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Her Holiday Miracle

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As for now … A recklessness seemed to have taken her over. She’d left her job, left the country, put everything behind her. And she’d met a handsome young man on the ferry coming over here—not to mention the fact that now she was sharing a meal with a perfect stranger in the privacy of a secluded cabin. Had she lost her senses? Perhaps she was hell bent on self-destruction. She didn’t want to take anyone down with her, but was she headed that way? Emma would surely put her right.

She shook the thoughts from her mind. Better to think of something completely different. ‘What kind of plantation do you have?’ she asked now. ‘What do you grow there?’

Cade had been watching her, she realised, clearly curious about her introspection, but now he followed her lead and answered readily. ‘Cocoa—everything depends on producing a good crop.’

‘You said it had been run down—why would that happen?’

‘Because of disease in the plants, the weather—hurricane winds, tropical storms—and low prices. A lot of people out here gave up on cocoa and turned to banana-growing instead. It must have seemed like the better option.’

‘But you think you can make a go of it where others have failed?’

He nodded. ‘I’ll certainly have a good try.’ He finished off his chicken and wiped his hands on a paper serviette. ‘That was delicious.’

She inclined her head briefly. ‘Emma’s always been a good cook.’

They talked some more about food in general, and his hopes for the plantation, and then her phone rang, cutting in on their conversation.

‘Perhaps it’s Emma. I should answer it,’ she said quickly.

‘Of course. Please—go ahead.’

She stood up and walked across the kitchen to take the call. It wasn’t Emma, though, and a swift wave of disappointment washed over her.

‘Hi, Becky … it’s William. I’m just checking that you managed to get to your sister’s all right. I was concerned about you. I hated leaving you alone at the harbour.’

‘Oh, hi, William. Yes, I did, thanks. You didn’t need to worry about me. I’m fine.’ Out of the corner of her vision she saw Cade brace himself slightly. His head went back a fraction.

‘That’s good. Listen, I’m coming over to the bay tomorrow evening. Maybe we could go for a drink together?’

‘I’d like that … It depends what my sister’s doing, though. She isn’t here right now.’

‘She could come with us.’

She thought about it. ‘Okay, then. Yes, we could do that. It sounds good. I’ll let you know if anything changes.’

‘Great. I’ll meet you in Selwyn’s Bar at around eight o’clock?’

‘Selwyn’s Bar? Yes. Eight o’clock, then. I’ll look forward to it.’ She was smiling as she said it, and when she cut the call she turned to look at Cade once more. ‘That was your cousin,’ she said unnecessarily. ‘He was just checking to see that I got here all right.’

‘So I gathered.’ He stood up, his features guarded. ‘You’ll be seeing him again, from the sound of things?’

‘Looks like it.’ She sent him a quick, challenging look. He seemed tense. ‘Do you have a problem with that?’

‘Not really … Maybe …’ He shrugged awkwardly. ‘Like I said, I don’t want to see him get hurt. He’s just come out of a bad relationship and he’s vulnerable right now. I know it doesn’t seem that way …’

‘Surely he’s old enough to take care of himself?’

‘You’d think so, wouldn’t you? But some people take a while longer than others.’

‘He seemed fine to me.’ Her green eyes flashed. ‘Anyway, why do you imagine I’m likely to be such a problem for him?’

‘Are you kidding?’ His mouth made a crooked shape as his glance drifted over her. ‘The way you look, I suspect you’d be a problem for a saint,’ he said, with feeling. ‘My cousin stands no chance at all.’

A wave of heat ran through her cheeks. ‘Well, I’m flattered you imagine I have such powers …’

He smiled. ‘I suppose I want you to go easy on him. I sense you just want to have a good time and enjoy your stay here—and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.’ His dark eyes glinted. ‘I’d be only too happy to help you do that. As for William—he’s here for the duration, while you’ll be moving on in a short time. I can’t help thinking that if you and he get together I’ll be left to pick up the pieces again.’

‘I’m sure you and your aunt are being overly concerned … I’ve never thought of myself as a heart-breaker.’ Still, something in her prompted her to say, ‘Anyway, you could always come with us to the bar.’ Even as the words left her lips she wondered what on earth she was thinking. ‘He suggested my sister might want to come along,’ she added, ‘so you could join us and make up a foursome.’

‘I’d like that,’ he said. ‘I’ll look forward to it—I’ll come and pick you up.’ His smoky gaze rested on her once more. ‘It’s a great pity William saw you first,’ he said softly. ‘I’d be more than ready for the challenge.’

She looked at him directly, her green glance unwavering. ‘I’ve said before that we’re just going to be friends … but even if that wasn’t the case I’m not some prize to be won.’

‘Like I said, I have his interests at heart. I won’t stand by and see him hurt.’

She wasn’t sure whether that was a threat or a promise.

He left soon after that, and she watched him drive away. She ought to be feeling relaxed, at peace with herself, but instead she felt a sense of nervous anticipation—a vague worry starting up inside her. What was she doing, getting involved with Cade and his cousin? Hadn’t she been through enough turmoil—and could William really get hurt because of her?

Her mouth made a crooked twist. She doubted Cade was the kind of man who would let that happen. She frowned. Perhaps that was what bothered her. What did he have in mind? Somehow she suspected a man like him would leave nothing to chance. Wasn’t that why he’d been waiting around on the dock after William had left?

CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_26925c04-16ef-5812-8c0a-acc726a15c8f)

‘I WAS SO worried when you didn’t come back here last night.’ Rebecca watched her sister search through the clothes in her wardrobe. ‘Does it happen very often—that you don’t manage to get home?’

‘Sometimes—it depends on the circumstances.’ Emma held up a pale green dress that had an off-the-shoulder neckline and a skater skirt. ‘How about this one? It’ll go beautifully with your eyes.’

‘Oh, that looks great. Thanks. I’ll try it on.’

They were getting ready for their night out at Selwyn’s Bar, and as most of Rebecca’s clothes were still in her suitcase, travelling between airports, she was having to rely on Emma to help her out. Luckily they were of a similar shape and size.

‘So what happened last night?’

‘We had to go to a rural area up in the hills.’ Emma frowned. ‘A couple of people have gone down with headaches and fever, and we’re not quite sure yet what we’re dealing with. We looked after them, made them comfortable, and sent blood samples and so on to the hospital. We shan’t know what’s wrong with them until we get the results back in a couple of days.’

‘So you’ll be going back there?’

Emma nodded. ‘I have to wait for a call from the chief nursing officer. They’ll send a Jeep to take me back to the village.’

The girls finished dressing, and Rebecca added a final touch of blusher to her cheeks just as a rapping noise sounded on the cabin’s front door. Her stomach muscles tensed. That would be Cade, of course. He was a few minutes early and she didn’t feel at all ready for him. She hadn’t had time to compose herself, but she didn’t know why that bothered her. Why was she nervous about meeting up with him again?

‘I’ll get it.’

Her sister left the room and Rebecca took a moment to quickly check her hair in the bedroom mirror. She’d pinned it up for the evening, doing her best to tame the unruly curls, though a few spiralling tendrils had escaped to frame her face. Satisfied that she looked okay, she smoothed down the dress. The silky material skimmed her hips lovingly and fell in soft folds almost to her knees.

Emma was already opening the door, greeting Cade with a cheerful, ‘Hi, there. You must be the man Becky’s been telling me about. Come in.’ There was a pause as he entered the cabin. Then, ‘She says you have a plantation up in the hills?’ Emma said. ‘That is so exciting! I’ve never met an estate owner before—or seen a cocoa plantation.’

‘You should come and visit, then,’ Cade answered cheerfully. ‘I’d love to show you and Rebecca around—you could come tomorrow, if you like?’
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