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Defiant in the Viking's Bed

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‘Two ships’ crews of his own, my lord, but Thorkill has brought a third.’

The news elicited murmurs of angry disbelief. Leif’s jaw tightened as he assimilated the implications. In that he wasn’t alone.

‘Hakke doesn’t give up, does he?’ said Finn.

Erik frowned. ‘We should have killed the treacherous bastard when we had the chance.’

‘We’ll get another,’ replied Leif. ‘If not we’ll make one. In the meantime, we’re going to be outnumbered five to one.’

‘Unpromising odds. What are we going to do?’

‘We’ve got no choice but to go.’ Leif thought rapidly. ‘We’ll split up though. Steingrim can’t follow without dividing his force.’

Finn nodded. ‘That’ll make it easier to take them on when we’re ready.’

‘We’ll each choose the time and place for that,’ replied Leif, ‘once we’ve recruited extra swords.’

As the implications sank in, the faces around him were expressive of quiet appreciation.

‘I’ll round up my men and head for Alfheimer,’ said Finn. ‘We have friends there.’

‘I’m for Hedemark,’ said Erik. ‘King Sigelac owes us a few favours. It’s time to call them in.’ He shot a look at Leif. ‘You?’

‘My estate in Agder.’

‘Agder? But didn’t you once say you’d never...’

‘I know, but needs must. I’ll find swords enough there.’

‘No doubt.’

‘Send word when you can.’ Leif paused. ‘In the meantime, let’s arm and make ready to depart.’

Leaving the remains of the meal on the table, the men hastened to obey. Finn paused, looking round the hall, taking in every detail from the carved pillars to the smoke-darkened rafters, his expression compounded of anger and resentment. ‘This place was hard won, yet Steingrim will burn it to the ground in one night.’

‘A hall can be rebuilt,’ said Leif, ‘and we’ll live to fight another day.’

‘When we do, I’ll cut Steingrim’s throat myself.’

‘I’ll hold you to that.’

With a short space of time the company was armed and ready to ride. Leif embraced Finn in a bear hug and then did the like to Erik.

‘Go well, Cousin. We’ll meet again soon if the gods so will.’

Erik nodded and clapped him on the back. ‘May Odin smile upon our endeavours.’

He and Finn mounted their horses and, raising a hand in salute, rode away. Leif turned to his shield men. ‘Go and ready the Sea Serpent. Take her round the headland to Gulderfoss. I’ll meet you there.’

His men regarded him in surprise.

‘Where are you going?’ demanded Thorvald.

‘There’s something I have to do first. I won’t be long.’ He looked at the messenger. ‘Ari, you come with me.’

With that he turned his horse’s head and rode away into the darkness. Thorvald stared after him for a moment; then looked at the others.

‘All right. You heard him. Let’s get going.’

* * *

Leif reined to a halt and surveyed the looming shapes of the buildings that made up Jarl Einar’s holding. Most were in darkness save for the great hall illuminated by flaming cressets. Ordinarily he would have expected to hear the sound of carousing from within but tonight the place was unnaturally quiet. He looked at his companion.

‘Find Lady Astrid and tell her to meet me in the usual place.’

Ari looked round furtively. ‘It’s dangerous, my lord. If you’re found here...’

‘This is the last place anyone will be expecting to see me. Besides, the inhabitants are otherwise engaged tonight.’

‘But, my lord...’

‘Do it, and be very discreet if you value your life.’

As the servant rode away in the direction of the buildings, Leif dismounted and tethered his horse to a tree. Then, loosening his sword in its sheath, he took a circular detour and made his way towards the rear of the weaving shed, making use of deep shadow for concealment. The quiet intensified. The place might have been completely deserted. Hakke must have sent every available man to accomplish his mission tonight. Had he gone with them? Had Jarl Einar? Somehow he doubted it, which meant that the two of them were holed up somewhere waiting for Steingrim to report back. Leif smiled grimly. Unwittingly they had just made it easier to get Astrid out. By the time anyone knew what was happening the birds would have flown.

* * *

As Ari briefly reported the success of his mission, Astrid felt intense relief. Hakke’s plan had failed. At most his men would burn an empty hall. Leif and his men would live to fight another day. However, the leaving had other, more immediate, implications. With an effort she controlled her voice.

‘Did Jarl Leif send any message for me?’

‘Aye, my lady. He’s waiting to speak with you now. In the usual place, he said.’

Her heart leapt. He hadn’t abandoned her. He’d kept faith. Handing Ari a small pouch of coin, she dismissed him with her thanks. Then, taking a swift look around to make sure the coast was clear, she hurried towards the weaving shed. She reached it a short time later and stole silently along the wall to the far corner.


The word was scarcely more than a murmur but it did not fail in its effect. A tall figure detached itself from the depths of the shadows.

‘I’m here.’

Pale moonlight gleamed softly on mail byrnie and silver arm rings. The relief at seeing him there was so strong it almost hurt. Mixed up with that was heart-thumping excitement. ‘You did come.’

‘Did you doubt it?’

‘I hoped you would but I didn’t know if it would be possible.’

‘I always keep my promises.’ He paused. ‘Besides, I owe you a debt of gratitude for the timely warning. You took quite a chance.’
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