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The Millionaire's Royal Rescue

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At last, Annabelle got through on the phone to the police department.

And without playing the royal card, she was able to speak with someone in authority. They told her to stop by in the morning and they’d see about getting some of her possessions back to her. She wasn’t sure what some consisted of, but it was a start.

“Everything okay?” Grayson asked.

She nodded. “They’d like you to stop by tomorrow and give them a statement.”

He didn’t say anything as he turned to stare out the window as they approached the palace gates. She chose to take his silence as a good sign, but she couldn’t help but worry just a bit about the impression he’d gotten of Mirraccino. She could only hope the financial projections packet she’d put together would outweigh everything else.

Annabelle sat in the back of her sedan with Grayson as Berto ushered them past the security gates and onto the royal grounds. Annabelle had to admit that after living here for the past couple of years she’d begun to take the palace’s beauty for granted.

She turned to Grayson to find him staring out the window. He seemed to be taking in the manicured lawns, the towering palm trees and the red-and-white border of flowers lining the long and winding drive.

“This place is remarkable.” Grayson said, drawing her from her thoughts. “We have nothing like this where I come from.”

“You’re from California, right?”

He nodded, but he never took his gaze off the colorful scenery. “I couldn’t even imagine what it must be like to live here.”

“You get used to it.” As strange as that might sound, this big place felt like home to her. “Is this your first visit to Mirraccino?”

“Yes.” He still didn’t look at her.

The turrets of the palace were first to come into view. They were colorful with stripes of yellow, pink, aqua and gold. Annabelle found herself looking at them through new eyes.

And then the palace in its entirety loomed. It was enormous, even compared to her family’s spacious mansion back in Halencia. While her home in Halencia was all white, the palace was created in warm shades of tan and coral with some accents done in aqua. It was simple and yet stunning.

And with the afternoon sun’s rays, the palace practically gleamed. When she was a little girl, she’d thought the palace was magical. She’d always wanted to be a princess, but her mother assured her that she didn’t need to be a princess to be special.

Being the daughter of the Duke of Halencia, she was addressed as Lady Annabelle. It gave her recognition in high society but not much else. Her father’s estate would eventually revert to her older brother, the Earl of Halencia. She used to think it was unfair, but now she appreciated having choices in life.

The car pulled to a stop outside the palace. Berto rushed to get the car door. Annabelle alighted from the car followed by Grayson.

Grayson turned to her. “Why is the South Shore so important to you that you’d go out of your way for me?”

She schooled her features, trying to hide any hint of her desperation. “The South Shore was a pet project of the crown prince. He brought me in on the project at the beginning. When his responsibilities drew him away, I promised to see that it was finished.”

“So you’re keeping a promise to the prince?” Grayson arched a brow.

“He’s my friend as well as my cousin,” she was quick to clarify.

“That’s right. You did mention the king was your uncle. So this is a family favor of sorts?”

“Yes. You could put it that way.” If that’s what he wanted to believe, who was she to change his mind? Because in the beginning that’s all it had been. Now it was her way to prove herself to her father. “But in the process, I’ve really come to care about the people of the South Shore and I want to see it flourish.”

He smiled at her, making her stomach quiver with the sensation of butterflies. “In that case, lead the way.”

She didn’t normally enter through the main door, but Grayson was a special guest—pivotal to her future. It wouldn’t hurt to give him the VIP treatment.

Berto swung open the enormous wooden door with the large brass handle. They stepped inside the palace and once again she consciously surveyed her surroundings from the marble floor of the grand entryway to the high ceiling with the crystal chandelier suspended in the center. As a little girl, when there was a royal ball, she’d sneak down here and dance around the table in the center of the floor. She’d pretend that she truly was a princess attending the ball. Oh, the silly things kids did.

Grayson took in the opulent room. “I couldn’t even imagine what it must be like to live here.”

She shrugged. “It has its protocols and a system that it’s best not to tamper with, but other than that I imagine it’s like most other homes.”

Grayson laughed. “I don’t think so.”

Just then, Alfred, the butler, came rushing into the room. “Lady Annabelle, I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you arrive.”

“No problem. I was just showing Mr. Landers around.”

The butler gave her guest a discerning once-over. “Yes, ma’am. Is there anything I can do for you?”

“No, thanks. I was just going to show Mr. Landers to his suite of rooms so he can freshen up. Could you let the kitchen know that there will be one more for dinner?”

“Yes, ma’am. Shall I inform the king?”

Normally, she would say yes, but seeing as Grayson was a special guest who could make such a difference to her future, she said, “I’ll speak to my uncle. Thank you.”

Annabelle showed Grayson to the sweeping steps to the upstairs. A comfortable silence engulfed them as Grayson continued to take in his surroundings. She had to admit the palace was a lot more like a museum than a home. There were so many priceless works of art and gifts from other nations.

But more than anything, she wondered what thoughts were going through Grayson’s mind. There was so much she wanted to know about him. As her uncle said often, knowledge was power. And she needed the power to push through this business deal.

She tried to tell herself that was the only reason she wanted to know more about Grayson. After all, it had nothing to do with his good looks or the way he was able to connect with her back at the piazza.

No. It was none of those things. It was purely business.

CHAPTER FOUR (#ub43de4ee-fb5f-5969-aff7-80af792236e2)

OKAY. SO MAYBE this isn’t so bad.

A vacation in a Mediterranean palace.

In fact, the palace is the perfect inspiration for a new game for Fo Shizzle.

Grayson sat in the formal dining room at a very large table. Did they really eat here every day? He might be rich, but he’d come from a humble beginning. He didn’t stand on airs and most of the time his dinner was eaten alone in front of his desktop computer.

Meeting the king had been a great honor. Thankfully Annabelle had instructed him on the proper protocol while they were in the car. He wondered how he should have greeted her considering she was the daughter of a duke. He’d hazard a guess it wasn’t to argue about what to do with her purse after the theft.

And try as he might, he couldn’t help but like Annabelle. Not that he would let her sunny smiles get to him. He’d learned his lesson about love, especially about loving someone in the spotlight. And Annabelle, with her constant bodyguard, was definitely someone who was used to living in the spotlight—a place where he felt uncomfortable.

“Mr. Landers, you picked an optimal time to visit Mirraccino,” the king said as their dinner dishes were cleared from the table.

How exactly did one make small talk with a king? Grayson swallowed hard. “Please call me Grayson.” When the man nodded, Grayson continued. “If you don’t mind me asking, why is this an optimal time?”

The king turned to Annabelle. “You didn’t tell him about the heritage festival?”
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