could have been tiredness. Alyssa turned her head to look at him. In that moment, his expression was an open book. He wasn’t tired.

Kennedy’s dad had been part of his life, and that emotional connection had never been fully severed, despite the pain Sean had caused him. Love stretched over time and space as if those dimensions didn’t exist. Could he get past the hurt and form a genuine bond with Kennedy for the child’s own sake? If it didn’t happen naturally, Alyssa saw a new role for herself as the person who would need to intervene.

She pointed to the door. As she entered the living area, she switched on a lamp. The room felt cool and she wrapped her arms around herself. “You said you’d tell me why you are limping.”

He hesitated, and she knew he was trying to figure out the least painful way to explain things to her. Suddenly, instead of being afraid, she was annoyed. She was unhappy at herself for needing to be handled with care.

“Just tell me.” The words came out faster and harsher than she’d intended.

She’d always found it hard to hide from that piercing gaze, but now she looked him in the eye. After a moment or two, he shrugged. “There was a guy watching the apartment.”

A tiny part of her wanted to crumble, but she squared her shoulders. “Did you get a good look at him?”

“No.” He grimaced. “I was too busy running away when he tried to run me down.”

“Everett!” She moved closer, pushing him down onto the sofa. “Why didn’t you tell me this straight away? Are you badly hurt? Did you call 911?”

He held up his hands in a gesture of surrender, a slight smile touching his lips. “I’m not badly hurt. Just stiff, because my muscles took a pounding when I rolled away from the vehicle. I didn’t call 911, but I got a picture of the car and I sent it to Casey. And I didn’t tell you straight away because—”

“You didn’t want to worry me?” She knew it was true, so why did it hurt?

“Partly. But also because it was important to settle Kennedy.” He tilted his head back to get a better look at her. “Because she comes first from now on. Right?”

“Of course.” She curled into a corner of the sofa, all thoughts of sleep long gone. “This guy must be linked to the parcel that came for Kennedy.”

“I was prepared to keep an open mind about that…until he drove straight at me. And since we already have a dangerous situation, it seems safe to assume they could be connected. After that, I figured he could be a bad guy. Don’t ask me why. Just a bizarre hunch.” As she glared at him, he held up his hands. “Sorry. I don’t mean to sound like I’m taking this lightly. It’s just been a long day, you know?”

“I know.” Her own sigh was even heavier. “I’ve been right here with you.”

Everett had forgotten how refreshing he always found the sight of Alyssa in the mornings. With her hair caught back in a ponytail, her eyes bright and her skin soft and glowing, she looked like an advertisement for good health. He’d always thought of her as a golden girl. Petite, blonde, with those glorious eyes and wide, full lips.

He was also having trouble concentrating on anything other than the way she filled her gray fleece pajamas. She looked a lot like someone he wanted to hug. For a very long time.

Kennedy appeared to have recovered from her teething problems and was seated in her high chair, splashing in a bowl of oatmeal.

“What are the plans for today?” Everett clutched a mug of coffee and leaned against the kitchen counter.

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