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A Daughter’s Return

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“I agree with Ben. I believe you will be an asset to the class just as he suggested, dear. Many times people just need to realize there are others who’ve walked down a similar path, to give them hope and belief that they can get through their trials, too.”

“I did tell him I’d do what I can to help.”

“I’m so glad you did, Becca, dear.”

Rebecca still wasn’t certain she’d be able to help anyone, but she suddenly realized she wanted to very much. Without Kathleen’s assistance, she’d never have been united with her family. She had to do what she could.

Chapter Five (#ulink_53ba17d2-4c86-5bb8-ac7f-ed7abdcf9348)

Rebecca and her mother arrived back at Violet’s to find that she had lunch waiting for them.

“Mama, Granma! Guess what? We’re eating with Aunt Vi!”

“We are?” Rebecca loved seeing her daughter so excited and happy.

“Uh-huh. She said it was the least she could do with all the help I gave her with baby Marcus!”

“I telephoned Heaton House and told Gretchen not to expect you all home for lunch,” Violet said. “I hope it’s all right, Mother Heaton.”

“Of course it is, dear,” Rebecca’s mother said. “That was very nice of you and it will be good to spend more time with you.”

Hilda—Violet and Michael’s housekeeper and Gretchen and Maida’s younger sister—had made them creamed chicken with crusty rolls.

“This is wonderful, Hilda,” said Mrs. Heaton when the young woman cleared their places and brought in warm gingerbread for dessert.

“Thank you, ma’am. I’m glad you like it. I used Gretchen’s recipe.” Hilda flashed a dimple when she smiled and headed toward the kitchen.

“We are so fortunate to have those sisters in our employment,” Rebecca’s mother said.

“Oh, I agree,” Violet said. “I don’t know what I’d do without her, especially now that we have Marcus. Michael gave her a raise and said she was worth every penny.”

Rebecca’s mother lowered her voice, “That’s why I want to give Gretchen and Maida a sitting room of their own. They work long hours for me and it just doesn’t seem right for them not to have any place to relax in their free time.”

“I know they’re going to love it, Mama.”

“I’m so excited that work on it will be starting soon. They’re sharing a room for now, thinking I just want to spruce up all the others, and they don’t know what I’m doing for them.”

“They’ll be thrilled,” Violet said. “All this remodeling, and Kathleen and Elizabeth moving into their own homes and decorating them is very exciting. I can’t wait to see what they’ve done to their homes.”

“I’m going over this afternoon to see if I can help Kathleen get ready for her party,” Rebecca said. “I can’t wait to see her.”

“She and Luke stopped over to see how much Marcus had grown last night. They both seem very happy,” Violet said. “I believe you ought to go into the matchmaking business, Mother Heaton,” Violet added.

“I think she should, too,” Rebecca said.

“What’s matchmaking, Mama?” Jenny asked. “I’m not supposed to play with matches.”

“No, you aren’t. But matchmaking the way we’re talking about is getting a man and a woman together so that they can fall in love and get married.”

“Oh! That sounds like fun,” Jenny said.

“Well, I haven’t done anything except take in boarders so far and it has been fun watching them fall in love, Jenny. Sometimes it takes a while before they realize what’s happening and it seems everyone else knows before they do. Only bad thing about it is I keep losing boarders and have to get new ones.”

“Wonder what new boarders you’ll have next? Maybe you can matchmake them,” Jenny said.

Her grandmother chuckled. “Maybe. Or just let the Lord do the matchmaking. So far He’s done a wonderful job of it. I just furnish the place for them to get to know each other and watch what happens.”

“It is fun,” Violet said. “Michael and I knew Luke and Kathleen were falling in love long before they did. And everyone knew that John and Elizabeth’s sparring was in denial of the attraction they felt for each other.”

“But they’re all married now,” Rebecca’s mother said. “I have begun to wonder about Millicent and Mathew, but I’m not sure about them. He loves working on those tall buildings and she’s afraid of heights.”

“And of him getting hurt, I think,” Rebecca said. “But there does seem to be something between them—although I haven’t lived there long enough to know if it is attraction for one another or just that they are so opposite that makes the sparks fly.”

“You know, I’ve never sensed that Ben and Julia were attracted to one another,” Violet said.

Rebecca felt a funny little stab near her heart at the mention of Ben being attracted to Julia. Yet, she’d never seen anything to indicate he was, either.

“Nor have I sensed he was romantically attracted to Millicent,” her mother responded.

“He’s always been a good friend to us all. But if he ever wanted to court anyone at Heaton House, I never saw any evidence of it,” Violet commented.

“No, neither have I,” Rebecca’s mother said.

That revelation left Rebecca feeling...relieved. And yet, he’d been through so much growing up in an orphanage, surely he must long to have someone to love...and especially to be loved by someone.

“I like Mr. Ben,” Jenny piped up.

“We all like Mr. Ben, Jenny,” Violet said. “Maybe one day he’ll fall in love and there’ll be another match made at Heaton House.”

“Maybe...” Jenny looked at her mother. “Maybe you and Mr. Ben could make a match, Mama.”

Rebecca felt the heat rush to her face. “Oh, I don’t think so, Jenny. Mama isn’t looking to fall in love with anyone. And besides, Mr. Ben is my teacher now, and...” She didn’t know what to say next.

“But I sure like him, Mama.”

“He is hard not to like, Rebecca,” Violet teased with a smile and a gleam in her eye.

“Now, you all stop. Just because Heaton House is a bit empty at present doesn’t mean you need to start pairing people up.”

“At least not yet,” her mother said. “I hope I don’t lose as many boarders at one time as I did this past year. I’m all for seeing people fall in love, but I do need to bring a few more renters in first. I think Julia may be seriously thinking of going out west before too long and, I really hope I have a full house by then.”

“You really think she’ll leave, Mama?” Rebecca asked.

“I do. Every time I get a letter from your aunt Pauline, describing Oklahoma to us, she seems to get more excited about it. But it will be hard to see her leave. She was one of my first boarders.”

Rebecca could feel her sadness and realized it must be very hard for her mother to see her boarders go. She knew that they were like family to her and she was happy her mother had people to care for and who had loved her during the time they’d been apart. And once again, she hated that she’d put her mother through so much.

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