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Her Christmas Pregnancy Surprise

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“I’m never going to make it on time,” she said.

“You will if you take a couple of shortcuts I’ve learned.”

She shook her head. “I’ll just get lost. I’m going whatever way my phone app tells me.”

“Trust me. I’ll show you the way.”

“You?” She shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

“Think of it this way. The longer you stand here arguing with me, the later you’ll be.”

Her lips pressed together in a firm line. And unhappiness was written all over her face. “Fine. Let’s go.”

He hadn’t imagined the day taking this most unexpected twist. What would they talk about? On second thought, it was probably best to remain quiet. This was going to be a very interesting ride indeed.

CHAPTER THREE (#u01940be6-8dab-59d7-8953-634e57550859)


The last time she’d been alone with this man, her world had come undone. Pepper kept her gaze focused on the busy roadway. But she couldn’t ignore Simon’s presence. With him next to her, it felt as though the interior of the van had shrunk.

He was so close that she could reach out and touch him—like they’d done after his party to announce the launch of his Pet Playground stores. They’d been hand in hand as Simon drove them back to his place. They’d laughed. They’d talked. The exact opposite of now.

She quietly followed Simon’s instructions as she weaved her way through traffic. Even with Simon’s input, it still wasn’t a quick journey.

And with hustling out the door, she couldn’t help but wonder if she’d turned everything off. She hated rushing. It left room for error and she always strived for perfection, though she never reached it. But she’d grabbed everything for the party and she’d set the alarm.

Still, worry niggled at her.

“What’s the matter?” Simon asked.

“Did I turn off the lights?”

“You did.”

“Did I lock the front door?”

“You did.”

“Did I get everything?”

“Pepper, what’s the matter?”

She sighed. “I just have the feeling I’m forgetting something.”

“I don’t think you have to worry. Everything is under control.”

She hoped he was right.

Other than some instructions on where to turn, silence fell back over the van. It wasn’t a comfortable silence. In place of conversation was a strained void. She should have refused his offer to ride with her. But then she would most definitely be late and that would be very bad, especially if this guest list was anything like his last party.

She couldn’t help glancing around in traffic just to make sure the paparazzi weren’t following them. Thankfully, they weren’t. She glanced over at Simon as he lounged back in his seat, checking messages on his phone.

The silence in the van was deafening. She reached over and turned on the radio. She adjusted the tuner to a station that played nothing but Christmas tunes. Andy Williams’s “Sleigh Ride” was playing. At least it was upbeat, unlike her passenger. She turned it up.

She chanced a quick glance at him. The frown on his face had deepened, marring his handsome face with deep lines. What was up with him? Did he regret offering to ride with her?

“Is something bothering you?” The question popped out of her mouth before her brain had a chance to restrain her tongue.


At the same time, they reached for the radio. Their fingers touched. A tingle pulsed up her arm. She glanced at him. His gaze met hers, making her heart pound.

She yanked her hand away as she turned her attention back to the road. Simon lowered the volume on the radio. She swallowed hard, gripping the steering wheel with both hands as she tried to put a lid on whatever it was that just happened between them.

“That’s better,” Simon said. “Now what did you ask?”

She felt really weird asking him now, but she refused to let on how their contact had unnerved her. “Is something bothering you?”

“You mean besides you being angry at me when it was you who dumped me?”

So they were back to this again. “I didn’t see you minding so much when you were out with that tall blonde the next night.”

“It wasn’t the next night.” His tone was gruff. “It was two weeks later.”

“A day. A week or two. It’s the same difference.”

“Turn left right up here.” He was quiet for a moment. “And it does matter, because it wasn’t the same thing.”

She made the turn. She shouldn’t care, but her curiosity was eating at her. “Why is that?”

“Because that appearance wasn’t a date. It was arranged to draw the paparazzi’s attention from you.”

It wasn’t a date? She caught sight of the serious look in his eyes. Should she believe him? After all, they had looked like a real couple in the photo. “But they said you were both on the rebound.”

“Turn left in a mile onto Willow Lane.” He shifted in his seat so he could look at her. “Since when do you believe what they print online? Remember, those are the same fools that said we were getting married.”

“Like that would ever happen.”

“Exactly.” His tone softened just a bit.

He didn’t have to agree so quickly, like the thought of marrying her would be worse than a death sentence. Maybe it was better if they didn’t talk. In fact, that sounded like a really good idea.

The ride had gone far worse than he’d imagined.

Thankfully, the Christmas party was faring much better.

Simon was certain he was losing his touch with women. That or Pepper was immune to his charms. Rekindling their friendship was never going to happen. The realization was a sobering one.
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