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H. G. Wells

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• *The Stolen Bacillus and Other Stories (Macmillan). 1895.

• The Wonderful Visit (Dent). 1895.

• The Island of Dr Moreau (Heinemann). 1896.

• The Wheels of Chance (Dent). 1896.

• *The Plattner Story (Macmillan). 1897.

• The Invisible Man (MacMillan). 1897.

• The War of the Worlds (Heinemann). 1898.

• When the Sleeper Wakes (Nelson). 1899. [Afterwards published (1911) in a revised and altered edition, as "The Sleeper Awakes."]

• *Tales of Space and Time (Macmillan). 1899.

• Love and Mr Lewisham (Macmillan). 1900.

• Certain Personal Matters (Unwin). 1901.

• Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human Life and Thought (Chapman & Hall). 1901.

• The First Men in the Moon (Macmillan). 1901.

• The Discovery of the Future (A Lecture given at the Royal Institute). 1902.

• The Sea Lady—A Tissue of Moonshine. 1902.

• Mankind in the Making (Chapman & Hall). 1903.

• *Twelve Stories and a Dream (Macmillan). 1903.

• The Food of the Gods and How it Came to Earth (Macmillan). 1904.

• A Modern Utopia (Nelson). 1905.

• Kipps—The Story of a Simple Soul (Macmillan). 1905.

• In the Days of the Comet (Macmillan). 1906.

• The Future in America—A Search after Realities (Chapman & Hall). 1906.

• First and Last Things—A Confession of Faith and Rule of Life (Constable). 1907.

• The Misery of Boots (Fabian Tract). 1907.

• Socialism and Marriage (Fabian Tract). 1908.

• New Worlds for Old (Constable). 1908.

• The War in the Air (Bell). 1908.

• Tono-Bungay (Macmillan). 1909.

• Ann Veronica—A Modern Love Story (Unwin). 1909.

• The History of Mr Polly (Nelson). 1910.

• The New Machiavelli (Lane) 1910.

• The Country of the Blind and Other Stories (Nelson). 1911.

• Floor Games (A book about play for children) (Palmer). 1911.

• Socialism and the Great State (A contribution by H.G. Wells. The book is written by fifteen authors) (Harper). 1911.

• Marriage (Macmillan). 1912.

• The Passionate Friends—A Novel (Macmillan). 1913.

• Little Wars (A book about play for children) (Palmer). 1913.

• An Englishman Looks at the World (Cassell). 1914.

• The World Set Free—A Story of Mankind (Macmillan). 1914.

The volumes marked * are collections of short stories, the best of which were republished in "The Country of the Blind," 1911.

NOTE.—Some of these volumes have been published under different titles in the U.S.A. (See American Bibliography.)


• Island of Dr Moreau (Duffield). 1896.

• Invisible Man (Harper). 1898.

• Thirty Strange Stories (Harper). 1898.

• When the Sleeper Wakes [English title, "The Sleeper Awakes."] (Harper). 1899.

• Anticipations (Harper). 1902.

• Discovery of the Future (Smithsonian Institute Washington). 1903.

• Discovery of the Future (Huebsch). 1913.

• Food of the Gods and How it Came to Earth (Scribners). 1904.
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