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The Greek Doctor's Secret Son

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That was why she had ended their relationship. She simply couldn’t bear to carry on seeing him, knowing how he really felt about her. It was also the reason why she had decided not to tell him when she had discovered a couple of months later that she was still pregnant, that she must have been carrying twins and had miscarried only one of them. Nico had finished his stint on the exchange programme by then and had left London and moved to Los Angeles to further hone his skills. Although she could have tracked him down if she had wanted to, there hadn’t seemed any point. Nico hadn’t wanted her or their child, and he had made it clear.

He probably still wouldn’t want them now either, Amy thought bitterly. Which meant that she would need to be very careful. Maybe she had coped with having her heart broken but she wouldn’t allow the same thing to happen to Jacob. She took a deep breath. She couldn’t afford to panic, not when she had to make sure that Nico didn’t find out that Jacob was his son!

CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_59bc77e1-56d7-5cfc-95dd-dec227dbfc68)

NICO USED THE ferry’s radio to contact the clinic so an ambulance was waiting when they docked at Constantis’s tiny, picturesque harbour. He supervised the transfer himself, wanting to get the girl back to the clinic as quickly as possible. She was still unconscious and the longer she remained so, the greater the risk that she might not recover.

Once the ambulance was on its way he went to fetch his car, pausing when he saw Amy and the child disembarking. He couldn’t just drive off without speaking to her, could he? Even if they had been total strangers, at the very least he would have to thank her for helping him, and they were a long way from being strangers. Heat poured through his veins as he found himself recalling the time they had spent together in London. Even though it was years ago, he could remember only too clearly how he had felt when they had made love. Amy had touched him in ways that no woman had ever done.

The thought shocked him, unsettled him, made him feel all sorts of things, and that was another first. He had learned to contain his emotions at an early age and preferred to keep his feelings under wraps. To find himself feeling so churned up wasn’t a pleasant experience and he did his best to get a grip. Maybe Amy had aroused feelings he had never experienced before or since but that was all in the past and a lot had happened in the interim. His gaze moved to the boy at her side and his mouth thinned. How old was he? Eight? Nine? Whichever it was, the child was proof that Amy hadn’t wasted any time getting over him.

That thought accompanied him as he made his way over to them. He forced himself to smile even though it wasn’t as easy as it should have been. The realisation that Amy had found someone to replace him so quickly didn’t sit comfortably with him, funnily enough. He found himself recalling her distress when she had suffered that miscarriage and frowned. Had that been a key factor? Had she felt the need to replace not only him but the child she had lost? It made a certain kind of sense and yet he couldn’t quite believe it. Amy had never struck him as the kind of woman who moved from one man to another without a great deal of thought.

‘Thank you for your help,’ he said formally, determined to get back on track. All this soul searching was unsettling and he needed to call a halt. He glanced at the suitcase at her feet. ‘I take it that you are staying on the island?’

‘That’s right. We’re staying at the Hotel Marina, right on the beach. We’re really looking forward to it, aren’t we, Jake?’ She smiled at the child although Nico saw a flash of something that looked almost like fear cross her face.

‘I’m sure you will enjoy it,’ he said politely, wondering what had caused it. He brushed aside the thought, determined that he wasn’t going to be sidetracked. ‘My sister and I spent many happy holidays here with our grandparents when we were children.’

‘Is that why you’re here now?’ she said quickly. ‘For a holiday?’

‘No. I opened a clinic on the island twelve months ago and I live here now.’


‘Yes.’ He shrugged. ‘I’m very fortunate to live and work in such a beautiful place.’

‘You are, although I don’t imagine that was the main reason you set up a clinic here.’ She gave a soft little laugh and Nico felt his skin prickle when he heard the contempt it held. ‘No doubt it’s the ideal place to tap into the lucrative European market. There’s a huge demand for cosmetic surgery procedures from across the whole of Europe, I believe, and travelling to Greece must be a lot quicker than travelling to the USA.’

‘The Ariana Leonides Clinic doesn’t offer cosmetic surgery procedures. Its aim is to provide primary health care for locals and tourists.’ He shrugged when he saw from her expression that he had surprised her. For some reason he couldn’t explain, he knew that he wanted to set matters straight. ‘There’s also a ten-bed hospital unit for minor surgery cases.’

‘I had no idea...’ She broke off and shrugged. ‘It all sounds very different from what I would have expected, but there again it’s been a long time since I saw you, Nico. There’s bound to have been changes in your life.’

‘In yours too,’ he agreed, looking pointedly at the child standing beside her.

‘Indeed.’ She gave him a brief smile but once again he saw that flash of fear cross her face and it intrigued him. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask her what was wrong when she picked up her suitcase. ‘Anyway, I won’t keep you. I’m sure you must be anxious to check how your patient is doing. It was nice to see you again, Nico. Take care.’

With that, she made her way to the taxi rank. There were only three taxis on the island and as luck would have it, there happened to be one free. Nico watched her hand her case to Aristotle, the driver, then usher the boy into the back of the cab. It roared away in a cloud of exhaust fumes, leaving him wishing that he had said something, done something, at least made arrangements for them to meet again. Even though he knew it was crazy, he couldn’t help feeling, well, bereft as he watched the taxi disappear around the headland...

Nico shook his head to rid himself of that foolish notion. Going over to his car, he got in and started the engine. He had everything he needed and wanted. He had made up his mind a long time ago that he would never commit himself to a relationship. He was too much like his father to take that risk. Maybe he had made a lot of changes to his life since his heart attack, but, basically, he was still the same person he had always been. One couldn’t escape one’s genes, after all. No, getting involved with Amy was out of the question even if she had been willing, which he very much doubted.

As for having a family, well, that was another non-starter. To put it bluntly, he refused to subject any child to the kind of upbringing he’d had. That was why he had been so dismayed when Amy had announced that she was pregnant. He had kept thinking about his own childhood, remembering how he had felt growing up as the son of Christos Leonides. Although his father might be revered by the business community even today, few people knew what he was really like.

Christos Leonides was a cold and ruthless man who had always put his business interests first and had cared nothing for his wife and his children. While neither Nico nor his sister, Electra, had been physically mistreated when they were growing up, they still bore the mental scars of their father’s indifference. Their mother had done her best while she’d been alive to compensate for it but it had had a lasting effect on both of them, especially on Nico. Although Electra seemed to have come to terms with the past since she had married and had her own family, Nico had been unable to rid himself of the fear that he would turn out exactly the same as his father.

That was why he had ruled out the idea of having children and why it had been a relief when Amy had miscarried their baby, even though part of him had grieved for their lost child. He had been so shaken when he had realised it too that he had buried his feelings beneath a veneer of disinterest and it didn’t make him feel good to know that he had hurt Amy. Badly. She had suffered one of the worst experiences any woman could go through and he had made it so much worse by pretending that he hadn’t cared.

Nico’s heart was heavy as he set off for the clinic. He didn’t regret many things in his life, but he regretted that.

* * *

Amy finished unpacking and stowed the suitcase in the corner out of the way. Glancing around the small, whitewashed bedroom, she felt some of the tension start to seep out of her. Meeting Nico had been a shock but the upside was that she had got through the experience relatively unscathed. She had often wondered how she would react if they met again, but surprisingly she didn’t feel much different from normal. Although her heart was beating a shade faster than usual, it certainly wasn’t racing, and her breathing was only the tiniest bit laboured. She was functioning perfectly well and if that wasn’t proof that she was over him then she had no idea what was.

‘Can we go to the beach now, Mum?’

Amy glanced round when Jacob came racing into the room. She had allowed him to explore the small hotel where they were staying while she unpacked, although he had been under strict instructions not to leave the building. Now she smiled at him. ‘I can’t see why not. Do you want to put your swimming trunks on? We may as well have a swim while we’re at it.’

‘Yes!’ Jacob punched the air in delight as he ran over to the wardrobe and took out his swimming trunks. Stripping off his clothes, he put them on and raced towards the door.

‘Hold it right there, young man.’ Amy picked up the bottle of sunscreen, ignoring his grimace as she started to apply it to his skin. ‘There’s no point pulling a face. I told you before we came here that you have to use sunscreen before you go outside. The sun is a lot hotter here than it is at home and you don’t want to get burned, do you?’

‘I bet he doesn’t wear sunscreen,’ Jacob muttered, screwing up his face as she applied a layer of cream to his nose.

‘Who doesn’t?’ Amy asked, busily rubbing it in.

‘The man on the ferry, that doctor—Nico, you called him.’ Jacob tilted his head to the side and looked questioningly at her. ‘How come you knew his name, Mum? He knew yours too ’cos he called you Amy, so have you met him before?’

‘I...erm... Yes. But it was a long time ago.’ Amy screwed the top back on the bottle, feeling her hands trembling. She had forgotten how observant Jacob was and she should have realised that he would pick up on something like that.

‘Where did you meet him? I thought you said that you hadn’t been to this island before,’ Jacob continued, making it clear that he didn’t intend to let the subject drop.

‘I haven’t.’ Amy picked up her beach bag, making a great production out of checking that she had everything they needed: towels, sunglasses, water...

‘So you met him somewhere else?’ Jacob persisted. ‘Was it at the hospital? Did he used to work in Dalverston?’

‘Not Dalverston, no. We met in London while I was studying to be a nurse,’ Amy explained, hoping that would satisfy him.

‘London? That’s where you met my daddy, wasn’t it? Does he know him?’ Jacob’s voice was filled with excitement. ‘Maybe he has some photos of my daddy or knows where he lives. Can we ask him, Mum? Please!’

‘Jacob, stop it! Nico—I mean that man—doesn’t know anything about your daddy.’ Amy took a deep breath, struggling to stay calm, but it wasn’t easy. Maybe it wasn’t a total lie; after all Nico had no idea that he was Jacob’s father. Nevertheless, it didn’t make her feel good to have to fudge the truth and she hurriedly changed the subject. ‘Now come along. No more questions. Let’s go and have that swim. Last one in the water is a lazy monkey!’

Jacob responded to the challenge as she had hoped he would, racing out to the terrace that led onto the garden. Amy followed more slowly, needing to get herself together so that he wouldn’t suspect anything was amiss. She sighed. Jacob had become increasingly curious about his father since the other children had started teasing him and it was only to be expected when he knew so little about him. Jacob had never seen a photograph of Nico, never been told anything about his father’s background, and it was all her doing too.

She had blanked out that period in her life because it had been too painful to think about it. However, she couldn’t continue blanking it out, certainly couldn’t refuse to answer Jacob’s questions for ever. At some point she would have to tell him about the man who had fathered him, which was why she had decided to bring him to Constantis. Giving Jacob a sense of his true identity was the first step, she had reasoned, and the rest would follow later. However, she was very aware that things might happen sooner than she had anticipated now that Nico was on the scene. Should she get it all over and done with? she wondered suddenly. Tell Nico who Jacob was and then tell Jacob that Nico was his father?

Amy immediately dismissed the idea. She couldn’t tell Jacob that Nico was his father until she was sure of Nico’s reaction and even then she might have to keep the truth from him. After all, there was no reason to believe that Nico would welcome the news that he had a son, was there? The one thing she wouldn’t risk was Jacob getting hurt if Nico rejected him, as he might very well do.

* * *

‘We’ll keep her here overnight. She may need to be transferred to the mainland tomorrow but it’s too risky to move her at the moment. Can you keep an eye on her, please? She may have recovered consciousness but she’s not out of the woods yet.’

Nico smiled his thanks when Sophia nodded. As acting sister on the hospital unit, Sophia Papadopolous had proved her capabilities more than once. He was planning on making her position permanent and only hoped that she would agree. Sophia had returned to Constantis after a long stint of working in Italy. Although she hadn’t said anything to him, he had heard via the clinic’s redoubtable grapevine that she had returned following the break-up of a relationship. Sophia had been disappointed in love and had come home whereas he had come here for the good of his health. Everyone had their reasons for being on the island, it seemed, even Amy. Had she come here simply for a holiday? Or had there been another reason for her visit? From what she had said, she’d had no idea that he was living here so that couldn’t have been a factor and yet it seemed strange that she should have chosen this island rather than one of the more popular tourist destinations.

He tried to dismiss the unsettling thought as he went to his office and put through a call to the Australian Embassy in Athens. He had found Jane’s passport tucked into the pocket of her haversack and now had her full name and address. He spoke to one of the attachés who promised to contact the girl’s parents. According to her passport, Jane Chivers was eighteen years of age and although legally an adult, Nico guessed that her parents would want to know what had happened to her. In their shoes, he would have done.

Nico frowned as he ended the call. It was the kind of thought that would never have occurred to him before and yet it had appeared, fully fledged, in his mind. Why? Had it anything to do with meeting Amy and her son? Had it somehow triggered a reaction to see the boy and wonder what would have happened if she hadn’t lost their baby? He sensed it was true and it alarmed him. He didn’t want to go down that route. It was pointless. Pointless and strangely upsetting too.

Nico left his office and went to check that there was nothing that needed his attention before he went home. There had been an antenatal clinic that afternoon but Elena Delmartes, one of their most experienced doctors, had dealt with it and there had been no problems. Offering a comprehensive health care package to the islanders had been his aim when he had set up the clinic and he knew that the women appreciated not having to travel to the mainland for their antenatal care. Although most still preferred to have their babies delivered at home by the local midwives, they came to the clinic for their check-ups. It was a system that worked extremely well. According to the latest figures, very few women had missed an appointment at the clinic which certainly hadn’t been the case when they had needed to travel to the mainland. It meant that every baby born on the island had an increased chance of being born healthy.
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