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A Year of Taking Chances: a gorgeously uplifting, feel-good read

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An hour later, as she stood at the top of the hill behind the village, listening to the church bells tolling out across the valley, she thought about the new life she’d thrown herself into a few short months ago. A life she’d longed for. Falling in love with Ben had unleashed emotions and desires in her that she’d repressed for so long as she concentrated on her career, she’d forgotten they’d ever existed. Feelings of loving someone and being loved in return; wanting a family; needing to lead a less stressful life.

So why did she feel so unsettled at the moment? Had Tina been right when she’d tried to warn her? Tried to make her think more about whether leaping into marriage with Ben was the right thing to do?

As she’d flung herself into the excitement of loving Ben and planning the wedding, Jodie realised she hadn’t given enough – or any, really – serious thought to how her life would be as a married woman. Or how different life would be for her in a foreign country.

Watching the cars travelling along the main road through the village to pick up the main route up to the local ski resort, she realised she’d also failed to take into account her independent streak. Jacqueline had often told her, ‘You’re too independent for your own good, young lady.’

Had she been foolish when she’d assumed she and Ben would talk and make joint decisions about the things that affected them both? This past week alone, he’d arbitrarily taken two decisions without discussing things with her. First, he’d dismissed the cottage she liked, and now he’d cancelled the trip to the London Book Fair. Was it a French thing? Did all Frenchmen like to play the dominant husband? Although, to be fair, on both occasions he’d given her good reasons, and an alternative when he’d suggested she went to London anyway, on her own.

Maybe she should go on her own. She could stay in her old room at Tina’s so no need to worry about finding a hotel. A few days away, chatting to Tina and catching up with other friends; a day at the Book Fair, going to a show. Living life as she’d known it for so long. And then, when she got back here, she’d sort her life out. Make more of an effort to find some freelance work.

‘Come on, Tess,’ she called to the dog, who was happily inspecting some rabbit holes. ‘Let’s go home.’

She’d phone Tina when she got back, make the arrangements and tell Ben her decision over lunch.

Chapter Nine (#ulink_0660bd7c-46e7-5c88-8968-0e2315fa6f65)

It was gone ten o’clock Sunday morning before Maisie woke up. Initially confused as to where she was when she opened her eyes, a welcome feeling of relief flooded through her body as she remembered Tina and her kindness the evening before.

The food, the hot shower, this warm, comfortable bed – it had all been sheer bliss. The nightmare memories of the past couple of weeks would take time to fade but the deep sleep she’d fallen into last night was a step in the right direction. A tiny flame of optimism that everything would work out began to burn inside her. Tina hadn’t judged her, she’d simply offered help.

She could hear Tina now, moving around the flat, and just make out the sound of the radio turned down low. The omnibus edition of The Archers. Mum would be listening to that in the kitchen at home while she prepared the vegetables for lunch. Home. Mum. Maisie tried to push thoughts of home away. Time to think about them later. After she’d decided which of the generous offers Tina had made last night to accept. Leave or stay? And, in truth, after that last tearful scene at home, did she really have a choice?

Mum had been so cross with her when she’d told her she planned to follow John down to London.

‘Running after a boy never works,’ she’d said. She’d told her not to be so silly, that she was young, that she’d be better off getting out and making new friends, expanding her relationships before settling down.

‘How do you know who you want to be with if you don’t have anybody to compare them to? Besides, I’m worried we’ve pushed you into a relationship with John that’s too comfortable, too familiar, and too much what we as parents would like.’

When Maisie explained how she felt about John, how much she’d missed him since he’d been gone, and how excited she was about a new life in London with him, her mum had sighed. ‘Och, lass, you’d better go join him then. But remember there’s always a place here for you – never forget that,’ she’d added, giving Maisie a tight hug.

The thought of going back having made a success of life down here was infinitely preferable to having to go home and admit things hadn’t worked out. That she’d made a mistake. That John wasn’t the love of her life after all.

Maisie swung her legs out of bed and rummaged in the rucksack for the last of her clean clothes. Whichever offer she accepted, and she knew she had to decide one way or the other, she’d ask Tina if she could do a load of washing – she was in desperate need of some clean things.

‘Morning, Tina,’ she said, opening her bedroom door.

‘Hi. Coffee?’ Tina said. ‘And I thought maybe we’d have poached eggs on toast for breakfast?’

‘Sounds great. Can I help?’

Tina shook her head. ‘Kitchen’s so small there’s barely room for me. Sleep all right?’

Maisie perched on one of the tall stools by the breakfast bar. ‘It won’t surprise you to know I had the best night’s sleep in weeks. I can’t thank you enough for this and for last night. You were so kind.’

Tina pushed the cafetière and a mug towards her. ‘No worries. You look better than you did last night, which is a relief.’

‘The down-and-out look isn’t really me,’ Maisie said. ‘Not being able to shower and have clean clothes every day.’ She shuddered. ‘I’ve been thinking about your offer. The sensible thing would be for me to go home and admit I’ve made a mistake, wouldn’t it? Settle back down at home, find another job up there.’ She glanced across at Tina who simply shrugged.

‘On the other hand, the thought of living down here, working, making my own way for once, is something I’ve dreamt about for ages now. I thought coming down to be with John would be the beginning of a new life. Instead it turned into the worst two weeks I’ve ever spent.’ Thoughtfully, Maisie stirred a few grains of sugar into her coffee.

‘What sort of job did you have at home?’ Tina asked.

‘I worked in our local bookshop when I left school. When it closed I got a part-time job in a coffee bar until I persuaded a friend’s mother to give me a job in her boutique. I loved it. Clothes, jewellery and make-up – it was heaven. I’ve not got the right qualifications to have an actual “career”.’ Maisie sighed and made finger signs in the air as she said the word career. ‘I’m computer literate though,’ she added. ‘At least John gave me that.’ She took a sip of coffee as Tina gave her a curious look.

‘He’s a computer nerd. I suppose my dream job would be either in one of the big bookshops down here or in a small boutique that sells vintage clothes. Oh, thanks, this looks good,’ she said, as Tina placed two plates of poached eggs on toast on the kitchen breakfast bar.

‘I don’t know about vintage boutiques but there are several bookshops around and lots of coffee shops here that always seem to be short-staffed. Might be a start?’ Tina said. ‘Not sure what they pay though.’

‘Minimum wage,’ Maisie answered. ‘I’ve applied for some, but once they found out I didn’t have an address they didn’t want to know. Catch 22. No address – no job. No job – can’t get an address.’

‘Minimum wage isn’t a lot,’ Tina said. ‘You’d need to work a lot of hours to earn enough to live on.’

‘If I find a job and sort myself out,’ Maisie said slowly, ‘how much rent would I need to find for you?’

‘I told you, nothing for the first month. After that…’ Tina pursed her lips. ‘You should know by then if you’re happy here or whether you want to go home. If you do decide to stay, we can work out a figure you can afford based on what you’re earning.’

Maisie concentrated on eating for a moment before saying, ‘I’d like to stay. See if I can make things work out.’

‘Good. There’s just one thing – your parents. Have you spoken to them? Told them what happened with John?’

‘I’ve spoken to them a couple of times,’ Maisie said. ‘But I haven’t told them about John or how I’ve been surviving. I didn’t want to worry them.’

‘That’s the first thing then. Phone them. Tell them the truth about what’s happened and what you’re doing. If they want to talk to me, I’m happy to do that. To reassure them.’

‘I can’t believe you’re doing this for me, a stranger,’ Maisie said, fighting the tears that were threatening to fall.

‘Hey, you’re just down on your luck temporarily and I’m in a position to help. Maybe one day you’ll get the chance to help someone yourself. Pay it forward, as they say.’

‘You’re like my guardian angel,’ Maisie said. ‘I promise you I’ll repay you somehow.’

‘Not necessary but, as I hate washing up, I’ll leave you to do the breakfast things,’ Tina said. ‘Afterwards, I thought we might go out and I’ll show you the neighbourhood and you can start to suss out places that might have a job for you.’

Chapter Ten (#ulink_87be1c90-8528-574f-aab8-666d55fc0614)

Sunday lunch at the village restaurant was lovely, but as soon as they got back to the cottage, Ben disappeared into his study again. Tina hadn’t answered her phone before lunch and Jodie really wanted to check with her about staying in the apartment before saying anything to Ben.

It was early evening before Tina finally answered her phone.

‘Hi, Jodie. How’s things? Not long before the Book Fair. Do you know which hotel Ben’s booked you into yet?’

‘He’s not coming,’ Jodie said. ‘Says he’s too busy. I’m thinking of coming on my own. Stay in the flat with you, if that’s all right?’

Tina didn’t respond straight away and in the silence Jodie could hear another voice whispering something.

‘Sorry, have you got someone there? Shall I call back later?’

‘No, it’s fine. Maisie was just asking about having another shower.’
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