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Eighteenth Century Waifs

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The Chief Justice, C. P. Lord Norbury, fought Fire-eater Fitzgerald and two other gentlemen, and frightened Napper Tandy, and several besides: one hit only.

The judge of the Prerogative Court, Dr. Dingenan, fought one barrister and frightened another on the ground. N.B. – The latter case a curious one.

The Chief Counsel to the Revenue, Henry Deane Grady, fought Counsellor O’Mahon, Counsellor Campbell, and others: all hits.

The Master of the Rolls fought Lord Buckinghamshire, the Chief Secretary, &c.

The provost of the University of Dublin, the Right Hon. Hely Hutchinson, fought Mr. Doyle, Master in Chancery, and some others.

The Chief Justice C. P. Patterson, fought three country gentlemen, one of them with swords, another with guns, and wounded all of them.

The Right Hon. George Ogle (a privy counsellor) fought Barney Coyle, a distiller, because he was a Papist. They fired eight shots, and no hit; but the second broke his own arm.

Thomas Wallace, K.C., fought Mr. O’Gorman, the Catholic Secretary.

Counsellor O’Connell fought the Orange chieftain; fatal to the champion of Protestant ascendency.

The collector of the customs of Dublin, the Hon. Francis Hutchinson, fought the Right Hon. Lord Mountmorris.

Two hundred and twenty-seven memorable and official duels have actually been fought during my grand climacteric.


‘The Female Soldier; or, The Surprising Life and Adventures of Hannah Snell,’ &c. London, 1750.


A farmer of repute.


For a pension.


The action off Cape St. Vincent, when Sir John Jervis, with fifteen sail of the line, attacked and defeated the Spanish fleet, consisting of twenty-seven sail of the line.


‘The case of Mr. John Walter, of London, Merchant.’ London, 1781.


Then in Lombard Street.


Lord North resigned, and Lord Rockingham succeeded as Premier, 1782.


Logotypes – or printing types in which words, etc., were cast, instead of single letters.


The centenary of the Times was improperly celebrated in that paper on the 1st of January, 1885.


i. e., in the liberty or Rules of the Fleet.


A foot-lock or hobble.


From the link-boy’s natural hatred of ‘the Parish Lantern,’ which would deprive him of his livelihood.


In throwing dice a corruption of the French numerals is used, as ace (one), deuce (two), tray (three), &c.


I.e., That sentence of death, owing to his pleading benefit of clergy, or ability to read, was commuted to imprisonment, and branding on the face with a red-hot iron. By degrees, however, the iron got colder, until, at last, it was barely warm.


Mews, or horse-pond.


‘The Humours of the Fleet.’ A Poem, by W. Paget, Comedian, &c. Birmingham.


Where the Fleet Market is now, there was, a few Years since, a Ditch, with a muddy Channel of Water. The Market was built at the Expense of the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, who receive the Rent for it.


The Door-keeper, or he who opens and shuts the Jigg, is call’d the Jigger.


Billiards is a very common game here.

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