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Games Traitors Play

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‘Paul?’ Fielding turned to Myers, who was sitting next to him, looking more uncomfortable than usual. ‘Paul Myers has been on attachment with us from Cheltenham’ – a glance at the Chief of GCHQ, who turned away as if Fielding had just thrown up over him – ‘and last night he ran some further tests on the Dhar audio intercept.’

Fielding looked again at Myers, who appeared too nervous to take up the story, biting at what was left of his nails.

‘Some tests,’ Spiro said, not trying to disguise his disdain. ‘In addition to Fort Meade’s thorough spectrographic analysis?’

‘That’s right. And he found a fragment of sound at the end of the second intercept that I think we should all hear.’

Myers stood up and walked over to an audio console beneath the main screen. He had suddenly grown in confidence, evidently more at ease with technology than people. After checking the levels, he half turned towards the room, instinctively crouching down at the height of the console when he saw all the faces.

‘I was looking for something else when I found it,’ he said, to no one in particular. ‘Often the way.’ A nervous laugh, immediately regretted. ‘It’s only a few milliseconds, but I’ve slowed it down so you can hear.’ He pressed a button, and there was silence. Then a deep, distorted, drawn-out call, like a wounded animal’s, filled the room.

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