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A Father For Bella

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“Yes, he did. I think it’s been tough for him, but we haven’t talked since the funeral...we hardly spoke then. He’s still angry at me for quitting my job at his firm.” He didn’t want to dump the gory details on his friend, but the truth was that his father had disowned his only son. “I did hear from Melissa.”

“So, she’s still handling your legal affairs?”

“Yeah, she said my dad’s attorney told her that my dad’s getting rid of anything that reminds him of my mother.”

“That must be tough on him.”

“He’s even selling the businesses. The hotels and inns they’d owned together are either for sale or going up for auction.” He paused. He could trust Steve to keep his plan under wraps. “That’s why I’m in Whispering Slopes.”

“Whispering Slopes—the ski resort in the Shenandoah Valley? The Black Bear Inn, wasn’t that your mother’s favorite place?”

He smiled. Steve had always been a good listener. “Yes, it was. My father’s putting it up for auction and I plan to make an offer. I’ve got a healthy nest egg saved, as well as my trust account. Hopefully it will cover the cost. There’s no way I’ll let strangers take over the inn. It meant too much to my mother.” He paused as the ache of losing her bubbled to the surface. “It’s all I have left of her.”

“I understand. Do you think he’s too angry at you for leaving his firm to gift the place to you?”

Joshua slid into the leather club chair next to the fireplace. “Angry isn’t the word for it.” Despite Steve being his best friend, it was tough to admit his own father thought he was a loser. He glanced out the window. The outdoor spotlight exposed a gathering of seven white-tailed deer on the grounds below.

The silence lingered for a couple of seconds. Joshua hadn’t meant to make his friend uncomfortable “It’s all good. I’m going to buy this inn and the surrounding property. My plan is to redevelop it and make it a five-star resort.” Although Faith and her daughter would present a bigger problem than he anticipated, he wasn’t backing down—he couldn’t. “It’s going to be the best resort on the East Coast.”

“I have no doubt it will. But one thing, how will you keep your father from finding out about your plan?”

Joshua straightened his shoulders. “His lawyers will handle everything since he’s out of the country right now. Besides, Melissa will place the bid on my behalf. I’ll be behind the scenes, so she’ll handle everything. Dad will never know who bought it until long after the deal is sealed. By then, there won’t be anything he can do.” At least he hoped there wouldn’t be.

Steve chuckled. “It sounds like you’ve got a good plan.” He paused for a moment. “I’m surprised Melissa is still working as your attorney. After all the years she pined over you, you married Jessica, her best friend. I figured she’d moved on.”

Joshua had never tried to lead Melissa on. They’d known each other since high school and only dated briefly during their junior year. She was a little too high-strung for his taste. Plus, God wasn’t first in her life. “Well, she knows her stuff when it comes to the law.”

Before ending the call, the two friends promised to make an effort to talk more often. Joshua hung up and walked toward the window. It was spitting snow. Jessica never liked the snow. She preferred white sandy beaches and crystal-blue water. His stomach turned as he thought of her. He’d believed he’d known her, especially since they’d dated for three years before they were married. But as soon as she found out he’d quit his job, she’d walked. Right into more money. Five years of marriage and she left me for some rich guy. He mauled his face with his free hand, picturing her on an island in the Caribbean.

He didn’t feel so hungry after all.

* * *

The following morning, after a shower and shave, Joshua donned a black polo shirt and tan slacks before zipping downstairs to the dining room for a quick breakfast. After seeing the snow last night, he couldn’t wait to hit the slopes. He’d had a restless night thinking about Faith’s home on the property. He needed to clear his mind.

He relaxed his shoulders when he stepped inside the dining room and noticed it wasn’t nearly as crowded as last night. He could deal with out-of-town guests, but the locals were more inclined to ask questions.

He strolled through the dining area. Red cedar beams extended along the ceiling. A large stone fireplace in the center of the room emitted an orange glow, providing a warm and cozy focal point. The aroma of sizzling bacon caused his stomach to rumble.

Sliding into the empty table next to the large windows covering the entire back wall, he knew why this had been his mother’s favorite place. The panoramic views of the slopes were incredible. Bringing the outside in was a very nice touch...this was something he’d have to keep in mind during the renovations.

Moments later, a petite woman with hair as white as cotton approached him. With a stubby orange pencil tucked behind her ear, she carried a pot of coffee—just what he needed.

“Well, good morning. Joshua, isn’t it? I’m Mrs. Watson. I’m sorry I missed you at dinner last night.” She wiped her hands down the front of her red-and-white-checked apron and extended her right hand.

After learning Faith lived on the property and thoughts of Jessica, he’d lost his appetite. “I decided to turn in early.”

“Bella told me Faith got you settled into your room.” She flashed a toothy grin. “You certainly impressed our little girl. She went on and on about how you rescued her in the woods as though you were a superhero.”

She sure could talk. Taking advantage of her pause, he stood and shook her hand. “Yes, I’m Joshua. I’m not so sure about the superhero bit, but I’m glad I arrived when I did.”

Mrs. Watson released a heavy sigh. “Amen!”

“I’m anxious to get out on the slopes this morning.”

Mrs. Watson filled his cup to the brim with a piping hot dark-roast blend. “Conditions are excellent this morning. We picked up several inches of snow overnight.”

“I noticed it coming down at a pretty good clip before I went to bed last night.” He glanced toward the lobby and saw Faith dressed in a lemon-lime ski suit.

Mrs. Watson turned and pointed. “Faith’s getting ready to go out with some of the guests, if you’re interested. She organizes all types of outdoor activities for our snow lovers.”

He preferred to ski alone, but since he wasn’t familiar with the slopes, it might be a good idea to go with a group. Plus, it would be a good opportunity to get some valuable information about the resort from Faith. “It sounds like fun. Are you sure she won’t mind another person?” His eyes shifted to the lobby, but she was gone.

“Oh, no, she loves when the guests participate. Why don’t I put in your breakfast order while you go let her know you want to join the group? They’ll be heading out within the hour.”

Joshua smiled. “Perfect.”

“You know, she’s quite the skier. She’s won several big competitions in the state.”

“Really?” He wasn’t too surprised. She had an athletic build, like a runner.

“She’s a great instructor if you’re just learning.”

“I’ve been skiing since I was a boy, so I won’t need lessons.” His stomach grumbled. “Now, about my order—I’ll have a cheese omelet, two slices of toast and some of that delicious-smelling bacon.”

She scribbled on her pad and stuck the pencil behind her ear.

“Faith should be in her office.” She turned and scurried toward the kitchen.

Joshua grabbed his coffee and headed toward the lobby. The young couple he’d seen yesterday when he’d first arrived headed out the front door, each carrying a sled. He liked the idea of the inn offering many outdoor activities for its guests. He’d do the same, but his plans would be on a much grander scale.

Although the door to Faith’s office was open, he gently knocked.

She looked up with a half smile that quickly disappeared.

He gripped his cup with both hands. “I’m sorry to disturb you.”

She rested her pen on the desk and stood. “Don’t be silly—come in.”

He hesitated for a moment before entering her office. Her ski pants swooshed as she crossed the room to meet him halfway. A faint scent of his ex-wife’s favorite cologne tickled his nose. Somehow it smelled different on Faith. Better.

“What can I do for you?”

“Mrs. Watson mentioned you were taking a group out skiing this morning.”

Faith crossed her arms across her chest. “Yes... I am.”

“Do you have room for one more?”
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