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Jennifer Crusie

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Anyone But You
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Part basset, part beagle, all Cupid…For Nina Askew, turning forty means freedom—from the ex-husband, freedom from their stuffy suburban home, freedom to focus on what she wants for a change. And …
Anyone But You
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Part basset, part beagle, all Cupid…For Nina Askew, turning forty means freedom—from the ex-husband, freedom from their stuffy suburban home, freedom to focus on what she wants for a change. And …
What the Lady Wants
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Mitch Peabody was learning pretty fast that the life of a private detective was nothing like the movies. He'd envisioned a world of tough-talking detectives and smart-mouthed, stunning dames. Ins…
Strange Bedpersons
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Tess Newhart knows her ex-boyfriend Nick Jamieson isn't the right guy for her. He's caviar and champagne she's take-out Chinese pot stickers. He's an uptight Republican lawyer she was raised in a…
Charlie All Night
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Dumped by her boyfriend and demoted from WBBB's prime-time spot, radio producer Allie McGuffey has nowhere to go but up.She plans to make her comeback by turning temporary DJ Charlie Tenniel into…
Anyone But You
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Part basset, part beagle, all Cupid…For Nina Askew, turning forty means freedom—from the ex-husband, freedom from their stuffy suburban home, freedom to focus on what she wants for a change. And …
Getting Rid of Bradley
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Lucy Savage is not having a good week. Her cheating husband, Bradley, lobbed the final insult when he stood her up in divorce court.A dye job gone wrong has left her hair green. And someone is tr…
Getting Rid of Bradley
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Lucy Savage is not having a good week. Her cheating husband, Bradley, lobbed the final insult when he stood her up in divorce court.A dye job gone wrong has left her hair green. And someone is tr…
Charlie All Night
электронная книга
Dumped by her boyfriend and demoted from WBBB's prime-time spot, radio producer Allie McGuffey has nowhere to go but up.She plans to make her comeback by turning temporary DJ Charlie Tenniel…
Strange Bedpersons
электронная книга
Tess Newhart knows her ex-boyfriend Nick Jamieson isn't the right guy for her. He's caviar and champagne she's take-out Chinese pot stickers. He's an uptight Republican lawyer…