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A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins, Volume I (of 2)

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What Hippocrates calls ἔλαιον ὑὸς Erotian explains by τὸ ὕειον στέαρ.


Suhm, in the eighth vol. of the Transactions of the Copenhagen Society, where a reference is made, p. 53, respecting the above-mentioned circumstance, to Torfæi Histor. Norveg. pars. i. vi. sect. iii. cap. 2, p. 319.


[That this and other similar chemical phænomena may be of more advantage than as affording merely subjects for speculation to the philosopher, although not immediately applicable to any useful purpose, may be inferred from the valuable application of fulminating mercury, a somewhat similar compound to that under consideration. This, at first, as with fulminating gold at present, was a mere curiosity; it has recently caused the almost complete substitution of percussion for flint locks in fire-arms, which in addition to the greater certainty caused by the increased rapidity of the discharge, œconomises the quantity of powder requisite.

Fulminating mercury is made by dissolving mercury in nitric acid and pouring the solution into warm alcohol. Effervescence ensues. When this has ceased, the mixture is poured upon a filter, and well-washed with water; after draining, the filter is expanded upon plated copper or stone-ware, heated to 212° by steam or hot water. Dr. Ure recommends that the powder be mixed with a solution of mastic in spirits of turpentine, to cause attachment. Its extensive use in making percussion-caps is well-known. It is however a very dangerous substance to experiment with, owing to the readiness with which it explodes, and has caused many very serious accidents.]


Spielmann, Institut. Chem. p. 288.


See Preface of B. N. Petræus to the Works of Valentin, Hamb. 1717, 8vo.


Fr. Basilii Valentini Letztes Testament; Von G. P. Nenter. Strasb. 1712, 8vo, p. 223.


See Bergmann on Pulvis fulminans, in his Opuscula Physica et Chemica, 1780, 8vo, ii. p. 133.


O. Crollii Basilica Chymica. Franc. (1609), 4to, p. 211.


J. Beguini Tyrocinium Chymicum was printed for the first time at Paris, in 1608, 12mo. In the French translation, Les élémens de chymie, revues, expliquez, etc., par J. L. de Roy; Paris, 1626, 8vo, the receipt for making or fulminant may be found p. 314.


Kircheri Magnes. Coloniæ, 1643, 4to, p. 548. The author says that he found the receipt for preparing it in Liber insignis de incendio Vesuvii. That I might know whether this work contained anything respecting the history of aurum fulminans, I inquired after it. Kircher undoubtedly meant Incendio del Monte Vesuvio, di Pietro Castelli; in Roma 1632, 4to: but the directions given there, p. 46, for making oro fulminante, are taken from Crollius. Nothing further is to be found in Kircher’s Mundus Subterraneus.


Hagæ, 1599, fol.


Miller’s Gardener’s Dictionary.


Haller, Histor. Stirpium, i. p. 272, n. 612.


Spectacle de la Nature, ii. p. 49.


Des Blumisten vol. i. Erfurt, 1783, 8vo, p. 5.


[It also occurs wild in the eastern and southern parts of England.]


Clusii Hist. Plant. ii. p. 154.


Ibid. i. p. 128. Dodonæi Pempt. p. 202.


Clusii Hist. Plant. i. p. 130.


Dodonæi Florum Hist. p. 62. Bauhini Hist. Plant. iii. p. 98.


Hist. Plantar. i. p. 157.


Abhandl. der Schwed. Akad. iv.


Hortus Cliffort. p. 135.


Beobacht. v. einigen Blumen, 1769, 8vo.


Barrere, Hist. Nat. de la France Equinoxiale. Traité de la Culture du Nopal, par T. de Menonville, 1787, 8vo.
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