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His Very Special Bride

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‘Are you sure?’

She nodded. ‘I’m sure.’

‘OK.’ He slowly released her. ‘Why don’t you go on searching for her on this side of the garden while I go and get a torch from the house?’

Sarah hurried to do that, churned up inside because of the delay. Was Emily hiding from her, thinking that it was a game? Was that why she wasn’t answering?

Ben was only gone for a minute or two, but although she had explored every part of that side of the garden while he’d been gone, she was still no nearer finding Emily.

‘We’ll do this area together,’ he murmured, indicating the far side of the garden, ‘and then, if we still haven’t found her, we’ll retrace our steps. I suppose she might have gone to hide behind the summerhouse.’

Some five minutes later they still hadn’t found the little girl, and Sarah was beginning to feel shaky with anxiety. Ben must have sensed that because he put an arm around her, holding her in a way that was strangely comforting, considering that she barely knew him, and that for the most part they had been at loggerheads. Now, though, he was letting her know that he understood what she was going through, and that he was there for her.

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