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Kissing the Key Witness

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Maya watched his face as she unwrapped the towel. He kept his eyes averted. Meant he was lying about something, though she figured the rusty-metal part was probably true enough.

“Any point asking if you’ve had a tetanus shot over the past decade?”

He almost smiled, but still didn’t meet her eyes. “Any point trying to fake you out?”

“Not much.” It was a deep gash that would require several stitches. “Why me?”

Another near smile. “Because you’re pretty?”

“Other doctors are prettier.”

“But only you remind me of Sabrina.”

“Excuse me?”

“The movie, remember? Audrey Hepburn was the title character. She grew up and was transformed, like you’ve done since you came here as a resident.”

“Have I known you that long? Huh, blink and the years fly by.”

A grim-faced Jamie came into the room. She sorted through the instrument tray while Maya finished her examination.

McVey’s eyes narrowed. “You’re not gonna spray me again, are you, Nurse?”

“I’d like to do more than spray you,” Jamie retorted, with an expression that made Maya’s lips twitch.

“Careful,” she warned when McVey opened his mouth. “Remember, Nurse Hazell administers the local.”

He pressed his lips together for the duration, even took the tetanus shot without a whimper. But then she suspected he was accustomed to injections and, if the alcohol on his breath was any indication, not in quite as much pain as he could be.

“Okay. Done.” She snapped off her latex gloves. “Grab a doughnut on your way out.”

The door cracked open, and an intern’s head appeared. “Sorry to interrupt, Doctor, but there’s been a pileup on the interstate. Twenty, maybe thirty cars. Several injuries, and we’re the closest E.R.”

“We’re also the most understaffed,” Jamie called after him. “Crap. Why’s it always us?”

“Fate or proximity to the freeway. Take your pick.” Maya started for the door. “Keep that hand as clean as you can, McVey. Come back Monday, before I go off shift, and I’ll look at it.”

Her attention shifted instantly at the sound of sirens wailing. She joined the line of attendants jogging toward the entrance.

It was going to be a very long night.

EVERYTHING AROUND HIM had gone gray and blurry, even with his eyes open. Sort of open, Adam amended, inasmuch as he could think with the light that kept tugging at him. Beautiful light, silvery and soft. It had siren qualities, but he resisted the lure.

He sensed movement, saw the gray haze alter. Ugly streaks of red slashed it apart. Noise, like shrieking daggers, jabbed into his brain. Hands clutched his shoulders and shook him.

“Don’t die,” Falcon pleaded from above. “I need that information back.”

Adam would have laughed if an anvil hadn’t been sitting on his chest.

“I have to go.” The snitch’s voice faded. “Someone’ll help you. I’ll come back when you’re better. I don’t think he saw me in the warehouse. I think you blocked his view….”

Probably true, Adam thought fuzzily. Man, this had definitely not been his night.

The darkness thickened, grew hotter, stickier. He couldn’t swallow, could no longer think. Faces flashed inside the red. His ex-wife’s, his old friend’s, his new enemy’s.

Voices shouted indistinct words. The hands on his shoulders fell away. He heard Falcon swear, then a more familiar voice.


Startled but not panicky. Female.


She leaned over, and he saw her face. Exotic features, dark hair, incredible eyes. Bluer than a tropical lagoon.

“Screwed up,” he murmured. “Made you hate me.”

“I don’t hate you.”

Maybe not, but she was waking the pain anyway.

The light around him intensified. He was breathing fire now. He felt her hands on him and groped until he caught her wrist. “Stop,” he croaked. “Listen.”

“Adam, I can’t help you if—”

“I’m dead, Maya. I know it, and so do you. Do this for me, please.”

“Do what?”

He squeezed. “Take care of things. Made a will last year. Straightforward. Money, investments—they’re my sister’s. Condo’s yours. Go through it and—Ahh!” Pain sheared from chest to brain. He had to talk through his teeth. “Don’t let my brother have the Mustang…Crash addict. Give my sweet baby to Tal.” He fumbled two sets of keys from his pocket. “Condo keys, car keys. Promise.”

“Yes, okay, I promise. Now let me help….”

“There’s more. Stuff, official stuff. Hid it. Don’t trust anyone, anywhere. Huge mistake. Big fish, small pond. S’all I can say. Tell Tal to finish the deal.”

The light flared. It seemed to explode like a starburst that went from a bang to a fizzle.

“Sorry, babe.” He rattled out a breath. “I’ll tell your mom you’re good.”

“Adam?” Now she shook him. “Adam!”

The last thing he saw was her face. Then the sparkles died, and there was nothing.

“DR. SANTINO?” A NURSE with red curls and acne touched her sleeve as she stared at her ex-husband’s face. “A lower body trauma’s just come in. Female. Six months pregnant.”

Through the buzz of shock in her head, Maya caught the last part of the nurse’s statement. She shook off what she could and refocused. “Where?”

“Over there.” The young nurse—Cassie? Callie?—pointed. She looked down, then hesitantly up. “Can I, uh, do anything for you?”
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